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Copyright © 2020 by Nelson Education Ltd. 1


Employee Selection

Copyright © 2020 by Nelson Education Ltd. 2

Learning Outcomes
Explain the objectives of the personnel selection
process, its steps, and why the information
gathered during the process must be reliable
and valid.

Describe the tools used to initially screen

applicants, the types of employment interviews
and methods to administer them, and the post-
screening tools that firms use.

Copyright © 2020 by Nelson Education Ltd. 3

Learning Outcomes
Compare the value of the different types of
employment tests and how their reliability and
validity are assessed.

Explain how firms evaluate the information

they collect on a group of candidates and the
decision strategies they use to select employees.

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Overview of the Selection Process
• The process of choosing individuals who have relevant
qualifications to fill existing or projected job openings

Selection Considerations
• Person-job fit
• Person-organization fit

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Overview of the Selection Process

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Begin with a Job Analysis
Results of a Job Analysis:
• Job description
• Job specifications

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The Selection Process

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Obtaining Reliable and
Valid Information
• Reliability: The degree to which interviews, tests,
and other selection procedures yield comparable data
over time
• Validity: The degree to which a test or selection
procedure measures a person’s attributes

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Initial Screening
• Cover letters and résumés, including name-blind résumés
• Internet checks and phone screening
• Video résumés: short video clips that highlight applicants’
qualifications beyond what they can communicate on
their résumé
• Application forms
• Online applications

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Employment Interviews

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Employment Interviews
Nondirective Interview
• An interview in which the
applicant is allowed the maximum
amount of freedom in determining
the course of the discussion,
while the interviewer carefully
refrains from influencing the
applicant’s remarks

Structured Interview
• An interview in which a set of
standardized questions with an
established set of answers is

Copyright © 2020 by Nelson Education Ltd. 12

Employment Interviews
Situational Interview
• An interview in which an applicant
is given a hypothetical incident
and asked how he or she would
respond to it

Behavioural Description
Interview (BDI)
• An interview in which an applicant
is asked questions about what he
or she did in a given situation

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Employment Interviews
Panel Interview
• An interview in which a
board of interviewers
questions and observes
a single candidate

Sequential Interview
• A format in which a
candidate is interviewed
by multiple people, one
right after another

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Administering Interviews
• Video and phone
• Computer-administered
(automated) interviews

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Guidelines for
Employment Interviewers
• Variables in the employment interview
• Interviewer training
• Employment equity: Are your questions legal?

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Post-Interview Screening
• Reference checks
• Background checks
• Credit checks

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Preemployment Tests
• Job knowledge tests • Polygraph tests
• Work sample tests • Honesty and integrity
• Assessment centre tests tests
• Cognitive ability tests • Physical ability tests
• Biodata tests • Medical examinations
• Personality and interest • Drug testing

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Determining the Validity of Tests
Criterion-Related Validity
• The extent to which a selection tool predicts, or
significantly correlates with, important elements of
work behaviour

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Determining the Validity of Tests
Two Types of Criterion-Related Validity:
• Concurrent: The extent to which test scores (or other
predictor information) match criterion data obtained
at about the same time from current employees

• Predictive: The extent to which applicants’ test

scores match criterion data obtained from those
applicants/employees after they have been on the
job for an indefinite period

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Determining the Validity of Tests
Criterion-Related Validity:
• Regardless of the method used, cross-validation
is essential.
• process in which a test or battery of tests is
administered to a different sample of people (drawn
from the same population) for the purpose of verifying
the results obtained from the original validation study

Copyright © 2020 by Nelson Education Ltd. 21

Determining the Validity of Tests
Content Validity
• The extent to which a selection instrument, such as a
test, adequately samples the knowledge and skills
needed to perform a particular job
Example: typing tests, driver’s license examinations

Construct Validity
• The extent to which a selection tool measures a
theoretical construct or trait

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Reaching a Selection Decision
• Summarizing information about applicants
• Decision-making strategy
• Approaches to decision making

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Reaching a Selection Decision

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Decision-Making Strategy

Approach Subjectivity

Approach Objectivity

Model --Average

Model -- Minimum

Model -- Sequential

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Decision-Making Strategy
Selection Ratio
• The number of applicants compared to the number of
people to be hired

• Example- a ratio of 0.10, means that 10% of the

applicants will be hired.

• A ratio of 0.909 means that 90% of applicants will be


• The smaller the selection ratio, the more the chances

of quality applicants being hired.

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Final Decision
• Selection of applicant
by departmental or
immediate supervisor
to fill vacancy
• Notification of selection
and job offer by the
human resources

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Activity #1:
The Interview
A) Choose a job that is familiar to most students. In teams,
develop a list of questions using one of these three interview
1. The nondirective interview
2. The structured interview
3. The behavioural description interview
B) Conduct a mock interview with two interviewers and one job
candidate. Assign the role of observer to another student, after
which feedback will be provided to the interviewers and job
C) Regroup and discuss lessons learned.

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