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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office I



June 5, 2024, Wednesday @ 1:30 PM via Zoom


Education Program Supervisor in Science
Curriculum & Learning Management Division, DEPED RO1
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

Education Program Supervisor
Kindergarten & Multigrade

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

Education Program Supervisor

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

The activity aims to:

a.) discuss preparations and create agreements relative to
the administration of the admission tests in Science,
Technology and Engineering (STE) Schools, Special Science
in Elementary Schools (SSES), and Schools with Special
Program in Mathematics (SPM) for School Year 2024-2025;
b.) discuss other related matters of concern.

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

Basis for administering the Admission Tests for Incoming Grade 7 STE Entrants and
Grade 1 SSES Entrants
DepEd Order 55, s. 2010 –Policies and Guidelines on Strengthening Science and Mathematics Education at the
Secondary Level (dated May 17, 2010)
It is stipulated in Part C. Participation to the Program under C.1 Admission, page 5, that the selection of
STE qualifiers shall be done in two(2) stages, Stage 1 – Preliminary elimination by the school including the
interview process, and Stage 2 – Written examination from BSE (Bureau of Secondary Education) thru RO.

DepEd Order 57, s. 2011 –Policy Guidelines in the Implementation of the Special Science in Elementary Schools
(SSES) Program (dated July 20, 2011)
It is stipulated in Part 1, Components of the SSES Project, item 2 of 2.2 For the SSES Schools, page 4,
that “Grade 1 aspirants satisfying the criteria shall undergo the final screening consisting of diagnostic test, and
interview which will be administered before the opening of school year”.

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES, and Schools with
SPM for School Year 2024-2025.

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES,
and Schools with SPM for School Year 2024-2025.
1. The Department of Education Regional Office 1 (DepEd RO1) through the Curriculum and
Learning Management Division (CLMD) announces the administration of admission tests in
Science, Technology, and Engineering (STE) schools, Special Science in Elementary Schools
(SSES), and schools with Special Program in Mathematics (SPM) for School Year 2024-2025
from June 1, 2024 to July 19, 2024.
2. The SDOs through the Division Science/Mathematics Supervisors with the Division Testing
Coordinators shall access, download, and reproduce the questionnaires through the link that will
be provided in the Group Chat. The SDOs shall also schedule their admission tests and may tap
non-teaching personnel to serve as Room Examiners or proctors. SDOs shall be accountable and
responsible in safeguarding the integrity of the test materials and of the test results.

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES,
and Schools with SPM for School Year 2024-2025.

3. Eligible test-takers for STE and SPM Programs are Grade 6 pupils whose final
ratings in Science, Mathematics, and English and whose General Average is not
lower than 85.

Meanwhile, the eligible test-takers for the SSES Program are Kindergarten pupils
who passed the initial evaluation conducted by the school based on the provisions
stipulated in DepEd Order No. 57, s. 2011 (Age requirement and results of SReA –
School Readiness Assessment, DO 25, s. 2007).

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES,
and Schools with SPM for School Year 2024-2025.
5. Prior to the conduct of the Stage 2 -Written Examination, the following activities shall be
a.) A short briefing and orientation shall be conducted for the room examiner/s and proctor/s.

b.) The list of short-listed test-takers in the STE and SPM Programs with their Final Grades in
Science, Mathematics and English, results of the preliminary elimination and interview shall be
prepared and to be checked by the Division Science Supervisor with the attached original cards
(Form 138).
The short-listed test-takers in the SSES Program with their total points obtained from the
preliminary elimination and interview results shall be presented and checked also by the Division
Science Supervisor with the attached original cards (ECCD Checklist).

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES,
and Schools with SPM for School Year 2024-2025.
5. Prior to the conduct of the Stage 2 -Written Examination, the following activities shall be
c.) Checking of attendance shall be done to ensure that the number of test-takers
in the testing room should conform with the list of short-listed test-takers.

d.) For STE & SPM, it is suggested that there should be one(1) Room Examiner
and one(1) Proctor in the testing room who are not related to any of the test takers
until the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity.
For SSES, one(1) Room Examiner and five(5) to eight(8) Proctors.

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES,
and Schools with SPM for School Year 2024-2025.
5. Prior to the conduct of the Stage 2 -Written Examination, the following activities shall be
e.) A test taker who came late shall still be accepted to take the test but only the remaining time
allotted for the examination shall be granted. If in case there is an absentee, the concerned room
examiner through the section adviser should determine the condition of the learner if he/she can
still come.

f.) If a learner was not able to take the admission test on the scheduled date due to
sickness/acceptable reason/s, a letter of request shall be prepared by the parent/guardian through
the School Head to be forwarded to the Schools Division Office for the arrangement of another
schedule in taking the admission test.

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES,
and Schools with SPM for School Year 2024-2025.

6. During the Stage 2 -Written Examination, the

integrity of the examination must be ensured.

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

Admission Test for Science, Technology & Engineering (STE) /Special Program in Mathematics (SPM)


“Good day learners (Smile. Be cheerful and energetic). I am _________________________. I am your room
examiner for today in your Admission Test for Grade 7 STE/SPM Special Science/Math Class. With me is your
proctor: Mam ___.
“The purpose of this test is to find out how good you are in three basic subjects (English, Science, and
Mathematics) needed to tackle work in a Special Science/Math Class”.

“This Admission Test for STE Students is a 3 hour test. It is composed of three (3) Parts: Part I (Mathematics
which is 60 items), Part II (Science which is also 60 items), and Part III (English which is also 60 items), a total
of 180 items in all, which are to be completed within 60 minutes or one (1) hour.”

“The three (3) parts follow a similar format. All the items are multiple-choice with four possible answers but
only one of which is correct. You are given a Test Booklet and separate Answer Sheet. Write all your answers
on the Answer Sheet. Do not write or mark anything on the Test Booklet. You will be given a clean sheet of
paper/ bond paper for your computations in Mathematics.”
DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

Admission Test for Science, Technology & Engineering (STE) /Special Program in Mathematics (SPM)


“The general instruction for all parts of the test is to blacken the box of the letter that corresponds to
your answer. For example:
The smallest structural and functional unit of life is:
A. Matter
B. Organ
C. Cell
D. Mole

Note that you blackened letter C since this is the correct answer.
DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

Admission Test for Science, Technology & Engineering (STE) /Special Program in Mathematics (SPM)


“For your answers, you can use lead pencil –Mongol No. 2. In case you make a mistake, erase your
original answer neatly and blacken the box of your new answer. In case you are using a ball pen,
cross out the box extending beyond the lines then blacken the box of your new answer. Always bear
in mind that you are answering an item that corresponds correctly to the answer or item in the
Answer Sheet.”
“You are not allowed to use a calculator at anytime during the test, but you may use another clean
sheet of paper to do calculation problems. You are also allowed to take your snacks while answering
the test. In case you need a necessity of using the Comfort Room (CR), leave your Test Materials in
your seat, call the Proctor and he/she will assist you in going to the CR one at a time.”

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

Admission Test for Science, Technology & Engineering (STE) /Special Program in Mathematics (SPM)


“Ok, may I request the Proctor to distribute the answer sheets, one answer sheet per test taker.”

“May I request each test taker to fill-up your Name and the School Graduated….

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

Admission Test for Science, Technology & Engineering (STE) /Special Program in Mathematics (SPM)


“Ok, may I request the Proctor to distribute the Test Booklets, one Test Booklet per test taker. Do not
open yet the Test Booklet until I told you to do so. Do not begin the test until I tell you to begin. Stop
the test when I tell you to stop. If you are finished with a particular part ahead of the others, it is
always good to review your work.
”If you finished the test earlier, you may go over your answers first before passing your answer
sheet to me and I will allow you to leave the testing room quietly. The proctor will assist you and
channel you to your parent or guardian.”
“Good luck in taking the test”.
“You may now turn the page 1 of your Test Booklet!”
DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025
Admission Test for Special Science in Elementary Schools (SSES)


“Good day pupils (Smile. Be cheerful and energetic). I am _________________________. I am your

room examiner for today in your Admission Test for Grade 1 Special Science Class. With me are
your proctor/s: Mam ___, Mam ____, Mam ____, Mam _____, and Mam ___. (Better if there are five
proctors). They are your proctors who will assist you in your test today.”

“Who among you are good at drawing? Sino sa inyo ang mahilig sa drawing? Raise your hands. Ok,
because your test today is about analysis in drawing patterns. The purpose of this test is to find out
how good you are in analyzing drawing patterns. Your test is good for one(1) hour only. So, be very
good. I know you can do it.”
(If there are English-speaking test-takers, you speak English; if Tagalog-speaking, you translate into Tagalog; if Ilocano-
speaking, you translate into Ilocano).

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025
Admission Test for Special Science in Elementary Schools (SSES)


“But before we go to the test, let us first fill up the necessary information in your answer sheet. Do you have with you now
your Answer Sheet and your Pencil? Ok, let us fill up one by one the needed information using your pencil. (The Room
Examiner will show the Sample Answer Sheet to all the test takers inside the testing room. It is better that the Room
Examiner will do the Board Work following the needed information based on the Answer Sheet. Ok, let us start by writing
your NAME”…
(Show this answer sheet in the board:
(Proctors should assist all the test takers in filling up the needed information until all of them have completed).

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025
Admission Test for Special Science in Elementary Schools (SSES)


“Ok, before the start of the Test Proper, I will give one sample of drawing patterns with 6(six) choices
and I will let you give the number of the best answer.”
(Refer to the sample of drawing patterns below.)
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025
Admission Test for Special Science in Elementary Schools (SSES)


Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025
Admission Test for Special Science in Elementary Schools (SSES)


“In case you make a mistake or you want to change your answer, erase your original answer neatly
and write your new answer using your pencil.”

“Ok, the one who can answer all the test items is very good. (Ang makakasagot lahat ng 60 items ay
mabibigyan ng premyo…).”

(If a test taker has finished the test ahead of time, he/she could leave the testing room. But he/she
should be channeled to his/her parents with the assistance of the proctor.
The proctors shall collect all the Test Booklets and Answer Sheets at the end of the test and submit
them to the Room Examiner.)
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES, and Schools with SPM for School
Year 2024-2025.

After the Stage 2 -Written Examination, the following shall be observed:

a.) The test booklets and answer sheets should be accounted for properly by
the room examiner before allowing the test-takers to leave the testing room.

b.) During the checking of answer sheets, there shall be a team consisting of a
checker, watcher, and encoder.
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES, and Schools with SPM for School
Year 2024-2025.

After the Stage 2 -Written Examination, the following shall be observed:

a.) The test booklets and answer sheets should be accounted for properly by
the room examiner before allowing the test-takers to leave the testing room.

b.) During the checking of answer sheets, there shall be a team consisting of a
checker, watcher, and encoder.
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES, and Schools with SPM for School
Year 2024-2025.

After the Stage 2 -Written Examination,

the following shall be observed:
b.) During the checking of answer sheets,
there shall be a team consisting of a checker,
watcher, and encoder.

The Answer Sheet of STE/ SPM Exam

Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES, and Schools with SPM for School
Year 2024-2025.

After the Stage 2 -Written Examination,

the following shall be observed:
b.) During the checking of answer sheets,
there shall be a team consisting of a checker,
watcher, and encoder.
The Answer Sheet of SSES Exam
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES, and Schools with SPM for School
Year 2024-2025.

After the Stage 2 -Written Examination, the following shall be observed:

c.) The templates 1, 2, 3, and 4 shall be accomplished completely in three (3) sets by the
encoder per STE/SPM/SSES school. The signatories of each template: (Prepared by the
Teacher/Encoder; Reviewed by the School Head and/or Department Head/Coordinator;
Approved by the Division Science Supervisor and/ or Division Testing Coordinator). Each
STE/SPM/SSES school shall submit one set of hard copies placed in a long folder to the
Division Science Supervisor within 1-2 days just after the examination date. The
consolidated result of qualifiers of all STE/SPM/SSES schools shall be submitted to the
CLMD, DepEd RO1 through a given link on or before July 24, 2024.
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES, and Schools with SPM for School
Year 2024-2025.

After the Stage 2 -Written Examination,

the following shall be observed:
c.) The attached templates 1, 2, 3, and 4 shall be
accomplished completely in three (3) sets by the encoder
per STE/SPM/SSES school. The signatories of each
template: (Prepared by the Teacher/Encoder; Reviewed by
the School Head and/or Department Head/Coordinator;
Approved by the Division Science Supervisor and/ or
Division Testing Coordinator). Each STE/SPM/SSES school
shall submit one set of hard copies placed in a long folder to
the Division Science Supervisor within 1-2 days just after the
examination date. The consolidated result of qualifiers of all
STE/SPM/SSES schools shall be submitted to the CLMD,
DepEd RO1 through a given link on or before July 24, 2024.
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES, and Schools with SPM for School
Year 2024-2025.

After the Stage 2 -Written Examination,

the following shall be observed:
c.) The attached templates 1, 2, 3, and 4 shall be
accomplished completely in three (3) sets by the encoder
per STE/SPM/SSES school. The signatories of each
template: (Prepared by the Teacher/Encoder; Reviewed by
the School Head and/or Department Head/Coordinator;
Approved by the Division Science Supervisor and/ or
Division Testing Coordinator). Each STE/SPM/SSES school
shall submit one set of hard copies placed in a long folder to
the Division Science Supervisor within 1-2 days just after the
examination date. The consolidated result of qualifiers of all
STE/SPM/SSES schools shall be submitted to the CLMD,
DepEd RO1 through a given link on or before July 24, 2024.
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES, and Schools with SPM for School
Year 2024-2025.

After the Stage 2 -Written Examination,

the following shall be observed:
d.) Template 3 which is the List of Qualifiers
in the Grade 7 STE/SPM Program or Grade
1 SSES Program should be arranged in
alphabetical order without reflecting the total
scores. A copy of this has to be posted on a
bulletin board or in any conspicuous place in
the school, but not to be posted on
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES, and Schools with SPM for School
Year 2024-2025.

Those who will pass the stage 2 selection process shall

compose the Grade 7 STE/SPM learners with at least two (2)
sections for Type A schools and one (1) section for Type B schools
(maximum of 40 learners per class), and Grade 1 SSES class with
a maximum of 35 learners for SY 2024-2025.
For STE/SPM = maximum of 40 learners
For SSES = maximum of 35 learners
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES, and Schools with SPM for School
Year 2024-2025.

The concerned school has the option to observe the IATF

health and safety protocols in all activities related to the
administration of the admission test.

Schools should inform the public of the schedule/ inclusive

dates for the administration of admission test of incoming STE,
SSES, and SPM learners through whatever modality or platform.
Online Orientation on the Administration of Admission Tests in STE, SSES, and SPM for SY 2024-2025

DepEd Regional Memo 588, s. 2024 –Administration of Admission Tests in STE Schools, SSES, and Schools with SPM for School
Year 2024-2025.

Additional info:
Name of Total Number of Number of Pages
Admission Test Pages (Back to Back)
STE / SPM 36 18
(Grade 7)
SSES (Grade 1) 60 30
Basic Research Proposal


Education Program Supervisor, Science
Curriculum and Learning Management Division

DepEd ReDepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

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