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01 Helmalia Putri

02 Indah Nurul H

Group 1
03 Maharani Surya W

04 Mardhatila

From the Book From book "The 01

Practice of English ESP is the use of English adapted to the needs of specific learners. ESP
"English for differs from EGP (English for General Purposes) in that its primary focus is
Specific Purposes" Language on the results of language use, not just the teaching of the language itself.
by Tom Hutchinson Teaching" by
And Alan Waters Jeremy Harmer:* ESP is English language teaching that focuses on the particular needs and

1 2
desires of a concrete group of learners. This requires a careful
understanding of the objectives of teaching and the methods most
appropriate for achieving them.

4 3

ESP is an approach to teaching English that is focused on the specific

communicative needs of a group of individuals, such as in the fields of
English for English for business, medicine or tourism.
Specific Purposes Academic 04

(ESP) Purposes (EAP) EAP is an approach to teaching English that focuses more on preparing
students for success in academic contexts, such as at universities or higher
education institutions.
F 1. Hutchinson, Tom and Waters, Alan. English for
E Specific Purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press : 29 Jan 1987. 2.
E 2. Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language
N Teaching. Pearson Education : 2018. New
Teacher Training
References : Mahapatra, Santosh Kumar. Teacher Training in ESP: A Historical Review.
Volume 1, Issue 33 (2011).

J. R. Ewer and the Great Beginning

Post-Munby Times: Functional and

Communicative Approaches to Training

The Post-Method Era

Post-World War II
After the end of World War II, the world, driven by
global trade, recognized the need to learn English as
it was considered the accepted international
language. Non-native speakers saw it as a new lingua
franca for cross-cultural communication, business,
and information sharing

Economic Developments
In the 1960s, ESP rapidly developed in response to
global economic advancements, technological
progress, and an increase in the number of foreign
students studying in English-speaking countries. ESP
began to focus on the analysis of scientific and
technical writing, with a special emphasis on semi-
technical or sub-technical vocabulary.
Rhetorical Approach and
Discourse Analysis
ESP started to prioritize the rhetorical functions of
language over its form. ESP's discourse analysis
aimed to answer questions about why and how
sentences were formed and combined in specific
contexts, leading to in-depth text research and

Development of English for

Academic Purposes (EAP)
In the late 1970s, ESP shifted its focus to skill-based specific-purposes-esp/
education. ESP aimed to teach the language learning
process and encouraged students to transfer these
study skills to real-life tasks. This led to the
development of skill-based courses.
Consolidation and Debates

The 1970s and 1980s witnessed the consolidation of

the ESP movement but also brought about several
debates. Debates revolved around whether ESP
Evolution of ESP in the 21st
should be taught through topics beyond students' Century
specialist areas or focus on specific fields. There were
also discussions about the importance of monoskill
Over the last two decades, ESP has seen a dramatic
increase in research. The rise in international studies
conducted outside of the U.S. and U.K., as well as the
Development of Genre emphasis on text or discourse analysis, demonstrates
the growing importance and relevance of ESP. There
Analysis and Rhetorical Moves is now a greater focus on understanding context and
texts within ESP teaching.
In the 1980s, ESP made significant contributions
through genre analysis and rhetorical moves. Genre
analysis helped ESP students understand and
produce texts in accordance with the conventions and
References : English for Specific Purposes:Brief History and
constraints of specific genres. DefinitionsCarolina González RamírezEscuela de Lenguas
ModernasUniversidad de Costa Rica,Revista de Lenguas
Modernas, N° 23, 2015 / 379-386 / ISSN: 1659-1933,sumbernya
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