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Energy Mangement


 What is energy that it can be involved in

so many different activities?
 Energy can be defined as the ability to do
 If an object or organism does work (exerts
a force over a distance to move an object)
the object or organism uses energy.
Nature of Energy
 Because of the direct connection
between energy and work, energy is
measured in the same unit as work:
joules (J).
 In addition to using energy to do work,
objects gain energy because work is
being done on them.
Forms of Energy
 The five main forms of
energy are:
 Thermal
 Chemical
 Electromagnetic
 Nuclear
 Mechanical
Thermal Energy
 The internal motion of the atoms is called heat
energy, because moving particles produce
 Heat energy can be produced by friction.
 Heat energy causes changes in temperature
and phase of any form of matter.
Thermal Energy
 The internal motion of the atoms is called heat
energy, because moving particles produce
 Heat energy can be produced by friction.
 Heat energy causes changes in temperature
and phase of any form of matter.
Chemical Energy
 Chemical Energy is required to bond
atoms together.
 And when bonds are broken, energy is
Chemical Energy

 Fuel and food are

forms of stored
chemical energy.
Objectives of EM& C
Energy is a basic need for the population. It is
required for cooking and lighting in households.
An adequate energy supply is required for proper
function of any actvity.
Energy is also an input to manufacturing, and hence
it influences production costs and industrial
Energy efficiency improvement and diversification
are becoming increasingly important internationally
due to less energy input for industrial production and
environmental benefits associated with avoided or
switched energy generatiion
OjECTIVES (cont.)

The main components that make up these gases are

 Carbon dioxide (CO2),
Methane (CH4),
Nitrous oxide (N2O),
Carbon monoxide (CO),
Nnon-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC)
Sulfur dioxide (SO2).
The energy sector is the biggest contributor to this and it
amounts to about 90% in the developed countries.
Objectives (cont.)
 The main process involved in the energy sector for the production of these gases is
fuel combustion from different sources.
In Ethiopia the fuels mainly used are petroleum products and biomass. While
biomass is used by rural areas, that account for 85% of the population, for
household cooking and other purposes, the petroleum products are used in the
following sectors:
 Transport and construction
 Domestic cooking and lighting
 Manufacturing industries
 Electrical power generation

1. Goals
2. Planning
3. Energy Audit, Accounting & Reporting
Incorporate Goals for Energy Efficient Operations into the
Strategic Business Plan:

o Gain the attention of senior management by

increasing their understanding of efficient operation
as part of asset management.

o Efficient operation reduces operating costs and

maintains comfort.

o Obtain senior management support for the O&M in

general and for energy-efficient building operation in

o Establish energy-efficient operation as a specific goal

for the Facilities department.

Require and Energy Management Plan with

Energy Efficient Operations as a Key

o Energy Management Plan is

a strategic, rational way to
examine energy investment
choices using data on
energy use in facilities.
Planning cont.
Effective energy management planning focuses on:

o Purchasing clean and reliable energy at the lowest cost.

o Replacing old equipment and systems with new, efficient


o Operating energy consuming equipment efficiently.

o Creating a written energy management plan that not only

includes fuel purchasing and equipment replacement but
equally emphasizes strategies for efficient building

o Optimizing energy cost savings by efficiently operating

Energy Management Plan

Source: Energy Star Guidelines for Energy Management

Energy Management Plan

• Background
• Energy Management Policy
• Energy Management Team
• Energy Baseline
• Energy Conservation Targets
• No/low cost Energy Efficiency Initiatives
• Energy Capital Reserve
• Conservation Capital Projects
• Financial Planning and Analysis
• Engage Leadership and Staff
• Measurement and Verification
• Documentation Maintenance
Management systems for the industry

 ISO 9001: Quality Management System

 ISO 140001: Environmental management


 OHSAS 18001: Health and safety systems.

 ISO 50001: Energy management system.

ISO 50001 on Energy Management System
ISO 50001 energy management processes
 Energy policy

 Energy planning

 Implementation

 Checking

 Management review

Source: ISO 50001:2011

ContinuousISO 50001
cycle and EnMS
of ISO 50001
 This shows the overall
content of the standard.

 ISO 50001 sections and


 Continuous improvement

 The starting point is the

“energy policy”.
Company Energy Policy
Energy efficiency policy and commitment

Enterprisey energy
energy policy
policy set
set the
the agenda
agenda for
control of
of GHG
emissions and
and energy
energy cost.
Main questions:

What toto be
be included?

Whose responsibility?

Objectives andand targets?

Stakeholders coordination?

Employee training?

Self evaluation
evaluation andand improvement?

Investment aspects?

Energy efficiency policy and commitment

Commitment from
from the
the top

Commitment from
from the
management at at the
the highest
highest level
should be
be demonstrated
demonstrated via via
energy policy
policy endorsement
endorsement and and
Energy efficiency policy and targets

Setting targets
targets and
and aims

Commitment isis best
best to
to be
demonstrated by by setting
setting energy
efficiency targets.

Quantitative to
to extent
Energy efficiency policy and

Communication of of energy
efficiency policy

Energy policy
policy should
should be
be used
to communicate
communicate thethe company’s
top-level requirements
requirements to
to staff
at all
all levels.
Energy efficiency policy and training

Awareness andand training
training and
and the
provision of
of guidance
guidance and
and advice
to ship
ship and
and shore
shore staff:

Energy policy
policy should
should show
commitment to
to staff’s
staff’s training.
Energy efficiency policy and investment

Policy on
on alternative
alternative fuels
fuels and
alternative technologies

Any investment
investment plan
plan will
will be
be good
to be
be clarified
clarified in
in the
the policy

NYK Super Eco 2030 future technologies

Energy efficiency policy and link to other
corporate activities

The company
company energy
energy policy:

Should show
show how
how energy
policy links
links to
to other
other policies
(e.g. environment)

How relates
relates to
to IMO
regulations and
and ISO
ISO standards?
Energy efficiency policy and maintenance

Adequate resources
resources for
maintenance, repairs
repairs and
and energy
efficiency projects

Poor maintenance
maintenance means
inefficient ship
ship and
and machinery

The technology
technology upgrade
upgrade isis part
of energy
energy efficiency
efficiency activities.

Resources for
for these
these activities
should be
be provided.
Summary on energy efficiency policy content

Includes the following for energy performance:

A commitment to continual improvement
A commitment to ensure the availability of resources to achieve
objectives and targets;
A commitment to comply with applicable legal and other
A framework for setting and reviewing energy objectives and
 A commitment to training staff and engaging other stakeholders.
 Supports the purchase of energy-efficient products and services,
Is documented and communicated at all levels within the
 Is regularly reviewed, and updated as necessary.
Energy Planning, Implementation, Monitoring
and Reviews
ISO 50001:
Energy planning process
 Energy planning shall be
consistent with the energy policy.
 Energy planning should lead to
activities that continually improve
energy performance.
 Energy planning shall involve a
review of the organization's
activities that can affect energy
 Energy review forms the core of
the planning activities.

Source: ISO 50001:2011

ISO 50001:
Energy review
 ISO 5001 stipulates that a company shall
develop, record and maintain an energy review.

 Inputs to energy review are the past performance

and relevant information

 The outputs of energy review will include the

 Energy baseline(s)
 Energy performance indicators
 Objectives,
 Targets Source: ISO 50001:2011

 Energy efficiency measures

The “energy review” process
 The above outputs will be directly used for the is similar to an “energy audit”
design and implementation of the EnMS. and will be discussed later
ISO 50001:
Target setting

 ISO 50001 does not prescribe specific energy

performance criteria or target levels.

 However, it requires the organization to

continually improve its energy performance.

 For anycompany this practically implies that it

should select some key performance indicators
in order to demonstrate improved energy
ISO 50001:
Top management responsibility
 Defining, establishing, implementing and maintaining an energy

 Appointing a management representative and the formation of an

energy management team;

 Providing the resources for implementation purposes.

 Communicating the importance of energy management to those in

the organization;

 Ensuring that energy objectives and targets are established;

 Ensuring that “energy performance indicators” are appropriate to the


 Conducting management reviews.

ISO 50001:
Management representative responsibilities
 Top management should also appoint a management representative(s).

 Responsibilities:
 Ensure the EnMS is established, implemented, maintained, and
continually improved;
 Report to top management on implementation of the EnMS;
 Ensure that the planning complies with energy policy;
 Define and communicate roles and responsibilities
 Determine criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the
operation and control of the EnMS are effective;
 Promote awareness of the energy policy and objectives.
ISO 50001:
 ISO 50001 stipulates that the company shall ensure that the
key characteristics of its operations that impact energy
performance are monitored, measured and analysed at planned

 Some methods such as performance monitoring, etc. are

advocated by the ISO 50001.

 ISO 50001 also advocates the effective use of internal audits

as a monitoring method.

 Records of the audit results shall be maintained and reported

to top management.
ISO 50001:
Management reviews
 Within ISO 50001, the management review is a requirement.

 For the review purposes, some inputs and outputs are expected.
 Inputs to the management review include:
 Follow-up actions from previous management reviews;
 Review of the energy policy;
 Review of energy performance and related indicators;
 Evaluation of compliance with legal and other requirements;
 The extent that energy objectives and targets have been met;
 The EnMS audit results;
 The status of corrective actions and preventive actions;
 Projected energy performance for the following period;
 Recommendations for improvement.
ISO 50001:
Management reviews
 Outputs from the management review are expected to be items such as:
 Changes in the energy performance of the organization;
 Changes to the energy policy;
 Changes to the energy performance indicators;
 Changes to objectives, targets or other elements of the EnMS.
 Changes to allocation of resources.
 Based on the above outputs, a new cycle of continual improvement
will begin.
Step by step approach to energy management
 Step 0 (initial planning)
 Step 1 (low cost measures)
 Step 2 (medium cost measures)
 Step 3 (high cost measures)
Training, raising awareness: How?
 Increasing awareness and incentives of staff are key to successful
implementation of management systems.
 This can be done in a number of ways:
 Training on ship energy efficiency.
 The company may consider distance-learning, ‘Computer Based
Training (CBT)’ programs
 Poster campaign.
 Regular on-board meetings on the subject.
 Ideas of best practice to be received from the seafarers,
documented, highlighted and implemented.
 Develop competition for energy efficiency, e.g. between ships..
 Familiarisation with energy policy via effective communications
 Use of company magazine or other publicity documents for raising
awareness and interest .
3. Energy Audit
Energy Audit Methodology
Scope of Energy Audit
 An energy audit can be simply defined as a process to
evaluate where a plant or building uses energy, and
identify opportunities to reduce consumption

 There is a direct relationship to the cost of the audit,

how much data will be collected and analyzed, and the
number of conservation opportunities identified. Thus,
a first distinction is made between cost of the audit
which determines the type of audit to be performed.
Objectives of Energy Audit
 Identify where energy is going
 Identify savings opportunities
 See how your company is performing
 Build a business opputunity for investment
 Part of a comprehensive environmental
Types of Energy Audits
 Walk Through Assessment
 Energy Survey and Analysis
Types of Energy Audits (cont.)
 Accuracy of Energy Audit
 level 1 – 30 %
 Level 2 - 15-20 %
The Energy Audit Process
 Data Gathering
 Utility Analysis
 Inventory and Review of Equipment
 Measurements and Monitoring
 Identify Potential Energy Conservation
 Analysis of Saving Potential
 Financial Analysis
 Reporting
Audit Procedure
Pre-site work
 It is important in getting to know basic aspects of the
facilities. The pre-site review of systems and operation
should generate a list of specific questions and issues to be
discussed during the actual visit to the facility.
 Collect and review several years of utility energy data
 Obtain mechanical, architectural, and electrical drawings
and specifications
 Draw a simple floor plan and calculate areas
 Prepare audit data forms to collect
 Calculate Energy Use index
Audit Procedure
Site Work
 Have all necessary tools and equipment available

 Use copies of the floor plan to note equipment

 Fill out the audit data sheets.

 Look at the systems relating to the energy conservation

measures and operation and maintenance on your
preliminary list.
 Take pictures as you walk through the building.
Include mechanical equipment, lighting, interior
Audit Procedure
Post Site work Work
 Immediately after the audit, review and clarify your
 Draft and revise your proposal on energy. Conduct
preliminary research on potential conservation
measures and note conditions that require further
 Organize all charts, graphs, building descriptions,
audit data sheets, notes and photos into a 3 ring
binder. Energy auditing can be an ongoing process.
Energy Audit Report
Post Site work Work
 I. Executive Summary

 II. Plant Information

 III. Utility Summary

 IV. Energy Conservation Measures

 V. Operation and Maintenance Measures

 VI. Appendices
Impact of Energy Utilization on
Impact of Energy Utilization on
Introduction to Energy
Power and Energy
Power = How fast (a.k.a. demand)
Energy = How much (a.k.a. consumption)
Energy = Power x Time
Units are kilowatt-hours (kWh)
Electric Power

When voltage and current work together to

do something useful – such as turn a motor or
light a lamp, they deliver Power in Watt

Units are watts (W)

1000 watts = 1 kilowatt (kW)
1 horsepower (hp) = 746 watts
Electric Power

Watts = Volts x Amps x Power Factor

VA = Volts x Amps

Power Factor (PF) indicates how well the

and voltage are working together
Incandescent lamps 100%
Heaters 100%
Fluorescent lamps 98%
Large motors 80–90%
Small motors 60–75%
Electric Power

Utilities may bill for volts x amps (kVA).

 KVA always greater than kW
 PF = kW / kVA
 Increased line currents.
 Low PF may suggest lightly loaded motors.
A usefull tool in demand profile analysis
Thermal Energy
 Unit of thermal energy is a joule (J)
 Typically use MJ or GJ
 1 kWh = 3.6 MJ
 1 kWh = 3 413 Btu
 1 kg of fuel oil = 42 MJ = 12 kWh
 1 ton of refrigeration = 3.6 kW (rate of heat
What is Efficiency?
Steps to Energy and Cost
1. Understand the Cost of Energy
2. Compare Your Cost
3. Understand When Energy is Used
4. Understand Where Energy is Used
5. Eliminate Waste
6. Maximize Efficiency
7. Optimize Energy Supply
Energy Claculated:
 To establish the calculated amount of energy
being used it is necessary to document all on-
site electrical and fuel-using items of
equipment and their corresponding rated loads
using appropriated format
 The format shall enable the calculation of
annual energy use
Energy Invoiced
The amount of energy purchased should be specified
on each invoice. In order to improve the accuracy of
an energy balance a number of methods can be used
in conjunction with the total energy invoiced:
 Analyse energy use per year for each energy type
 Use sub meter energy information where available.
 Use energy use data logged from specific equipment or
departments, considering how repeatable the logged data is,
and how representative it is thought to be of annual usage.
Producing an Energy Balance
 An energy balance is a list of on-site equipment and a
reconciliation of observed end-use and purchased
 To reconcile energy use with energy purchased, all
on-site items that use or produce energy should be
listed with their normal (electricity, heat) power
demand (or output) and typical "on" time schedule
noted. This data should be entered into a spreadsheet
 . Is kWh invoiced = kWh calculated?
Understand the Cost of Energy
 Electricity
 Demand (kW)
 Energy cost (Birr/kWh)
 Power Factor
 Time of Use Rates
 Fuel
 Cost per GJ, m3 or litre
 Cost per equivalent kWh
 Fixed vs. Variable Costs
Energy Demand by Heating Equipment
Energy Supplied by Heating Fuels
Energy Demand of Electrcity
Energy Supplied by Electrcity
Feasibility Analysis

Simple Payback
 Simple payback analysis is the simplest and

most commonly used analysis technique and

is defined
Feasibility Analysis

Dynamic Pay-back Period

 Dynamic pay Back period accounts interest rate and

inflation of energy prices. It is determine from

investment cost Ci , interest rate –I and inflation of
energy price ie as follows
C I i ie
ln(1 )
pe E a i + 1
1 + ie
ln( )
1+ i
Fuels and Combustion
Fuel for Boilers
 Lignite
 Bituminous

 Anthracite

 Class D (Diesel or Gas
 Class E – Light fuel oil

 Class F – Medium Fuel Oil

 Class G – Heavy Fuel Oil

Fuels and Combustion
Fossil fuels (coal, oil, gases) are combinations of
carbon, hydrogen, undesired elements (e.g. sulphur,
oxygen, nitrogen etc.), and ash constituents. These
elements are burned in the presence of the oxygen
during combustion. The efficiency of a boiler or
furnace depends on the efficiency of the combustion
system. For example, combustion of oil is effected
by a burner which mixes fuel and air in the correct
proportions for complete combustion.
Air Requirement for Combustion
For ideal combustion of 1 kg of a typical fuel oil containing
86 per cent carbon, 12 per cent hydrogen and 2 per cent
sulphur, the theoretical minimum amount of air required is
14.1 kg.
Heat Release in Combustion
Lower heating value
Causes for Incomplete Combustion
Combustion could not be complete within the furnace
due to the following reasons:

Limited time for the fuel to burn in the hot furnace.

Mixture temperature is not sufficiently high
temperature to burn or below self ignition temperature
The fuel is not homogeneously mixed air at all
locations in the combustion chamber.
Fuel properties might not be favorable for burning
For optimum combustion, the real amount of
combustion air must be greater than that required

Basically, a boiler consists of two parts.

 The first is the burner which converts fuel and air into hot

gases, or an electric element producing heat.

 The other part is the heat exchange chamber and tubes which

exchanges the heat from the hot gases into either hot water or
steam or exchanges the heat from the electric element into hot
water or steam. This distinction needs to be made since the
combustion efficiency is not the same as the boiler efficiency;
the boiler efficiency is the product of the combustion
efficiency and heat exchanger efficiency.
Shell Boilers

 Shell boilers / Fire Tube Boilers are boiler

where the heat transfer surface is contained
within the steel shell.

 They are also called Fire tube boilers as the

burned gas passes through steel tubes
surrounded by water
Two Pass Boiler
Three Pass Boiler
Boiler Efficiency

The boiler efficiency dependence on

 Useful Energy in the steam

 Heat in put by fuel to the water

- Feed water temperature

- Steam pressure
- Steam flow rate
Water Tube Boiler Principles
Efficiencies of Boiler with different Fuels

Efficiency Excess Oxygen Carbon Other

Fuel Target Air (O2) Dioxide
Natural 80%-83% 21%- 4%-5% 9.0%- 400 ppm
Gas 28% 9.6% Carbon
e (CO)
Oil 84%-87% 22%- 4%-5% 11.9%- 1-2
29% 12.6% Smoke
Coal 83&-84% 26%- 4.5%- 13.7%-
34% 5.5% 14.6%
Wood 65%-75% 61%- 8%-9% 11.7%12.
74% 6%
Excess Air
Boilers Energy Consumption reduction

 reduce excess air,

 reduce scale and deposits,
 reduce boiler pressure,
 reduce blow down,
 use economizers,
 use condensers,
 recover waste heat from blow down,
 operate boilers at peak efficiency/add a small boiler,
 reduce stop/starts – modulating burners,
 switch fuels, and
 stop losses in steam distribution systems.
Heating Value of Boiler Fuels

The combustion efficiency dependence

 Burner type and air fuel ration

 Boiler or furnace design

 Capacity
Water Tube Boiler

 Small Water Volume

 Small Tube and drum Diameter

 Not Simple to Control

 Not Simple to make

Typical Boiler Efficiency
Boiler Name Plate
Energy Saving Opportunities

Reduce Excess Air

 If excess air is reduced, then the volume of

gases exhausted will be reduced also. Ideally

just enough air should be supplied to maintain
stoichiometric conditions. However, this can
only be achieved by obtaining perfect mixing
between the fuel and the air. Hence slight
amount of excess air should be supplied
Energy Saving Opputunities

Reduce Scale and Deposits

 Untreated water causes scale formation on boiler
tubes which results in from hardness of water. Scale
formation results in corrosion and embrettlement and
clogging of steam line. Scale formation will reduce
also the heat transfer rate. It reduces boiler efficiency
and results in damage.
Scale Formation in Boiler Tubes
Energy Saving Opputunities

Reduce Boiler Pressure

 Steam boilers are operated at a certain pressure such

as 10 barg, simply because that is the way the system

has been set up. The steam pressure delivered by the
boiler only needs to be high enough to meet process
requirements and the pressure drop induced by the
piping. If the steam pressure can be reduced from 10
barg to 5 barg then the steam temperature will be
reduced from 184°C to 152°C.
Energy Saving Opputunities

Reduce Blow Down Water

 When hot water is discharged from the boiler

it is relatively pure, equal amount of cool

make-up water is introduced to the boiler,
which requires to be heated to 180 OC. Hence
blow down the required will reduce the
Total Dissolved Solids in Boiler Water (TDS)
Blowdown Rate
Timer Controlled Bottom Blow down
Energy Saving Opportunities

E = h ×m× c ×( Ts −Tw)
Where: E = annual energy dischrged in kWh
 h = annual hours of operation
 m = mass of excessive water blown down in kg/hr
 cp = specific heat of water in kJ/kg-°C (4.1868)
 Ts = steam temperature in °C
 Tw = supply water temperature in °C
Energy Saving Opportunities

Economizer and Air Preheater

 In order to increase the efficiency, the

combustion air is preheated by flue gas in air

preheater and the feed water is preheated by
the flue gas in an economizer. The air
preheater and the economizer are methods of
increasing boiler efficiency.
Energy Saving Opportunities
Blowdown Heat Recovery
The energy savings from installing a blow down heat
exchanger can be calculated as follows:
E  h  m  cw  (Tw2 - Tw1)
Where: E = annual energy saved in kWh
h = annual hours of operation
m = mass of excessive water blown down in kg/hr
cw = specific heat of water in kJ/kg-°C (4.1868)
Tw1 = feed water temperature after heat exchanger in °C
Tw2 = feed water temperature before heat exchanger in °
Energy Saving Opportunities
Blowdown Heat Recovery
The energy savings from installing a blow down heat
exchanger can be calculated as follows:
E  h  m  cw  (Tw2 - Tw1)
Where: E = annual energy saved in kWh
h = annual hours of operation
m = mass of excessive water blown down in kg/hr
cw = specific heat of water in kJ/kg-°C (4.1868)
Tw1 = feed water temperature after heat exchanger in °C
Tw2 = feed water temperature before heat exchanger in °
Energy Saving Opportunities
Reduce Stop/Starts – Modulating Burners
Many boilers have either on/off burners or two-stage
(high/low) burners. During low load these burners
will switch off, forcing the boiler to go through a
purge cycle. Once the boiler has been shut down, it
cannot be restarted for a period of time due to the
danger of lingering combustible gases causing an
explosion. The “purge cycle” blows clean air through
the boiler after shutdown to prevent this from
happening. The cool clean air cools down the boiler,
resulting in the boiler needing to be warmed up with
the next firing cycle.
Atomization by High Pressure
Energy Saving Opportunities
Switch Fuels The energy auditor needs to determine
whether it is cost advantageous to install a secondary
fuel supply and change the burner from a single fuel
to a dual fuel burner.
Steam Distribution System
Steam Distribution System: Condensate Return
Energy Content of Condensate
Effect of Condensate Return in Steam
System Efficiency
Reasons of Condensate Recovery
Condensate Line
Heat content of condensate
Fuel Cost Savings per Year
Savings in water costs
Pumping Condensate
Distribution Pipe Insulation
 The quantity of heat lost to the surrounding depends on
the thickness of insulation. Too thin or damaged
insulation results excessive heat losses to the
 Economical thickness of insulation of a furnace or a
pipe depends on the current unit price of energy. This
means, the rise of fuel prices makes energy which is
being lost to the surrounding to be saved
Heat loss from steam distribution lines

2  ( Ts - Ta )
Q L, =
pipe 1 1 r o 1 r o + t ins 1
+ ln( ) + ln( )+
hi r i kp ri k ins ro ho r o
Ts - Steam temperature
Ta - Ambient temperature
ro - pipe outer radius
ri - pipe inner radius
tins - insulation thickness
hi - convective heat transfer coefficient of water
ho - convective heat transfer coefficient of air
Loss from steam distribution lines
As function of surface temperature which is measured
during energy audit, the heat loss from the pipe wall

Q L, pipe
= 2  r o l ho ( T s - T a )
n n
Q L, pipetotal
=  Q L, pipe j
= 2  r o j l j ho ( T s j - T a )
j=1 j=1
Steam Leakage
Loss from steam distribution lines
The useful energy of boiler is obtained as the difference
of the input energy and the sum of incomplete
combustion, exhaust and radiative and convective losses
and error

Q useful
 boiler =
Q input

Q input = m fuel LHV

Q useful, daily = m steam ( h steam - h feed water )
Energy Balance Diagram of a Boiler
Example of Energy Balance of a Boiler

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