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Major Project-2

Major Project
From idea to execution: Build a Task Management
Dashboard for Agile Development Teams
Presented by:
R2142201616 -Harsh Agrawal Mentored By: Saurabh Sanu
R2142201814 -Saurabh Pal School of Computer Science
R2142201539 -Hemant Chauchan University of Petroleum and
R2142201524 -Swapnil Saxena Energy Studies

o Introduction o Motivation

o Literature Review o Methodology

o Objectives o PERT Chart

o Technology Stack o References

• Agile methodologies, like Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP), are
widely embraced in software development but face challenges in task
management efficiency. Common hurdles include visibility issues, prioritization
difficulties, and communication bottlenecks within Agile teams.
• To overcome these challenges, a Task Management Dashboard tailored for Agile
Development Teams is proposed.
• This dashboard will centralize task management, track progress, and foster
collaboration among team members. Real-time insights into project status,
resource allocation, and task dependencies will be provided.
• Ultimately, the dashboard aims to enhance team effectiveness and timely
delivery of value to stakeholders.

1. Enhance Task Visibility

2. Facilitate Collaboration

3. Streamline Task Management Processes

Technology Stack
o TypeScript: Enhancing code readability, maintainability, and scalability
through static typing.
o GraphQL: Streamlining data fetching and manipulation, promoting efficient
communication between the client and server.
o Ant Design: Employing a comprehensive UI framework to ensure consistency,
accessibility, and user-friendly design.
o Codegen: Automating code generation processes to boost productivity and
minimize errors in development workflows.
o Vite: Leveraging a fast and lightweight build tool to optimize the development
environment and accelerate the project setup process.
Problem Statement
The problem statement articulates the specific challenges or deficiencies in current
task management practices within agile development teams. It identifies pain
points such as lack of transparency, difficulty in tracking progress, and inefficient
communication, which hinder team productivity and project success. The problem
statement aims to provide a clear and concise description of the problem that the
task management dashboard intends to solve. It sets the stage for the project by
highlighting the need for an innovative solution to improve task management
processes in agile development environments.
o Personal Growth: Embarking on this project offers an opportunity for personal
development and growth, allowing you to enhance your skills, expand your knowledge,
and gain valuable experience in software development.
o Professional Development: Building React-based internal tools, admin panels,
dashboards, and B2B apps with flexibility in mind can significantly bolster your
professional portfolio. It showcases your ability to tackle complex projects, utilize
cutting-edge technologies, and deliver impactful solutions.
o Solving Real-World Problems: By addressing the needs of businesses and organizations
through the development of practical applications, you have the chance to make a
tangible difference in solving real-world problems and improving operational efficiency.
o Innovation and Creativity: Developing innovative solutions requires creative thinking,
problem-solving skills, and the willingness to explore new ideas. This project provides a
platform to unleash your creativity and explore novel approaches to software
Literature Review

1. Adoption of React for Dynamic Applications

2. Importance of Flexibility in Frameworks

3. Integration of GraphQL for Efficient Data Handling

4. UI Frameworks and Design Systems

5. Code Generation and Tooling

6. Scalability and Performance Considerations

PERT Chart
1) Schwaber, K., & Sutherland, J. (2017). The Scrum Guide. Link
2) Cockburn, A. (2001). Agile software development: The people factor. IEEE Computer, 34(11), 131-
133. Link
3) Cohn, M. (2004). User stories applied: For agile software development. Addison-Wesley Professional.
4) Rising, L., & Janoff, N. S. (2000). The scrum software development process for small teams. IEEE
Software, 17(4), 26-32. Link
5) Larman, C. (2004). Agile and iterative development: A manager's guide. Addison-Wesley Professional.
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