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1.What is the title of the story?
2.Who is the author?
3.Where did the story originate?
4.Where and when was the author
5.Who are the characters in the
1.Who are the characters in the
story? Describe how Yi Mongyong
met Chunhyang and what came
into his mind after seeing her.
2.What was Wolmae’s dream, and
what incident made her think that
her dream came true?
3.Why can’t Chunhyang and Yi
Mongyong have a formal
marriage? Under what
condition did Wolmae allow Yi
Mongyong to marry her
4.What incident caused the
separation of the two lovers not
long after their marriage? What
were Chunhyang’s parting words
to her husband?
5. Why did the new magistrate
summon Chunhyang?
6.What happened to Yi Mongyong
in Seoul, and what was the nature
of his job?
7.What did Yi Mongyong discover
about Chunhyang and the new
magistrate when he returned to
8. What was Chunhyang’s dream
while in prison, and what does it
mean as interpreted by a blind man?
9.What was the magistrate’s verdict
after Chunhyang strongly rejected
his offer and remained faithful to Yi
10.Why do you think
Chunhyang refused the new
magistrate's offer, even though
it would have spared her from
Direction: On the blank before each
letter, write the order in which each
event should appear to complete the
plot summary of the story Tale of
Ch’unyang. Write 1 for the first, 2
for the second, and so on
2 The young couple was forced to say goodbye because Yi
Mongyong’s father was recalled to the capitol as the newly
appointed King’s cabinet.
4 defiance to the magistrate’s offer led to her
supposed public execution.
6 the name of the King, Yi Mongyong forfeited the
magistrate’s position and banished him to a faraway island.
1 Mongyong, a magistrate’s son, accidentally saw the
beautiful Ch’unhyang, a kisaeng’s daughter, while searching for a
wild flower.
5 Mongyong who became a Royal Secret Inspector saved
Ch’unyang from being executed.
7 The king was surprised by Ch’unyang’s fidelity and
declared that her conduct should be a model for all women.
3 new Namwon magistrate fell for Ch’unyang’s beauty
and offered her to come with him
Dramatist Acrostic Poem Artist
Choose a scene that Write a short Draw a scene
is the most exciting poem expressing that highlights
or memorable part the faithfulness of the best part of
of the story and act Chunhyang. the story.
it out.

Letter Timeline
Write a letter Write the sequence
expressing your of the story using a
love for your future column.
love ones.
Content 40 - 36 pts. 35 - 31 pts. 30 - 21 20 - 11
(40 pts.) Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates some Demonstrates little
thorough good understanding of the understanding of the
understanding of understanding of topic, providing topic, providing
the topic, providing the topic, basic ideas with unclear or inaccurate
insightful and well- providing clear and limited accuracy or ideas
developed ideas relevant ideas with detail
with accurate mostly accurate
information information.

Presentation 30 - 27 pts. 26 - 23 pts. 22-15 pts. 14-8 pts.

(30 pts.) Exceptionally Well-organized and Somewhat Lacks organization
organized, mostly engaging, organized and and engagement,
engaging, and contributing to engaging, but may hindering
effectively understanding of occasionally detract understanding of the
enhances the content. Voice from understanding content. Voiceis
understanding of is clear and mostly of the content. unclear or lacking in
the content. Voice confident Voiceis somewhat confidence.
is clear, confident, clear and confident.
and professional.
Creativity 20 - 18 pts. 17 - 15 pts. 10pts. 9 - 5 pts.
(20 pts.) Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates little
exceptional good creativity in limited creativity in to no creativity in
creativity, their approach, their approach, with their approach,
incorporating incorporating few original ideas relying heavily on
original ideas and some original or perspectives conventional
unique perspectives ideas and evident in the methods without
perspectives. presentation. adding anything new
or engaging.
Behavior & 10 - 9 pts. 8 - 7 pts. 6 - 5 pts. 4 - 3 pts.
Teamwork Student consistently Student generally Student Student demonstrates
(10 pts) demonstrates demonstrates good occasionally poor behavior,
exemplary behavior, demonstrates frequently disrupts
behavior, actively participates in behavior that teamwork, fails to
participates in teamwork, listens disrupts teamwork. listen to others, and
teamwork, listens to to others, and negatively impacts
others, and contributes to the the group
contributes group.
positively to the

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