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Prof. Dr. Alyson Andrade

10 – 14 DE abril DE 2023
Juazeiro do Norte – CE / Brasil

Referências Fonéticas básicas
RIDE = CARONA, “corrida”
/ raɪd /
/ tekxi / Keb/
/ tekxi / Keb/
Is = é / está
Look = Olhar (Visual)
/ lʊk/
Map = Mapa
/ mæp/
Her = Dela
/ hɚ / / hə /
Phone = Telefone
/foʊn/ /fəʊn/
Turn = Virar, dobrar, vez.
/tɜːn/ /tɝːn/
Turn Left - Right = Virar a esquerda - direita
/left/ /raɪt/
Turning Right Turning Left
Street = Rua
More = Mais
/mɔːr /

O more só é recomendado para adjetivos com mais de 2 sílabas;

para adjetivos com menos de 3 sílabas acrescenta-se – ER ao adjetivo para dar o sentido de ‘mais’.
Ex: Tall (alto) – Taller (mais alto) / Fast (rápido) – Faster (Mais rápido) / Intelligent – More intelligent.
Mile = Milha
For = Para / Por
/ fɔːr /
Need = Precisar / Necessitar
/ niːd /
Say = Dizer
Road = Estrada, Pista, Rodovia
/ roʊd /
Fast = Rápido ( Faster = Mais Rápido )
/fæst/ /fɑːst/
Know = Saber, Conhecer
/nəʊ/ /noʊ/
All = Tudo, todo(s), toda(s)
/ɑːl/ /ɔːl/
Every = todo(s), toda(s), cada
Drive = Dirigir
Drive = Dirigir (Driver – Motorista)
/ˈdraɪ.və r / /-vɚ/
Pay = Pagar , Bancar
Pay = Pagar , Bancar
Right = Certo, Direito, Direita.
Go = Ir, vou vai...
/gəʊ/ /goʊ/
Swim = Nadar...
Shopping = Fazendo compras ...
Am – sou, estou
Is – é , está
Are – São , Estão

River = Rio
Think= Pensar, Achar
/ θɪŋk /
Wrong = Errado
Wrong = Errado
Want = Querer
/wɑːnt /

A menina quer um cachorro

The girl WANTS a dog.
Want = Querer
/wɑːnt /

A menina quer um cachorro

The girl WANTS a dog.
Directions = Direções Norte

/d a ɪˈrek.ʃ ə n/

Oeste Leste

End = Fim, Final
/d a ɪˈrek.ʃ ə n/
Tenha esta lista completa de palavras no caderno.
Valerá visto 2º Bimestre.
Atividade valendo Visto:

Tradução do Texto/ vídeo inteiro

“Taxi Ride”
Inglês e Português no caderno.
1. *(Narrator) Bea is in a taxi. She is looking at the map on her phone!
2. (Bea) - Turn left at the end of the street, please!
3. (Taxi driver) - I don’t need to turn for three more miles.
4. - The directions on my phone say that road is faster!
5. - Excuse me, I know all the roads in this city...
6. - This Phone knows all the roads in every city!
7. - Ha, well, the phone isn’t driving the car. I’m (I am) the driver!
8. - But I’m (I am) paying for the ride, right?
9. - OK! OK!
10. * The driver turns left and stops the car.
11. -We’re (we are) here. Are you going swimming?
12. - No, I’m (I am) going shopping, why?
13. - Because the road stops here, at the river.
14. - Oop! I think my directions are wrong! I’m (I am) so sorry.
15. - Do you want to use my directions? Prof. Alyson Andrade
TAXI RIDE - Questions
1. Where is the scenario of the story?
2. Who are the caracters?
3. Where be wants to go?
4. What’s the problem between Bea and the taxi driver?
5. Who had the reason, who was right and who was wrong?
6. What is the final destination using the Bea’s cell phone map?
7. What’s Bea’s final decision after the location problem?

Prof. Alyson Andrade

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