Liquid-Liqiud Extraction - DR Priya

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Define the term : Extraction

• Techniques of removing component (solute) from a
solid or liquid by means of a liquid solvent.

• TWO categories….
1. Liquid Liquid Extraction (LLE)
- removes liquid solute using liquid solvent
2. Leaching or solid extraction
- removes solid solute using liquid solvent
What is LLE & Leaching ?
• Liquid extraction: Used to separate two
miscible liquids by the use of solvent which
preferentially dissolves one of them.
Carrier Liquid 1 + Solute Liquid 2 +
Solute Liquid 2 extracting liquid solvent
Miscible Extracting
(soluble) Liquid solvent

• Leaching: Used to dissolve soluble matter

from its mixture with an insoluble solid.
soluble matter +
insoluble solid + soluble matter extracting liquid
Extracting solvent
Liquid solvent

• Involves the separation of the constituents

of a liquid solution (A- carrier solvent; C-
Solute) by contact with another insoluble liquid
((B)-Extracting solvent).

What happens…. if solvent ‘B’ is soluble

in mixture of (A+C) ???
• Feed (A+C) is separated based on their ..
Difference in solubilities in solvent (B).

• Separation is achieved when....

Solute (C) from the original feed solution
(A+C) is transferred to the extracting solvent
LLE involves Ternary system

• Feed : Solution which is to be extracted.

• Feed : ‘Carrier liquid’ A + ‘Solute’ C

• Extracting Solvent (B): Liquid with which

the feed is contacted. Extracting Solvent ‘B’
is a pure liquid.
• During contact, mass transfer of ‘C’ from the feed to the
solvent ‘B’ occurs, with little transfer of ‘A’ to ‘B’. (Only
one of the component will transfer in bulk quantity).

• Extract (E) : ‘Solvent rich phase’ of the operation.

• Raffinate (R): ‘Solvent lean (weak) phase’

[Residual liquid from which solute is removed]
LLE Process
Some Industrial application of LLE
• Extraction of methyl-acrylate – fiber material for carpets
(C4H6O2 ) from organic solution with per-chloro-ethylene
(C2Cl4) solvent

• Extraction of benzyl-alcohol (C7H8O) from a salt solution

with toluene (C7H8) solvent

• Extraction of caprolactam – used for making Nylon – 6

and plastics (C6H11NO) from ammonium sulfate solution
with benzene solvent
• Extraction of acrylic acid (used in water-treatment and
textile industries - C3H4O2) from wastewater with butanol.

• Removing residual alkalis from di-chloro-hydrazo-

benzene (used in producing dye intermediate) with

• Extraction of chloro-acetic acid – used in organic

synthesis (C2H3ClO2) from methyl-chloro-acetate with water
• For separation of constitutents of liquid
– Distillation
– Extraction
Conventional Methods for separation
of Two miscible liquids are…

• Liquid Liquid Extraction

• Distillation
Difference between
Distillation and Extraction
• Constituents of the liquid • Liquid mixture are separated
mixture are separated by by addition of insoluble liquid
application of thermal energy. solvent.
• New phase is created by • New insoluble liquid phase is
addition of heat. created by addition of solvent
to the original mixture.
• Utilize the differences in vapor • Utilize the differences in
pressures of the components solubility of the components to
to effect separation. effect separation.
• Relative volatility is used as a • Selectivity is used as a
measure of degree of measure of degree of
separation. separation.
• Mixing and separation of • Phases are hard to mix and
phases is easy and rapid. harder to separate.

• Gives almost pure products. • Does not give pure product

and needs further
• Does not offer more flexibility
in choice of operating
conditions. • Requires mechanical energy
for mixing and separation.
• Needs heating and cooling
provisions. • Does not need heating and
cooling provisions.
• Primary choice for separation
of components of liquid • Secondary choice for

mixture. separation of components of

liquid mixture.
LLE : Field of Application

In following cases, LLE is attractive &

preferred than Distillation.
1. Very dilute solutions:
Very large amount of latent heats (2257 kJ/kg)
are required in the case with very dilute
solutions, where water must be vaporized.
[Latent heats of organic liquids are
substantially lower than that of water]
Case Study
Calculate Amount of heat required
• Basis: 1 kg of acetic acid –water solution
Latent Heat of water : 2257 kJ/kg
Boling point of water = 100 oC
Boling point of Acetic Acid = 118 oC
Case – I 20% Acetic Acid and 80% water (by weight)
(Dilute Solution)
Ans : ????
Case – II 80% Acetic Acid and 20% water (by weight)
(Concentrated Solution)
Ans :????
(Use Q = mass of water x latent heat of water)
Case Study
Calculate Amount of latent heat
• Case – I Ans : 1805.6 kJ (most water)

• Case – II Ans : 451.4 kJ (most AA)

• For seperation of solute from dilute solution

(Case-I), LLE is attractive & preferred than
2. Azeotrope / Close boiling mixtures:
Dealing with liquid mixture forming
azeotrope / close boiling mixtures.

3. Thermally unstable / heat sensitive:

Separation dealing with substances that are
thermally unstable / heat sensitive, separation
by distillation is expensive, ineffective and
Separation of products with similar volatilities

•Acetic Acid /Water

•Aliphatic /Aromatic Compounds

Separation of products forming azeotropes

Aqueous systems
• Tetrathydrofuran/Water
• Pyridin/Water
• Formic Acid /Water

Organic systems
• Alkylchlorides/Alcohols as Dichloromethane/Ethanol
• Ethylacetate/Ethanol
Separation of temperature sensitive products

Food, pharmaceutical and green chemistry bio-molcules as:

• Vitamins
• Penicilin
• Flavors and fragrances

Chemical Industries:
• Certains aldehydes and organic acids
For Examples…
1. Separation of acetic acid (AA) from dilute solution
with water is more economically carried out by LLE
followed by distillation than distillation alone
because of high latent of vaporization of water.

2. Long chain fatty acids having very high boiling points

can be removed from vegetable oils economically by
extraction with liquid propane than high vacuum
distillation techniques.
3. Separation of petroleum products that have
about same boiling range. Separation of
aromatics from the lube oil fractions using
furfural as a solvent.

4. Pharmaceutical products e.g. Separation of

penicillin from fermentation mixtures.
The several criteria are…..

1. Distribution Coefficient (D.C.)

• At equilibrium condition, ratio of the concentration of
solute in the extract (y*) and raffinate (x) phases is called

• Gives a measure of the affinity of the solute for the two


• Higher values (> 1) of D.C. desirable as less solvents will

be required for given extraction duty.
2. Selectivity (Separation Factor- β)
• Ratio of concentration ratio of solute (C) to feed solvent (A)
in extract phase to that in raffinate phase is called selectivity
or separation factor (β).

β = [wt. fr of C/ wt. fr of A]E

[wt. fr of C / wt. fr of A]R

• For all useful extraction operation the selectivity must

exceed unity (greater than 1).
• If the selectivity is unity, no separation is possible.
3. Insolubility of Solvent
• Solvent should have low solubility in the feed
solution, otherwise the separation is not

• If there is significant solubility of solvent in the

raffinate stream, an additional separation step
is required to recover the solvent.
4. Recoverability
• Necessary to recover the solvent for reuse.

• If distillation is to be used, the solvent should

not form azeotrope with the extracted solute
and mixtures should show high relative

• The solvent should also be thermally-stable

under the distillation temperature.
5. Density

• A large difference in density between extract

and raffinate phases permits high capacities in
6. Chemical Reactivity

• The solvent should be chemically stable and inert toward

the other components of the system and toward the
common MOC.

7. Viscosity, Vapour Pressure, Freezing Point

• Should be low for ease in handling and storage.

for example, a high viscosity leads to difficulties with

pumping , dispersion and mass-transfer rate.
8. Availability and Cost

• The solvent should be cheap and easily

9. Other Criteria
• Toxicity and flammability.. occupational
health and safety considerations.

• Corrosivity ….materials of construction.

Principles of Liquid-Liquid Equilibria
• Extraction involves the use of systems composed
of at least 3 substances.

• Generally all 3 components appear at least to

some extent in both phases.

• The graphical way to represent concentrations

in ternary system is the
Equilateral-Triangular Coordinates.
Equilateral-Triangular Coordinates

Direction for “C”

Direction for “A”

Direction for “B”
Characteristics of Equilateral-Triangular

• Apex : Each Apex of the triangle represent one

of the pure components.

• Side : Each side of the triangle represent a

mixture of 2 components
(eg. point ‘D’ is a binary mixture containing
80% A and 20% B)
• Perpendicular distance from any point such as ‘K’ to the base
AB represents the % of C in the mixture at ‘K’, the distance to
the base AC the % of B, and that to the base CB the % of A.
How to find-out mixture point when
concentrations are given ?????
Find out mixture point for 10%A, 10%B and 80%C
System of Three Liquids

• Three Liquids : A,B,C

• Possible Three Pairs : [A-B], [B-C], [A-C]

Two Types of Extraction System

1. One Pair Partially Soluble

2. Two Pair Partially Soluble
One pair partially Soluble System

• System consisting of THREE components

A, B and C…. [A-B, B-C, A-C]
– Pair [A-B] dissolve only to a limited extent in
each other (partially soluble).

– Pair [A-C] & [B-C] completely soluble.

One Pair Partially Soluble System

Examples of One Pair Partially Soluble systems

A - Water; B - Chloroform; C - Acetone

A - Benzene; B - Water; C - Acetic Acid

Triangular Coordinates (Isotherms-
Diagrams at constant temperature)
• Carrier Solvent (A) : Lower left-hand apex
• Solute component (C) : Upper apex
• Extracting Solvent (B) : Lower right-hand apex
• Line LK: 2-phase region
• Point L & K : Binary solution of A and B will separate
into saturated liquids at L (A-rich) and K (B-rich)
• Binodal Solubility Curve [Curve LRPEK] : In presence of
a third component C, the solubility curve LRPEK
• Homogeneous Mixture : Any mixture outside of the curve
will be a homogeneous mixture of one liquid phase.

• Lines LRP and PEK : Consists of two solubility envelopes,

lines LRP and PEK.
– Raffinate phase (left of point P, line LRP)
– Extract phase (right of point P, line PEK)
• Tie lines: Straight lines (RME) can be drawn across the
immiscible region to connect points on the solubility envelopes.
These two points represent equilibrium-phase compositions.

• Plait Point P: Intersection of the raffinate-phase and extract-

phase boundary curves is called Plait Point P. This point
represents ternary homogeneous liquid mixture.
• Solutropic System: In ternary system, if one
tie line is horizontal…. such system is
called Solutropic system.
System of Three liquids- One pair
partially Soluble (Ref. fig. 10.3)
Transfer Data from equilibrium curve
to Equilateral triangle

[Follow lines….R, B ,G, …….P]

Effect of Temperature (t1< t2 < t3)

As temperature increases…………
Mutual solubility increases and & Area of
heterogeneity decreases

t1< t 2 < t 3
Two pairs partially Soluble

• System with 3 components A, B and C

– Pair [A-C] completely soluble.

– Pair [A-B] & [B-C] showed only limited

solubility (partially soluble).
Two Pair Partially Soluble System

Example of two Pair Partially Soluble system

A - Chlorobenzene
B - Water
C - Methyl Ethyl ketone
Two Pair Partially Soluble System
Two Pair Partially Soluble System
Effects of Temperature on Ternary
Equilibria (t1< t4)

Increased temperature usually increases the mutual

Two pair partially soluble systems becomes one pair
partially soluble system.
LLE Operations
• LLE operations may be carried out by
(1) Stage wise equipment (single stage or
multi stage)
– Co-current
– Counter current
– Cross current

(2) Continuous Contact Equipment

Co-current Operation
Counter current Operation
Cross current Operation
Which is the most efficient single stage
operation ?

– Co-current
– Counter current
– Cross current
• There is nothing like co-current,
counter-current and cross-
current contact for single stage

• It only matters in multistage operation.

Single Stage Operation

Ternary system with one pair partially

Single Stage Operation

Ternary system with one pair partially

• F : Mass of the feed solution (for batch ) or Mass per unit
time of feed solution (for continuous ) containing solute C
and feed solvent A with xF mass or weight fraction of C is
fed to a single stage .

• Feed solution contacted with mass S1 or mass per unit time

of a solvent containing with yS weight fraction of C.

• If solvent is pure, yS = 0.

• After contacting and phase separation, we get the

equilibrium raffinate R1 and extract E1.
• x1 : wt. fr. of C in raffinate

• y1 : wt. fr. of C in the extract

• Effluent streams leave the stage in equilibrium values.

• With addition of solvent to the feed solution produces a

mixture M1 which on settling splits into two equilibrium
phases, namely E1 and R1.

• These two phases are joined by a tie line passing

through M1.
Total Material Balance
• F + S 1 = M 1 = E 1 + R1
• F & S1 (line FS1) and E1 & R1 (line E1R1) points
passing through point ‘M1’.

B is not pure
Material Balance of Solute C
FxF + S1ys = M1 xM1

We know that : F + S1 = M1 = E1 + R1

Eliminate M1 from equation….FxF + S1ys = M1 xM1

FxF + S1ys = (F+S1) xM1

= F xM1 + S1 xM1

S1ys - S1 xM1 = F xM1 – FxF

S1[ys - xM1] = F [xM1 – xF]

S1 / F = [xF-xM1] / [xM1-ys]… Equation for solvent to feed ratio.

Quantity of Extract and Raffinate

FxF + S1ys = (F+S1) xM1

Rearranging above equation, we get…..
xM1 = (FxF + S1ys) / (F+S1)

Material balance of C yields……

FxF + S1ys = M1 xM1 = E1y1+ R1x1

M1 xM1 = E1y1 + (M1- E1)x1 { as M1 = E1 + R1}

M1 xM1 = E1y1 + M1x1- E1x1

M1 (xM1 - x1 ) = E1(y1 -x1)

E1 = M1 (xM1 - x1 ) / (y1 -x1) & R1 = M1-E1

Multi-Stage Cross Current LLE
Multi-Stage Cross Current LLE
• Simply the extension of single stage
• Performed in batch or continuous manner.
• Raffinate from any stage act as a feed of next
• Raffinate moves from stage to stage… it is
contacted with fresh solvent each time.
• Single final raffinate
• Separate extract from each stage and the
extracts from all the stages can be combined
to get the composite extract (E).
Material balance For stage 1
Overall M.B : F + S1 = M1= E1+ R1

M.B. of solute C : FxF + S1ys = M1xM1 = E1y1 +R1x1

FxF + S1ys = (F+ S1) xM1

S1 / F = (xF – xM1) / (xM1 – ys)

xM1 = (FxF + S1ys) / M1

M1xM1 = E1y1+ R1x1

M1xM1 = E1y1 + (M1-E1)x1

E1 = M1(xM1-x1) / (y1 –x1)

Material Balance For stage 2
• Overall M.B: R1 + S2 = M2 = E2 + R2

• M.B. of solute C: R1x1+ S2ys = M2 xM2 = E2 y2 + R2x2

• R1x1+ S2ys = M2 xM2 = (R1 + S2) xM2

• S2/R1 = (x1- xM2) / (xM2 -ys)

• xM2 = (R1x1+ S2ys)/ M2

• xM2 = (R1x1+ S2ys)/ (R1 + S2)

• M2 xM2 = E2 y2 + R2x2

• M2 xM2 = E2 y2 + ( M2 - E2 ) x2

• E2 = M2 (xM2 - x2 ) / (y2 - x2)

On the same line we can write
equation for nth stage as…

Overall M.B: Rn-1 +Sn = Mn = En +Rn

M.B. of solute C :
Rn-1 xn-1 + Snys = MnxMn = Enyn + Rnxn

Sn / Rn-1 = (xn-1-xMn) / (xMn - ys)

xMn = (Rn-1 xn-1+ Snys ) / (Rn-1 + Sn)

En = Mn(xMn - xn) /(yn - xn)

• Solute in composite extracte =
E1y1 + E2y2 +…….+ En yn

• Composite extract = E1+ E2 +…… En

Graphical representation of multi stage
cross current extraction on triangular

If 100 kg of a solution of acetic acid (C) and water (A)

containing 30 % acid is to be extracted three times with
isopropyl ether (B) at 20oC, using 40 kg of solvent in
each stage, determine the quantities and compositions
of the various streams. How much solvent would be
required if the same final raffinate concentration were
to be obtained with one stage?
Equilibrium Data
Water Layer (Raffinate) Isopropyl Ether Layer (Extract)
wt fr of Acetic wt fraction B wt fr of Acetic wt fraction B
Acid (x) [2] Acid (y) [4]
[1] [3]
0.0069 0.012 0.0018 0.993
0.0141 0.015 0.0037 0.989
0.0289 0.016 0.0079 0.984
0.0642 0.019 0.0193 0.971
0.1330 0.023 0.0482 0.933
0.2550 0.034 0.1140 0.847
0.3670 0.044 0.2160 0.715
0.4430 0.106 0.3110 0.581
0.4640 0.165 0.3620 0.487
Plot graphs
i. Wt fraction of Acetic acid in raffinate (x) vs wt.
fraction of B [1 and 2]

ii. Wt fraction of Acetic acid in extract (y)

vs wt. fraction of B [3 and 4]

iii. Wt fraction of Acetic acid in extract(y) vs Wt

fraction of Acetic acid in raffinate [3
and 1]
acetic acid Equilibrium Curves
x,y wr fr of

0.05 0.05
0.1 wt fr of iso propyl x 0.05
ether (B)

Stage : 1
• F=
• xF =

• ys =

• S1 =

• M1 = F + S1

• xM1 = (FxF + S1ys) / M1


• F = 100 kg
• xF = 0.30

• ys = 0 [Fresh Solvent used]

• S1 = 40 kg

• M1 = 140 kg

• xM1 = 0.214
• Draw feed line FB.

• Using value of xM1, Point M1 is located on line FB.

• With the help of a distribution curve, the tie line passing

through M1 is located.

• Find x1 & y1

• From equation ……

E1 = M1(xM1-x1) / (y1 –x1) & R1 = M1 – E1

Calculate E1 & R1.
Equilibrium Curves



B x1
Verify your Answers….

• x1 = 0.258
• y1 = 0.117

• E1 = 43.6 kg

• R1 = 96.4 kg

Stage : 2
• F = R1

• S2 =

• M2 = R1 + S2
• x1 =

• ys =

• xM2 = (R1x1+ S2ys)/ (R1 + S2)


Stage : 2
• F = R1 = 96.4 kg

• S2 = 40 kg

• M2 = R1 + S2 = 136.4 kg
• x1 = 0.258

• ys = 0

• xM2 = (R1x1+ S2ys)/(R1 + S2) = 0.1822

Equilibrium Curves

R1 M1
M2 E1

B x1
• Point M2 is located on line R1B.

• With the help of a distribution curve, tie line R2E2

passing through M2 is located.

• Find x2 & y2

• From equation ……

E2 = M2(xM2-x2) / (y2 –x2) & R2 = M2 – E2

Calculate E2 & R2.
Verify your Answers….

• x2 = 0.227
• y2 = 0.095

• E2 = 46.3 kg

• R2 = 90.1 kg

Stage : 3
• F = R2

• S3 =

• M3 = R2 + S3
• x2 =

• ys =

• xM3 = (R2x2+ S3ys)/ (R2 + S3)


Stage : 3
• F = R2 = 90.1 kg

• S3 = 40 kg

• M3 = R2 + S3 = 130.1 kg
• x2 = 0.227
• ys = 0

• xM3 = (R2x2+ S3ys)/ (R2 + S3) = 0.1572

• Point M3 is located on line R2B.

• With the help of a distribution curve, tie line R3E3

passing through M3 is located.

• Find x3 & y3

• From equation ……

E3 = M3(xM3-x3) / (y3 –x3) & R3 = M3 – E3

Calculate E3 & R3.
Verify your Answers….

• x3 = 0.20
• y3 = 0.078

• E3 = 45.7 kg

• R3 = 84.4 kg

• Acid content of the final raffinate : R3x3

• Composite Extract : E1+ E2 + E3

• Acid content in Composite Extract =
E 1y 1 + E 2y 2 + E 3y 3
Verify your Answers….

• Acid content of the final raffinate : 16.88 kg

• Composite Extract : 135.6 kg
• Acid content in Composite Extract =13.12 kg
• If extraction to give the same final
raffinate concentration, x3 = 0.20, were to
be done in one stage……
the point M would be at the intersection of
tie line R3E3 and line FS at xM = 0.12
Point M

• The solvent required would then be
calculated using equation
S= F [xF-xM] / [xM-ys]

• Compare solvent required in both the cases.

(1) Solvent required in three stage: ____ kg
(2) Solvent required in one step : _____ kg
Compare solvent required in both
the cases.

(1) Solvent required in three stage: 120 kg

(2) Solvent required in one step : 150 kg
Try This Example
A 2000 kg batch of pyridine water solution
containing 50% pyridine (weight) is to be
extracted with an equal weight of pure
chlorobenzene. The raffinate from the first
extraction is to be re-extracted with a weight of
solvent equal to the raffinate weight (S2 = R1)
and so on. Determine theoretical stages
required and total solvent required to reduce the
pyridine concentration 2%.
For system of water (A), chlorobenzene (B), and
pyridine (C) at 250C the equilibrium tie-line data in
weight percent are:
Solvent Rich Phase Waster Rich Phase
Pyridine Chlorobenzene Water Pyridine Chlorobenzene Water
(yc) (yB) (yA) (xc) (xB) (xA)
0 99.95 0.05 0 0.08 99.92
11.05 88.28 0.67 5.02 0.16 94.82
18.95 79.90 1.15 11.05 0.24 88.71
24.10 74.28 1.62 18.90 0.38 80.72
28.60 69.15 2.25 25.50 0.58 73.92
31.55 65.58 2.87 36.10 1.85 62.05
35.05 61.00 3.95 44.95 4.18 50.87
40.60 53.00 6.40 53.20 8.90 37.90
49.0 37.80 13.2 49.0 37.8 13.2
Basis: 2000 kg of pyridine-water solution
F = 2000 kg
xF = 0.5 ; xn = 0.02

ys = 0

S1 = 2000 kg

M1 = F + S 1

xM1 = (FxF + S1ys) / M1 = 0.25

Stage- 1

• x1 = 0.22
• y1 = 0.26

• E1 = 3000 kg

• R1 = 1000 kg
Stage- 2
F = R1 = 1000 kg

S2 = R1 = 1000 kg

M2 = R1 + S2
x1 = 0.22 ; ys = 0
xM2 = (R1x1+ S2ys)/ (R1 + S2) = 0.11

x2 = 0.07
y2 = 0.14
E2 = 1143 kg

R2 = 857 kg
Stage- 3

• F = R2 = 857 kg

• S3 = R2 = 857 kg

• M3 = R2 + S3

• xM3 = 0.035
• x3 = 0.02
• y3 = 0.05
• Total Solvent required = S1+ S2+ S3
= 2000+1000+857
= 3857 kg
Continuous Countercurrent Multistage
Three stage counter current Extraction
Batch Simulation of
countercurrent cascade
Material Balance
∆R …..Difference point

(Net flow outward from last and first stage)

Continuous Countercurrent Multistage
Try This Example
A pyridine-water solution containing 50%
pyridine is to be continuously and counter-
currently extracted at the rate of 2.25 kg/s with
chlorobenzene to reduce the pyridine
concentration to 2% in final raffinate. Using
rectangular coordonates plot y v/s x and x,y v/s
wt fraction of chlorobenzene. Determine the
number of theoretical stages required if 2.3 kg/s
of solvent is used.
For system of water (A), chlorobenzene (B), and
pyridine (C) at 250C the equilibrium tie-line data in
weight percent are:
Basis : 2.25 kg/s of pyridine-water solution
xf = 0.50 ; xn = 0.02

M = F + S = 2.25 + 2.3 = 4.55 kg/s

Fxf + Sys =Mxm

2.25 (0.5) + 2.3 (0) = 4.55xm

xm = 0.247
• Mark point M on FS line at xm = 0.247

• Locate Rn on binodal solubility curve

corresponding to 2% pyridine.

• Join RnM and project it on binodal

solubility curve to get point E1.

• Join FE1, RnS and project these lines to

meet at ∆R.
• From E1 point, take projection on Equilibrium curve.
• From point on diagonal line, take projection on
extreme left hand side and locate point R1.

• Join points R1 and ∆R and get point E2 on binodal

solubility curve..
• From E2 take projection on Equilibrium
• Repeat this procedure till Rn point.
• Determine number of stages.
Equipments used for

Liquid – Liquid Extraction

Discuss following LLE equipments in
detail with schematic diagram

1. Mixer-Settler Cascade
2. Sieve Tray Extraction Tower
3. Packed Extraction Tower
4. Rotating Disk Contactor (RDC)
5. Pulsed Column
LLE equipments

• Introduction / background

• Working mechanism

• Schematic diagram

• Applications

• Limitations, if any

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