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Unit 1. Test – Vocabulary

1.1. Introduce yourself

1.2. Introduction
1.3. TEST level (Prueba de nivel)
1.1. Introduce yourself
1.1. Introduce yourself

1. Name and age (Nombre y edad)

Hello my name is Diana and I’m

20 years old. (Hola, mi nombre es
Diana y tengo 20 años.)

Good morning, I’m Diana and

I’m 20. (Buenos días, soy Diana y tengo
20 años.)
1.1. Introduce yourself

2. Where am I from?
Where do I live? (¿Dónde

I’m from the south of

Spain. (Soy del Sur de España.
¿Has estado alguna vez allí?)

I live in a town near

Barcelona. (Vivo en un pueblo
cerca de Barcelona)
1.1. Introduce yourself

3. Do I study? Do I work
instead? (¿Trabajo o estudio?)

I’m studying an economics

degree. (Estoy estudiando un grado
de economía)
1.1. Introduce yourself

Please practice introducing

yourself and speaking to the
class. (Por favor practica tu
presentación y habla a la clase)

Please, everyone introduce

yourself with the three
simple sentences. (Por favor,
cada uno presentarse con las tres
frases simples)

The teacher will help you

(El profesor te ayudará)
1.1. Introduce yourself


1. Hello. My name is Jairo Moreno, I am

41 years old.

2. I'm from Tibu – Norte de Santander

3. I am a telecommunications engineer
and professor at the University of
Pamplona and Comfaoriente
1.2. Introduction
1.2. Introduction

Why do you
think it is
important to
learn English?
1.2. Introduction
1.2. Introduction
1.2. Introduction
1.2. Introduction
1.2. Introduction
1.2. Introduction

Why is it necessary to
speak English?

English is the language of our

international communication in
all areas, such as politics,
science, media or art and it is
often the language of
entertainment as well as
socialising. Having a good
command of English helps us to
have more opportunities in life,
first of all, our career.
1.2. Introduction

Why is it necessary to speak English?

1. English is the Language of

International Communication. (53
countries - 400 million people)

2. English is the Language of Business

(Airbus, Daimler-Chrysler, Fast Retailing,
Nokia, Renault, Samsung, SAP, Technicolor,
Microsoft, Amazon and eBay, speaking english
is mandatory)
1.2. Introduction

Why is it necessary to speak


3. Speaking English gives you

Access to a World of
Entertainment (films, books and
music, TV shows)

4. Learning English gives you

Access to more of the Internet
(565 million people use the internet, 52 %
are displayed in the English language.)
1.2. Introduction
1.3. TEST level
1.3. TEST level (Prueba de nivel)

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