Diffusion Osmosis - Active Transport

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Diffusion, active transport & osmosis

1. State three factors which will affect the rate of diffusion (1)

2. Describe the difference between a dilute and a concentrated


3. Write a definition for each of the following terms:

a) Diffusion _________________________________________
b) Osmosis _________________________________________
c) Active transport ___________________________________

If the concentration
4. Draw lines to connect the correct ofterm
the solutes
with in the
the solution outside
definition: (3)
Isotonic the cell is higher than the internal concentration.
If the concentration of the solutes in the solution outside
Hypertonic the cell is lower than the internal concentration.
Hypotonic If the concentration of the solutes in the solution outside
the cell is the same as the internal concentration.
5. Describe how active transport differs from both osmosis and

6. State the difference between diffusion and osmosis (2)


7. Explain fully why active transport is so important to plants (3)

Total marks: _____ / 20 Grade: ______ R/A/G: _______
Extra Challenge Task

Option A – Draw a diagram to show how the conditions would

change in the following model cell:

Option B – Draw diagrams of a plant cell in a hypertonic solution,

a hypotonic solution and an isotonic solution to show the effects
these solutions have on the cell.
Diffusion, active transport & osmosis
1. State three factors which will affect the rate of diffusion (1)
Concentration difference between two areas, size of the
particles, temperature

2. Describe the difference between a dilute and a concentrated

solution of sugar
A dilute solution of sugar is one which contains a high
concentration of water but a low concentration of sugar. A
concentrated solution is one which contains a low concentration of
water and a high concentration of sugar.

3. Write a definition for each of the following terms:

a) Diffusion – The spreading out of a gas or a substance in solution
resulting in the net movement of particles from an area of high
concentration to an area of low concentration.
b) Osmosis – The movement of water particles from an area
of high concentration (dilute solution) to an area of low
concentration (concentrated solution) across a semi-permeable
c) Active transport – The movement of particles from an
area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, against a
concentration gradient across a semi permeable membrane.
If the concentration of the solutes in the solution outside
Draw lines to connectthe the
cell iscorrect
higher than
termthe internal
with the concentration.
definition: (3)
If the concentration of the solutes in the solution outside
Hypertonic the cell is lower than the internal concentration.
Hypotonic If the concentration of the solutes in the solution outside
the cell is the same as the internal concentration.
5. Describe how active transport differs from both osmosis and
Active transport is not a passive process like diffusion and osmosis,
active transport involves the transport of substances against a
concentration gradient, whereas diffusion and osmosis moves
substances down a concentration gradient . As this is an active
process it requires energy, unlike the movement of
substances by diffusion or osmosis.
6. State the difference between diffusion and osmosis (2)
Diffusion refers to the movement of any gas particle or any particle in
solution, whereas osmosis refers to the movement of water
particles only. Osmosis refers to the movement of particles across a
semi- permeable membrane, whereas this does not need to be the
case for diffusion.
7. Explain fully why active transport is so important to plants
Active transport is an important process to plants as this is how they
are able to extract mineral ions from the soil. Mineral ions,
such as nitrates, are found in very dilute solutions in the soil. These
solutions are more dilute than the inside of the plant root hair
cell. By using active transport the plant can absorb these minerals
Grading: Itheir concentration
will give work out a gradient.
percentageThese minerals
for the arework
students important for
and award
grades basedgrowth andfollowing
on the general health.
percentage boundaries:

• 80% - 9 R/A/G: If they have achieved their target

• 75% - 8

grade or above they receive a GREEN. If they
70% - 7
• 65% - 6 have received one below their target grade
• 60% - 5 then I award an AMBER. If they achieve more
• 50% - 4 than one grade below their target grade they
• 40% - 3 receive a RED.
• 35% - 2
• 30% - 1

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