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This is the activity number 1 part 3 in our already focusing on what is our main tourist spot called Tequesquitengo. Previous research on the state of Morelos, (its location, flora, fauna, topography, cultural foundations and political and economic situations), plus it also collected information on the location of the municipalities where tourist will find our site that are bridge of

Ixtla and Jojutla. Generic competition will drive 4 (listen, interpret, issue)
along with procedural knowledge, which is nothing more than knowing how to develop our conceptual text and that is how we will know concept identify the key and the attitudinal and self-evaluation will be the team as work in this activity. This is another program Power Point.

Tequesquitengo is a town located in the southern state of Morelos. It belongs to two municipalities and Bridge Jojutla Ixtla. It is one of four destinations in the Spring of Mexico. It ranks second most memorable destination for tourists and visitors from central Mexico.

Tequesquitengos lake Jojutla Pte. De Ixtla

Geography of Tequesquitengo
The climate is warm subtropical. Satellite monitoring of the state government shows average 360 days of sunshine annually. It is one of the few places in the country where it is practiced skydiving and ultra light aircraft flying 365 days a year. It shows an average annual temperature of 25.60 C, and the maximum monthly average of 29.2 C in May and the minimum monthly average of 22 C, although in the months of December and January, reaching present minimum temperature of 18 C.

Tequesquitengo Lake, located in Mexico, is the main storage hydrological state of Morelos, is a closed basin of 28 km , flooding an area of 8 km . From the geological point of view is a rift valley over 130 feet deep that was formed by the collapse of the roof of large caverns produced by the dissolution of the limestone that is found as basement. Located 111 km from Mexico City or 45 miles from Cuernavaca. The teardrop-shaped lake has the following dimensions: the water surface measured 4.2 km at its longest length, the lower 2.5 km and 16 km in circumference, is located at 887.37 meters above sea level between Bridge and Jojutla Ixtla in the State of Morelos.

Origin of Tequesquitengo
Tequesquitengo comes from the Nahuatl, is bonded to a place name composed of two words: TEQUIXQUITL = tequesquite (sodium carbonate), Tenco = place on the shore, which means "Place at the edge of tequesquite. Its origin dates back to 1650, when a small town set on the edge of a waterhole,

where the Indians produced tequesquite, material used in the manufacture of soap, to purge the cattle and horses and so sell it to traders goods to their destination Acapulco step. They also planted corn and sesame. This town had a temple belonging to the order of Dominican friars of the monastery of Tlaquiltenango, dedicated to San Juan Bautista.

Destination Touristic the nineteenth century, the brothers Miguel and Leandro Mosso, owners of the Hacienda San Jos Vista Hermosa, were converting all available village lands in irrigated land for planting sugarcane. By diverting the "achololes" (waste water from the irrigation of cane fields) into the valley, we increased the volume of water from Lake Tequesquitengo to the extent that the villagers had to move to the higher parts since 1865, the water reached up to completely cover the temple tower. The old village of Tequesquitengo settled in a land known as landscape "karst" or "sinkhole" which is an area with large concentrations of dissolved limestone that will gradually by the erosive action of water.

Tequesquitengo is Skiing Capital of Mexico. Hundreds of athletes and sports fans speaks for itself due to its geographical location and excellent climate. Each year there is a stop on the National Tour Wakeboard. The event brings together the riders are looking for championship points awarded at the end of the war. This sport attracts thousands of skiers each year. The practice is a physical challenge that must be offset by the practice that allows an impeccable technique. The calm waters of the lake are the perfect setting to develop 360 degree turns in the air and the execution of somersaults.

A form of water skiing has gained momentum among local athletes and tourists is the wake surf.

It is well known in the field of diving the famous sunken church steeple, which is frequently visited by groups of divers to do internships either during a course or just for recreation. Countless dive groups attempted to obtain construction plans, but the low visibility of the water difficult task. Map sunken church of San Juan Bautista Tequesquitengo end of 1987 a group called "Proteus" began work on the project "People Tequesquitengo sunk" using more than one year of work.

Ultra light aircraft

Ultra light flight over the lagoon of Tequesquitengo. The weather conditions in the area are unique: you can fly 365 days a year. In the rainy season, they are presented by the evening, this will get facilities to fly over the lake and admire the fields and their different textures from a common angle, along with the adventure that lead to the heights.

The skydiving center in Lake Tequesquitengo is legendary, more than 5 decades of operation make it a national and international. Tourists and visitors fail to confront their fears by jumping from an airplane mode "Tandem" more than 12,000 ft above sea level, 35 seconds of freefall at over 220 miles per hour.

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