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Development of Automated Environment Impact Monitoring

for Enterprise Efficiency Improvements in transportation

Oleksandr BOIKO
SI «Institute of Environmental Geochemistry
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»
In the course of the study, an automated system for monitoring the environmental impact of technological processes of
motor transportation enterprises was developed, the main purpose of which is to improve the efficiency of enterprise
management. Using the results of the assessment of the level of environmental safety of motor transportation enterprises and
the vehicles they serve, the most informative criteria have been identified that can compare a large number of possible
schemes for managing the process of maintenance and repair and options for a fleet of vehicles for various purposes in
terms of environmental pollution, waste generation and consumption of operating materials. In the course of the study, a
model of a system for monitoring the main environmental aspects of the activities of a motor transportation enterprise was
formed. On the basis of this model, a software product was created that allows to automate the system of environmental
monitoring of the motor transportation enterprise. This software product is planned to be used as an information platform
to improve the efficiency of enterprise management, as well as to manage projects of greening the production process of
restoring the vehicle's operability.
At present, a large number of different methods are used to assess the quantitative and qualitative
characteristics of monitoring energy and resource consumption, emissions and waste in the technological
processes of vehicle restoration. Conventionally, all existing methods can be divided into determining the
impact of harmful substances (HS) on the atmospheric air (Table 1) and the volume of waste generation (Fig.
Table 1. Classification of methods for estimating HS emissions

Groups of methods Methods

Laboratory and research

Laboratory and instrumentation

Evaluation by smell

Material balance of technological processes


In terms of specific indicators

Methods for estimating the volume of production and consumption waste

Valuation method Method of indexing Calculation Estimation

based on material Assessment method
reference data on the and parametric method based on
and raw material based on specific Experimental
dynamics of product method average waste
balance sheet data waste generation method
consumption generation data

Fig. 1: Methods for estimating the volume of production and consumption waste of MTEs
We developed a methodology for assessing the level of environmental safety of MTEs, which is based on a mathematical
model that allows determining the consumption of fuel and resources, harmful emissions and waste, taking into account
the characteristics of vehicle modes of movement in individual technological cycles, type of vehicle, characteristics of
technological operations, frequency of the main technological impacts during the life cycle of the vehicle. The structure of
the mathematical model for assessing the level of environmental safety of motor vehicle transport is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. The structure of the mathematical model for assessing the environmental
safety of motor transport facilities
To carry out an adequate prognostic assessment of fuel consumption and emissions of HS of a vehicle during
technological movement, a generalized technological driving cycle is proposed (Fig. 3), which provides for
the following modes of operation: engine warm-up; acceleration of the vehicle to the steady-state speed, the
value of which varies within 5....15 km/h; movement of the vehicle at a constant speed on a certain section of
the technological route; deceleration and stopping of the vehicle; engine operation in the mode of minimum
idle speed during a stop at the places of technological operations for maintenance and repair.

Fig. 3. Proposed technological driving cycle for determining fuel consumption and
emissions of HS vehicles
The system of environmental monitoring of the MTEs activities was implemented in the form of the Service Fuel Eco
NTU-HADI-12 software module.
The module is based on a model for determining fuel and resource consumption, harmful emissions and waste,
taking into account the structure of the vehicle fleet, the specifics of vehicle modes of movement in individual
technological cycles, the characteristics of technological operations, and the frequency of major technological
impacts during the vehicle life cycle. An enlarged block diagram of the Service Fuel Eco software module is shown
in Fig. 4. А
Getting the initial GPS data Entering initial data and parameters

Constructive Regulatory Engineering and technical service

Calculating the parameters of Calculation of ITS technological
commercial operation of ITS

Calculation of the Calculation of vehicle Calculation of Calculation of quantitative

probability of a vehicle fleet condition time states and qualitative
being in operation and parameters per day characteristics
in MRO of operation

Calculation of environmental
Diagram of the Calculation of vehicle parameters
vehicle fleet over fleet condition
the period of parameters for the
operation period of operation
Fuel and Emissions of Waste
lubricant harmful
consumption substances

Mileage Calculation of Calculation of

calculation time states labour intensity

Defining the results

Number of maintenance Availability ITS Energy and material consumption;

and repair impacts per rate performance emissions of harmful substances; waste

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the software module "Service Fuel Eco NTU-HADI-12"
Initial information is entered when registering a new vehicle. To register, left-click on any cell in an
empty row and fill in all the cells in the row. At the same time, the dispatcher enters all the requested
information about the vehicle that has been registered on the Internet server (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Start window of the programme when registering a new vehicle unit

- the state registration number of the vehicle (a string consisting of numbers, letters and signs) (Fig. 6);

- Fig. 6. Start window of the software "Service Fuel Eco NTU-HADI-12" when registering a new vehicle unit
- vehicle brand (e.g., Standard);
- type of vehicle (freight, passenger - car, bus) with a breakdown by GVW: pas-senger weight 2.5-5.0
tonnes; passenger weight > 5 tonnes (diesel); cargo weight < 3.5 tonnes; cargo weight 3.5-12.0 tonnes;
cargo weight > 12 tonnes (diesel) (Fig. 7);

Fig. 7. The window for entering information about the vehicle group
- environmental class of the vehicle (EURO-0, EURO-1, EURO-2, EURO-3, EURO-4, EURO-5,
EURO-6) (Fig. 8);- engine displacement, see3 ;

Fig. 8. Window for entering information about the vehicle environmental class
- type of engine (according to the fuel used - petrol, gas, diesel) (Fig. 9);

Fig. 9. Window for entering information about the vehicle engine type
Calculations of fuel and lubricant consumption, which require the dispatcher to select the window in
the main menu: "Calculations of environmental indicators => Costs" (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Window "Calculations of environmental indicators => Costs" Service Fuel Eco NTU-HADI-12
Calculations of emissions of harmful substances, which require the dispatcher to select a window in the
main menu: "Calculations of environmental indicators => Emissions" - Fig. 11.
The information in the Emissions window can be sorted by vehicle registration number and date of

Fig. 12. Window "Environmental indicators calculation => Emissions" Service Fuel Eco NTU-HADI-12 programme

To perform calculations, select a window in the main menu: "Calculations of environmental indicators
=> Waste" - Fig. 13.

Fig. 13. Window "Calculations of environmental indicators => Waste" Service Fuel Eco NTU-HADI-12
Based on the tasks set in the study, a generalised technological cycle of a
vehicle has been proposed, using which typical routes of vehicle movement
have been formed to perform technological types of operations to restore its
performance, which are caused by the current system of maintenance and
The article develops a methodology for assessing the level of environmental
safe-ty of MTE, which is based on a mathematical model for determining fuel
and re-source consumption, harmful emissions and waste, taking into account
the structure of the vehicle fleet, peculiarities of vehicle movement modes in
certain technological cycles, characteristics of technological operations,
frequency of the main technological impacts during the vehicle life cycle.
The article develops a set of criteria for assessing the environmental safety of
MTE facilities, which consists of ten separate criteria for assessing stationary
and mobile sources of harmful impact of an enterprise, determined on the
basis of the analysis of significant environmental aspects of individual
technological processes of vehicle maintenance and repair and grouped into
factors of resource consumption, emissions and waste, and integral criteria,
which forms a single objective function that determines the level of
environmental safety of MTE.
A software module for monitoring the parameters of the technical condition of
a vehicle and certain indicators of environmental safety in the technological
processes of restoring the vehicle's operability has been developed, which
makes it possible to predict the indicators of environmental safety of a vehicle
in its life cycle and of the MTE as a whole. The specified software module can
be used for automated environmental monitoring of the motor transport
enterprise in order to improve the efficiency of enterprise management.
Thank you for your attention!

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