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10/C 728
Drug Types

• Heroin

• Methamphetamine

• Cocaine

• Morphine

• Ether

• Pain killers

• Opium

• Poppy
Drug Effects

• Epileptic Seizures

• Digestive system and liver diseases

• Loss of taste, smell, vision, hearing and loss of sensation

• Shortness of breathing, cough

• Respiratory paralysis

• High blood pressure

• Heart muscle diseases

• Blood cancer

• Hair loss

• Skin changes

• Kidney diseases
Risk of Addiction
The simplest answer to the question of what substance addiction is, is the use of a
substance that negatively affects health, as well as the individual's inability to stop
using it despite being harmed. Drug addicts are people who consume alcohol and
drugs and are addicted to these substances.

Drug addicts do not quit the substance they are addicted to, even if they are harmed
spiritually, physically and psychologically. Substance abuse can seriously damage a
person's life. When a person does not consume substances, he or she may feel an
excessive desire to take the substance. They show withdrawal symptoms when they
stop taking the substance.

There is more than one type of substance addiction. Substance addiction can put a
person's life in a life-threatening situation. A person turns to these substances to
feel better. Mental, physical and psychological disorders may be observed in these
individuals. If a person cannot find the substance, he falls into depression. People
with substance addiction must receive treatment under the supervision of a
Symptoms of Addiction

• Giving up social activities due to substance use

• State of restlessness and tension

• Increase in negative behavior

• Experiencing physical and mental difficulties

• Wanting to be alone and away from the environment

• Sudden changes in emotional state such as anger, happiness, anger

• Sleeping disorder

• Nausea and vomiting

• Excessive sweating or sweaty hands

• Loss of appetite and weight loss

• hallucinate

• being tired and exhausted

• feeling pessimistic
Causes of Drug Addiction

• personality problems

• Unhealthy communication in the family


• Lack of self-esteem

• emotional deprivation

• Shyness, social pressure

• Genetic predisposition

• Domestic violence desire to feel good

How to Treat Drug Addiction?
• 1. Medical Detoxification: A medically supervised process to clear
the addictive substance from the body.

• 2. Psychosocial Support and Counseling: Psychosocial supports such

as therapy sessions, individual and group therapies, and family
therapy provide support to individuals and their families to cope with

• 3. Drug Treatment: Some drugs used in addiction treatment can

reduce unwanted symptoms associated with substance use or reduce

• 4. Support Groups and Community Participation: Participation in

support groups for those struggling with addiction can provide
solidarity, motivation and sharing.

• 5. Lifestyle Changes and Rehabilitation Programs: A variety of

rehabilitation programs may be offered to develop healthy habits,
increase access to employment and educational opportunities, and
support integration into society.

• 6. Long-Term Support and Monitoring: Regular follow-up and

support should be provided to prevent post-treatment relapses and to
provide support during the person's long-term recovery process.
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