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What are hardwood trees?

A hardwood tree is an
angiosperm tree, that
usually has broad-leaves,
and they produce a fruit
or nut.
● Ash
● Teak
● Maple
● Cherry
● Oak
● Walnut
● Mahogany
Characteristics of a Hardwood tree
● Hardwood trees tend to grow in tropical climate
and at a slower rate.
● These trees tend to shed their leaves during the
autumn and winter period.
● The leaves are flat and board, also these tree
structure to grow wide.
Characteristics of a Hardwood tree

● Produces seed all year around/yearly.

● Hardwoods have a higher density because the
grains are close.
● Hardwood is typically expensive.
● The wood color is generally dark.
Uses of Hardwood Trees

Hardwood is dense; therefore, it is used

for high end jobs/work. For example:
● High-quality furniture
● Decks
● Interior flooring
What are softwood trees?
Softwood comes from
gymnosperm species which
have needles and cones in
place of leaves. Their
needles stay intact
throughout the year.
● Cedar
● Pine
● Redwood
Characteristics of a softwood tree
● Softwood trees don’t produce seeds.
● These trees grow more in less time and are denser.
● Tree structures grows very narrow.
● Usually light in color
● Softwood is low in density when cut into lumber.
● Softwood tends to be less expensive.
Uses of Softwood Trees

● Home woodworking projects

● Flooring and roofing
● Furniture and cabinets

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