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Campus Jorge Bueso Arias

Santa Rosa de Copan

Asignatura: ingles
Sección: 4
Catedrático: seiny sarahi cerros
Tema: presentación was/were.
Alumna: Teresa de Jesús Lemus gabarrete

Nº de Cuenta: 123450070
Fecha de entrega: 20/10/23
Affirmative, negative and interrogative.
Affirmative form in the past continuous

• Sujeto + verbo auixliar (to

be) + verbo en gerundio Example: The
sun was shining.
(ing) + complemento
1. The baby was coughing all night long.
2. I was having a shower when the phone rang.
3. She was only trying to help us.
4. The phone was ringing.
5. It was getting dark when we left.
6. My friends were studying in Chicago for a month last year.
7. The boys were climbing a tree.
8. Barbara was reading comics.
9. The children were playing soccer when they broke the window.
10. Dad was driving to work when his car broke down.
11. Nick was chopping vegetables when he cut his finger.
12. The old woman was carrying a heavy bag.
13. The girl was eating a chocolate ice cream.
14. Last night the rescue team was still looking for survivors.
15. I was wondering if you could come with us.
Negative form in the past continuous

• Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to

be) + not + verbo en Example: I was not
touching anything!
gerundio (ing) +
1. The students were not paying attention.

2. I was not joking.

3. She was not listening to you.

4. Carter was not telling the truth.

5. They weren’t dancing the whole night.

6. I wasn’t feeling well yesterday.

7. They weren’t kissing when I entered the room.

8. Those people were not speaking English.

9. It wasn’t raining when we got home.

10. I wasn’t working during my stay in France.

11. Taylor wasn’t living in the US for two years.

12. We weren’t hiking on the mountain when the storm broke.

13. It wasn’t raining the whole vacation.

14. I wasn’t studying at Harvard when I met Greg.

15. She wasn’t sleeping.

Interrogative form in the past continuous
Verbo auxiliar (to be) +
Example: Was the
sujeto + verbo en printer working this
gerundio (ing) + morning?
complemento + ?
1. What were you doing yesterday at 9 p. m.?

2. Was Ted cooking when he burned his hand?

3. Was Josh working when you called him?

4. Were they having fun?

5. Was he telling the truth?

6. What was the suspect wearing?

7. Were you watching a horror movie?

8. Where was she going?

9. Were they asking for me?

10. What were you doing when I arrived?

11. Who was yelling?

12. Were you paying attention?

13. Were you running in the park when it started to rain?

14. Was Tom playing the violin yesterday?

15. Where were they camping when the flood hit the area?

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