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Integrated Marketing:

1. Begins with identifying needs and solutions

2. Does not end only with product development; includes feedback and innovation
3. Focuses on consumer needs and customization
4. Aims to fill gaps in the market
5. Utilizes various channels for brand optimization
360 Degree Marketing:
1. Involves multiple communication touchpoints for consumer engagement
2. Consistent messaging across channels is crucial
3. Combines print, web, social media, and mobile advertising
4. Emphasizes consumer-focused communication strategies
5. Can be utilized for crisis management and control
• Integrated Marketing:
• Holistic approach
• Consumer-centered
• Selective changes impact market offerings
• Fills market gaps
• Focuses on brand development and promotion
• 360 Degree Marketing:
• Communication-focused
• Combines integrated marketing with web strategies
• Adaptable across industries and crisis situations
• Promotes creativity and consumer engagement
• Ideal for reaching target audiences through various channels
• Both Integrated and 360 Degree Marketing have unique advantages.
• Utilizing technology, understanding customer behavior, and adapting
to new business shifts are vital for success.
• The digital and mobile platforms are crucial in modern marketing
• Training and expertise across various marketing disciplines are
required for effective integrated and 360-degree marketing campaigns.

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