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Lecture 8

Chi-Square Analysis

Learning Outcomes

After completing this chapter, you should be

able to:

 Set up a contingency analysis table and perform a

chi-square test of independence

Contingency Tables

Contingency Tables
 Situations involving multiple population
 Used to classify sample observations according
to two or more characteristics
 Also called a crosstabulation table.

Contingency Table Worked Example

Left-Handed vs. Gender

 Dominant Hand: Left vs. Right
 Gender: Male vs. Female

H0: Hand preference is independent of gender

HA: Hand preference is not independent of gender

Contingency Table Worked Example

Sample results organized in a contingency table:

Hand Preference
sample size = n = 300:
Gender Left Right
120 Females, 12
were left handed
Female 12 108 120
180 Males, 24 were
left handed Male 24 156 180

36 264 300

Logic of the Test
H0: Hand preference is independent of gender
HA: Hand preference is not independent of gender

 If H0 is true, then the proportion of left-handed females

should be the same as the proportion of left-handed
 The two proportions above should be the same as the
proportion of left-handed people overall

Finding Expected Frequencies
120 Females, 12 Overall:
were left handed
180 Males, 24 were P(Left Handed)
left handed = 36/300 = .12
If independent, then
P(Left Handed | Female) = P(Left Handed | Male) = .12

So we would expect 12% of the 120 females and 12% of the 180
males to be left handed…

i.e., we would expect (120)(.12) = 14.4 females to be left handed

(180)(.12) = 21.6 males to be left handed
Expected Cell Frequencies
 Expected cell frequencies:

th th
(i Row total)( j Column total)
eij 
Total sample size

(120 )(36 )
e11   14.4

Observed v. Expected Frequencies

Observed frequencies vs. expected frequencies:

Hand Preference

Gender Left Right

Observed = 12 Observed = 108

Female 120
Expected = 14.4 Expected = 105.6
Observed = 24 Observed = 156
Male 180
Expected = 21.6 Expected = 158.4
36 264 300
The Chi-Square Test Statistic

The Chi-square contingency test statistic is:

r c (oij  eij )2
  
with d.f .  (r  1)(c  1)
i1 j1 eij

 where:
oij = observed frequency in cell (i, j)
eij = expected frequency in cell (i, j)
r = number of rows
c = number of columns
Observed v. Expected Frequencies
Hand Preference

Gender Left Right

Observed = 12 Observed = 108

Female 120
Expected = 14.4 Expected = 105.6
Observed = 24 Observed = 156
Male 180
Expected = 21.6 Expected = 158.4
36 264 300

(12  14.4)2 (108  105.6)2 (24  21.6)2 (156  158.4)2

 
    0.6848
14.4 105.6 21.6 158.4
Contingency Analysis

 2  0.6848 with d.f.  (r - 1)(c - 1)  (1)(1)  1

Decision Rule:
If 2 > 3.841, reject H0,
otherwise, do not reject H0
Here, 2 = 0.6848
 = 0.05 < 3.841, so we
do not reject H0
2.05 = 3.841  and conclude that
gender and hand
Do not reject H0 Reject H0
preference are
independent 12
Example 8.1
Before releasing a major advertising campaign to the
media, Barger Advertising runs a test on the material.
Recently, it randomly called 100 people and asked them
to listen to a commercial that was slated to run
nationwide on the radio. At the end of the commercial,
the respondents were asked to name the company that
was in the ad. The company is interested in determining
whether there is a relationship between gender and a
person’s ability to recall the company name. The
following contingency table shows the results of the

Example 8.1
Carry the contingency analysis based on the
following data. Use alpha 1%.
Female Male Total
Correct Recall 33 25 58
Incorrect Recall 22 20 42
Total 55 45 100


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