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 Subject: Complaint about my stay at the Hôtel de la Plage
 Dear Sir or Madam,
 I am contacting you because we are very disappointed with our stay at the Hôtel de la Plage on the
island of Réunion. In fact, you recommended this hotel to us.
 The room we were given was not clean and overlooked the garbage cans. So there are bad smells
that enter the room as soon as we open the window. I have never seen anything like it!
 This morning, we went to complain and they have now moved us to the fourth floor, and there,
nothing works! The air conditioning is broken and the shower is cold. Additionally, no one can use
the elevator because it is under repair.
 Quite often, there is no one at the reception desk and so it is impossible to talk about these
problems. We cannot do anything about them ourselves.
 As for breakfast, there is neither fruit juice nor cereal, and as a drink, there is only coffee.
 It is clear that this hotel does not deserve its two stars. The price of the room is far too high for the
quality of accommodation offered and it is imperative that you stop recommending this hotel to
your clients.
 Please accept, Sir or Madam, my best regards.
 Mustafa Ahmed
1. What does Mr. Ahmed think about his stay at the Hôtel de la Plage?
He is not happy with his stay. (Il n'est pas content.)
2. How is the first room they were given?
It was not clean and overlooked the garbage cans. (La chambre qu'on nous a donnée n'est pas propre et donne sur les poubelles.)
3. Why are there bad smells in the room?
Because the room overlooks the garbage cans. (Il y a donc de mauvaises odeurs qui entrent dans la chambre dès qu'on ouvre la fenêtre.)
4. What problems do they have in the second room they were offered?
The air conditioning is broken, the shower is cold, and no one can use the elevator because it is under repair. (Ce matin, nous sommes allés nous plaindre et
on nous a maintenant mis au quatrième étage, et là, rien ne marche! La climatisation est en panne et la douche est froide. De plus, personne ne peut utiliser
l'ascenseur car il est en réparations.)
5. What other problem is created by being on the fourth floor?
There is no one at the reception desk very often. (Bien souvent, il n'y a personne à la réception et il est donc impossible de parler de ces problèmes.)
6. What is missing from the breakfast?
There is neither fruit juice nor cereal. (Qu'est-ce qui manque au petit déjeuner?)
7. What does Mr. Ahmed think about the value for money of this hotel?
He thinks the price of the room is far too high for the quality of accommodation offered. (Il est clair que cet hôtel ne mérite pas ses deux étoiles. Le prix de la
chambre est bien trop élevé pour la qualité de logement offerte.)
8. What does Mr. Ahmed suggest to the travel agency?
He suggests that they stop recommending this hotel to their clients. (Que suggère M. Ahmed à l'agence de voyages?)
French Phrase English Translation

déçu du séjour que nous avons passé à l'hôtel plage à la disappointed with the stay we had at the beach hotel in
Réunion Réunion

La chambre n'est pas propre et donne sur les poubelles The room is not clean and overlooks the garbage bins

surplombe overlooks

les odeurs the smells

La climatisation est en panne The air conditioning is broken

réparations repairs

Nous ne pouvons rien y faire nous-mêmes We can't do anything about it ourselves

ne mérite pas ses deux étoiles does not deserve its two stars

beaucoup trop haut much too high

arrêter de conseiller to stop recommending

1.Il n'a vu personne à la réception.
2.Il n'y a que un emplacement de libre.
3.Elle n'a rien pu faire.
4.Ils n'y sont jamais allés.
5.Nous ne voulons plus de cette chambre.
6.Il n'a personne aidé.
7.Il n'y a ni jus de fruits ni céréales.
8.Nous n'avons plus pris le petit déjeuner.

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