UPT - Ligjerata 2024 JAVA 9

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Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranës

Fakulteti i Teknologjisë së Informacionit

Sistemet Satelitore
(Komunikimet Satelitore)

Dr. Sc. Shkelzen Cakaj

Prill, 2024
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 1
Sateliti dhe stacioni tokesor

• Struktura e satelitit
• Nensistemet e satelitit
• Struktura e stacionit tokesor
• Nensistemet e stacionit tokesor

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 2

• Communications satellites
• Weather satellites
• Navigation satellites
• Earth observing satellites
• Scientific research satellites
• Military satellites

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 3

Satellite services
• Communications:
– Fixed Satellite Service (FSS)
– Broadcast Satellite Service (BSS)
– Mobile Satellite Service (MSS)
• Land (LMSS), Maritime (MMSS), Aeronautical (AMSS)
• Radionavigation Satellite Service (RNSS)
• Remote Sensing:
– Earth Exploration Satellite Service (EESS)
– Meteorological Satellite Service (MetSat)
• Science: Space Research Service (SRS)
• Others:
– Space Operation Service (SOS)
– Inter-Satellite Service (ISS)
– Amateur Satellite Service
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 4

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 5

The space segment
• Payload • Platform (Bus)
- Repeater - Power supply
- Antenna - Altitude and orbit control
- Propulsion control
- Thermal control
- Telemetry, tracking and
command (TT&C)
• Mission instrument
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 6

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 7

Satellite concept

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 8

Payload and Platform

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 10

The payload architecture
• Fixed payload • Agile payload

▪ Fixed coverage ▪ Reconfigurable coverage

▪ Fixed EIRP & G/T ▪ Variable EIRP & G/T
▪ Fixed frequency plan ▪ Variable frequency plans
(Bandwidth on demand)

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 11


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Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 15

Satellite’s subsystems
• The electrical power supply subsystem
• The attitude and orbit control subsystem
• The propulsion subsystem
• The thermal control subsystem
• The telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C)

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 16

The electrical power supply subsystem
• Generates, stores and distributes a satellite’s electrical DC
• The primary electrical power for operating the electronic
equipment is obtained from solar cells.
• The efficiencies of solar cells typically vary (10-15) %.
• The solar arrays are designed to provide power up to the
designed end of life of the satellite.
• Solar panels are folded during the launch phase and extended
when a satellite is in orbit.
• During eclipse, power is provided by (Ni-Cd) long life

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 17

Solar cells

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 19

The altitude and orbit control
subsystem (AOCS)
• Maintain the position and orientation of a satellite at
any specified orbital location.
• Keep the satellite’s antennas correctly pointed
towards the service area.
• Stabilization techniques
• An active control system maintains the attitude by
the use of active devices in the control loop.
• Sensors are used to estimate the position of the axis
with the respect to the specified reference directions.
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 20
Attitude control system

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 21

The thermal control subsystem
• Large variations in temperature
• Thermal variations occur during the launch of a
satellite and throughout its operational life.
• Maintains the temperature of the various satellites’
vital components within specified limits.
• Radiation mirrors are often used to remove heat from
communication payload.
• Thermal blankets and shields may be used to provide
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 22
The telemetry, tracking and command
(TT&C) subsystem
• Monitor the performance of all satellite subsystems
• Transmit data to the ground station about subsystems
• Support the determination of orbital parameters
• Provide a source of information to ground stations for
• Receive commands from the control ground station

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 23

The propulsion subsystem
• Provides the necessary velocity increments
• Generates the thrust for attitude and orbit
• Low power thrusters (for attitude and orbit
• Medium and high power thrusters (orbit change)
• Hydrazine is commonly used fuel

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 24

Dinamika orbitale
• Dinamika orbitale
• Qellimi 1: Arritja ne orbiten e synuar
• Launching
• Orbit stabilization
• Orbit correction
• Station keeping
• Qellimi2: Mbajta e satelitit ne orbiten e
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 25
Shpejtesia e levizjes

2 1
v    
r a
Injection velocity
2 1
v    
r a

2 2
ra  R, rp  r  v p  
r rR



 2
 v
r r

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 27

Injection velocity
• Shpejtesia e pare kosmike 
 r
- Orbita rrethore v
• Shpejtesia e dyte kosmike 2
 2 r
- Orbita eliptike r
 v
• Ekscentriciteti
• Shpejtesia me le larte ne 2 1 r
 v2  R1
perigee shkakton apogee me te   
larget  v1  1 r

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 28

Modifikimi i parametrave orbital
Injection velocity


Injection velocity at perigee [km/s]



8 7000 7200
7400 7600

Apogee increment step [km]

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 29

Levizja e satelitit
• Correct injection point
• Acquire the desired orbit:
- Ascending angle (line of nodes)
- Specific time
- Longitude of injection point
• Parameters defining the orbit position:
- Right ascension angle
- Inclination
- Shape of the orbit
- True anomaly
• MODIFICATION of parameters (from ground control station)

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 30

• Acquisition of correct
• Appropriate injection time
depending on longitude.

  
cos i  sin l
sin  
cos l  sin i

  f i, l     F ( pozitaelansimit , i )
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 31
• The satellite tends to orbit in
plane with inclination larger cos i  sin AZ cos l
than latitude of injection
For : AZ  90, l  0  i  0
• French Guajana 5.2º» 7º
• Baikonur (Russia) 45.9º» 51º
For : AZ  90, sin AZ 1  i  l

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 32

Fazat e lansimit
• Manevrimet nga stacioni tokesor
• Arritja ne orbiten geostacionare (tjerat jane nenraste)
• Launch
- Velocity vector
- Orbital high
• Launch vehicles
- expandable ELV (Atlas – USA, Proton - Russia)
- reusable RSV (Space shuttle –USA, Buran – Russia)
- Payload: x1000kg
• TRANSFER ORBIT (per: 200-300km, ap: geo)
• Drifting (East west, for 1º=750km), North –west by proper incl.
• FINAL STEP: Correct inclination
• Station keeping-correct orbital parameters-correct antenna pointing
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 33
Zona e lansimit

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 34

Launch vehicle

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 35


Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 36


Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 37

• Two types of launch vehicles.
• Expendable rockets (Ariane of the European Space Agency and Atlas
Centaur of the United States)
• Re-usable (Space Shuttle of the United States and the Buran of Russia)
• Vertical position initially.
• Expendable rockets for communication satellites have three stages.
• The first stage contains the fuel that are needed to lift the satellite and
launch vehicle off the ground at around 50 miles. After all the fuel has
been used up, the first stage is no longer needed and breaks off and falls to
the ground.
• The second stage contains smaller rockets that ignite after the first stage is
finished. The rockets of the second stage have their own fuel tanks. The
second stage is used to send the satellite into space at around 100miles.
Like the first stage, it breaks off after all the fuel has been used up and
burns up in the Earth's atmosphere.
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj
• The upper stage of the launch vehicle is connected to the satellite itself,
which is enclosed in a metal shield, called a “fairing.” The fairing protects
the satellite while it is being launched. The fairing splits apart once the
satellite is above the Earth's atmosphere and burns up in the Earth's
• Once the rocket reaches an altitude near the satellite's orbit height, the
satellite is ejected from the rocket's nose cone and the rocket falls back to
• Once the satellite reaches its desired orbital height, it unfurls its solar
panels and communication antennas, which had been stored away during
the flight.
• The satellite then takes its place in orbit with other satellites and is ready to
provide services.

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 39

Transfer orbit

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 40

Transfer orbit

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 41

Homman transfer

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 42


Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 43

Transfer orbit

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 44


Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 45

Modifikimi i parametrave orbital

• Right ascension of the ascending node D 1 2

  0.58( )2 ( ) cos i
- Perturbation: ra  rp 1 e
• Inclination deviation v  2v sin i / 2 
• Perigee deviation  4  5 sin 2 i   D 
  0.29  2 2  
• Shape of orbit deviation  (1  e )   ra  rp 

- Every orbit tends to become circular

- Radius equal to perigee
- Apogee and perigee distances can be applied by applying thrust

 
v  ra ; atperigee v  rp ; atapogee
v p (ra  rp ) 2
v a (ra  rp ) 2

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 46

Modifikimi i parametrave orbital

v  ra
v p ra  rp 

v  rp
v a ra  rp 

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 47

Stabilizimi and Eklipset
• Attitude control techniques:
- Spin stabilization (cilindrik)
- Three axis body stabilization (small correction forces on reaction wheels)
• Variation in the orbital distance
• Sun transit outrage ( traffic to be shifted)
• Eclipses
- Sun eclipse: The worst case-during equinox, 72min
- Moon eclipse: once in 29 years

Ndikimi i distances orbitale ne peshe g 

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 48

• Sun transmit outrage
• Thermal noise(6000- 10000)K
• Traffic to be shifted

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 49

LEO satellite systems
• LEO orbits from 300km to • Applications
1400km - Earth’s surveillance
- Public communication - Space observations
- Scientific purposes - Mapping
- Circular orbits • Missions
• LEO satellite advantages FedSat etc
- The shortest distance • Ground station performance
- Less time delay - Figure of Merit
- Low cost in construction &
• Environmental aspects
- Rain attenuation
- Intermodulation interference
- Communication duration
Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 50
LEO orbits

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 51

LEO Sun synchronous satellites
• Nodal regression
  K 2 cos i

- Sun synchronization is achieved for

nodal regression of: 0.986 º/day

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 52

Sun synchronized orbits

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 53

Doppler Effect
f  1.54  10 6 f  m
T  24 / m  1

Dr. Shkelzen Cakaj 54

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