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Schedule for Spring Semester 2024

2nd & 3rd period every Wednesday (10:00 to 11:40) (H : Holzapfel; L : Lincoln)

Week Topic Chapter Date

1 Introduction to Creation Science – Does it matter what I believe? 1 (L) 6 Mar
2 Astronomy and the Bible 2 (L) 13 Mar
3 The origin of life (A) 3 (H) 20 Mar
4 The origin of life (B) + Assignments 3 (H) 27 Mar
5 The origin of man; facts about “apemen” 4 (H) 3 Apr
6 Public Holiday - Privileged Planet (writeup) 10 Apr
7 Dating fossils & Rocks; Age of the earth 5 (L) 17 Apr
8 First Test (Mid-term) (Chapters 1 – 3 + 5) 24-Apr
9 The Genesis flood and Noah’s ark 6 (H) 1 May
10 Geology and the Genesis flood 7 (L) 8 May
11 Public Holiday 15 May
12 Dinosaurs and Biblical truth 8 (H) 22 May
13 Biological fossil record / Creation of Life 9 (L) 29 May
14 Zero Point Energy 10 (L) 05 Jun
15 Can I defend what I believe? / Conclusions 10 (H) 12 Jun
16 Final Exams 19 Jun
Mike Riddle
(modified and amended: W. Holzapfel)
Summary of learning objectives – Chapter 2
• Created (organized) universe vs. “big bang”
• Kalam Cosmological Argument
• Fine Tuning of the Universe
• Privileged Planet
• Evidences for a young earth/universe:
• Recession of the moon;
• Magnetic field of the earth;
• Origin of the moon;
• Comets;
• Age (brightness of the sun);
• Supernova remnants;
• Red shift quantization;
• Speed of light.

is I who made the earth
cosmological argument
and created mankind on it.
My own hands
Whatever beginsstretched outathe
to exist has cause;
The universe began to exist;
I marshaled their starry hosts.
The 45:12)has a cause.
Robert Jastrow
an American astronomer and planetary physicist.

“For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the

power of reason, the story ends like a bad
dream. He has scaled the mountain of ignorance;
he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he
pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by
a band of theologians who have been sitting
there for centuries.”
Fine Tuned Universe
Fine Tuning Parameters for the Universe • ground state energy level for 4He
• strong nuclear force constant • decay rate of 8Be
• weak nuclear force constant • ratio of neutron mass to proton mass
• gravitational force constant • initial excess of nucleons over anti-nucleons
• electromagnetic force constant • polarity of the water molecule
• ratio of electromagnetic force constant to • supernovae eruptions
gravitational force constant • white dwarf binaries
• ratio of electron to proton mass • ratio of exotic matter mass to ordinary matter
• ratio of number of protons to number of electrons mass
• expansion rate of the universe • number of effective dimensions in the early
• entropy level of the universe universe
• mass density of the universe • number of effective dimensions in the present
• initial uniformity of radiation universe
• average distance between galaxies • mass of the neutrino
• density of galaxy cluster • big bang ripples
• average distance between stars • size of the relativistic dilation factor
• fine structure constant (describing the fine- • uncertainty magnitude in the Heisenberg
structure splitting of spectral lines) uncertainty principle
• decay rate of protons • cosmological constant
• 12
C to 16O nuclear energy level ratio
Fred Hoyle
famous English astronomer

“A common sense interpretation of the facts

suggests that a super intellect has monkeyed
with physics, as well as with chemistry and

“The chance that higher life forms might have

emerged in this way is comparable to the chance
that a tornado sweeping through a junkyard
might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials
Fine Tuned Universe
Fine Tuning of the Physical Constants of the Universe
Parameter Max. Deviation
Ratio of Electrons : Protons 1:1037
Ratio of Electromagnetic Force : Gravity 1:1040
Expansion Rate of Universe 1:1055
Mass Density of Universe 1:1059
Cosmological Constant 1:10120
These numbers represent the maximum deviation from the accepted values,
that would either prevent the universe from existing now, not having
matter, or be unsuitable for any form of life.
Copernican Principle / Mediocrity Principle
In the 16th century, Copernicus proposes
the heliocentric model

“Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant

planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away
in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there
are far more galaxies than people.” – Carl Sagan

“The human race is just a chemical scum on a

moderate-sized planet, orbiting around a very average
star in the outer suburb of one among a hundred
billion galaxies” - Stephen Hawking
Liquid water

• necessary for dissolving nutrients

• regulates Earth’s temperature

Goldilocks zone

• 5% closer to sun, too hot

• 20% farther, too cold
Privileged Planet
Factors essential for complex life

• Within Galactic Habitable • Correct mass

Zone • Orbited by large moon
• Orbiting main sequence • Magnetic field
G2 dwarf star • Plate tectonics
• Protected by gas giant • Ratio of liquid water and
planets continents
• Within Goldilocks zone • Terrestrial planet
• Nearly circular orbit • Moderate rate of rotation
• Oxygen-rich atmosphere
"The mechanism of the universe, wrought for us
by a supremely good & orderly Creator...the
system the best and most orderly artist of all
framed for our sake." - Nicolaus Copernicus

“To me it is clear that we exist

in a plan which is governed by
rules that were created,
shaped by a universal
intelligence and not by
chance.” – Dr. Michio Kaku
How did it all begin??
Where did everything come from ?

Everything physical had

a non-physical beginning
Proverbs 25:2 / Ecclesiastes 1:8-10

Prov. 25:2: It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the

honour of kings is to search out a matter. (KJV)
New King James Version (NKJV) Eccl.1
All things are full of labor; 1:8 만 물 의 피 곤 함 을 사 람 이 말
Man cannot express it. 로다할수없나니눈은보아도
The eye is not satisfied with seeing, 족함이없고귀는들어도차지
Nor the ear filled with hearing. 아니하는도다
That which has been is what will be,
That which is done is what will be 1:9 이 미 있 던 것 이 후 에 다 시 있
And there is nothing new under the
sun. 1:10 무 엇 을 가 리 켜 이 르 기 를
Is there anything of which it may 보라이것이새것이라할것이
be said, “ See, this is new”? 있으랴오래전세대에도이미
It has already been in ancient times 있었느니라
before us.
Psalm 19: 1-4

New King James Version (NKJV) 19:1 ( 다 윗 의 시 . 영 장 으 로 한

To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of 노래 ) 하늘이하나님의영광을
David. 선포하고궁창이그손으로하신
The heavens declare the glory of 일을나타내는도다
And the firmament shows His 19:2 날 은 날 에 게 말 하 고 밤 은 밤
handiwork. 에게지식을전하니
Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals 19:3 언 어 가 없 고 들 리 는 소 리 도
knowledge. 없으나
There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard. 19:4 그 소 리 가 온 땅 에 통 하 고 그
Their line has gone out through all 말씀이세계끝까지이르도다하
the earth, And their words to the 나님이해를위하여하늘에장막
end of the world. 을베푸셨도다
Genesis 1 & 2
And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the
day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and
days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light
on the earth.” And it was so. 16 God made two great lights—the greater light
to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the
stars. 17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to
govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God
saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the
fourth day. (NIV)
Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply;
fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the
birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (NKV)

So the LORD God formed from the ground all the wild animals and all the
birds of the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would call them,
and the man chose a name for each one. 20 He gave names to all the
livestock, all the birds of the sky, and all the wild animals. But still there was
no helper just right for him. (NLT)
Definition of ORDAIN

Psalm 8:3 (KJV 2000): When I consider your heavens,

the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars,
which you have ordained*;

* Transitive verb:
1. to invest officially (as by the laying on of hands) with ministerial or priestly
2 (a) to establish or order by appointment, decree, or law : enact <we the
people … do ordain and establish this Constitution — United States
(b) destine, fore-ordain // Intransitive verb: to issue an order
• The Stars named
• The Stars created to praise God
• Isaiah 40:26 (KJV 2000): Lift up your eyes on high, and behold
who has created these things, that brings out their host by
number: he calls them all by names by the greatness of his
might, for he is strong in power; not one is missing.
• Psalm 147:4 (KJV): He telleth the number of the stars; he
calleth them all by their names.

• Psalm 148:3 (KJV): Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him,
all ye stars of light.
• Psalm 19:2-3: 2Day unto day utters speech, and night unto
night reveals knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard.
• Job 38:7 (KJV 2000): When the morning stars sang together,
And all the sons of God shouted for joy?
CREATION - The Macro-level / The Heavens
Did God give us a message in the Heavens ?
• At least 52 Bible verses about stars.
• God who “counts the number of the stars” and “calls them all by
name” (Ps. 147:4). Yet the Creator of the universe is not a remote,
uncaring force, but a loving heavenly Father who “heals the
brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (v.3). “The Lord lifts up the
humble” (v.6) and “takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who
hope in His mercy” (v.11).
• Deuteronomy 4:19 - "And beware not to lift up your eyes to heaven
and see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven,
God‘s salvation plan
and be drawn away and worship them and serve them, those which the
LORD your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven.
• Isaiah 47:13 - "You are wearied with your many counsels; Let now the
astrologers, Those who prophesy by the stars, Those who predict by
the new moons, Stand up and save you from what will come upon you.
CREATION - The Macro-level / The Heavens
Did God give us a message in the Heavens ?
Psalm 8:3 (NKJV) - When I consider Your heavens, the work of
Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
Psalm 19:1-4 (NKJV) - The heavens declare the glory of God; and
the firmament shows His handiwork. 2 Day unto day utters speech,
and night unto night reveals knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor
language where their voice is not heard. 4 Their line has gone out
through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.
Gen. 1:14 (NKJV)- Then God said, “Let there be lights in the
firmament of the
God‘s salvation heavens to divide the day from the night; and let
them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years“;
Job 38: 31-32 (NKJV) - “Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades,
Or loose the belt of Orion? 32 Can you bring out Mazzaroth* in its
season? Or can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs?

*Mazzaroth = Constellations; Hebrew word for Zodiac

Amos 5:8
He who made the Pleiades
and Orion, and changes deep
darkness into morning, Who
also darkens day into night,
Who calls for the waters of the
sea, and pours them out on
the surface of the earth, The
LORD is His name.

"Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades, Or loose the cords of Orion? (Job 38:31)

The LORD described the Pleiades as bound with chains like a bracelet with jewels or a bouquet of jewels.
Pleiades is in Taurus. The chords of Orion refer to the bands or chords by which the constellation is
symbolically dragged along in the heavens.
First prophecy in history: promise of the Redeemer
Gen. 3: 15 (NKJV) - And I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your
seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.”
ORION: “Coming as light” • Name given as Ha-ga-t, meaning this is he who triumphs. Orion anciently
spelt ‘Oarion’, from the Hebrew root, meaning light.
• Thus, Orion means: “coming forth as light” (Akkadian = Ur-ana, the light of
• Constellation mentioned by name; well known both by name and appearance, in
the time of Job; familiar knowledge at that early period of the world's history (See Job
9:9; 38:31; Amos 5:8 – “He made the Pleiades and Orion......“).
• Also known by the Hebrews, Aztecs, Babylonians, Egyptians, Mesopotamians,
Assyrians, Chinese.
• Picture: "the Light of the world”. Left foot significantly placed upon head of the
enemy. He is girded with a glorious girdle, studded with three brilliant stars; and upon
this girdle is hung a sharp sword. Its handle proves that this mighty Prince is come forth
in a new character. He is again proved to be "the Lamb that was slain," for the hilt of this
sword is in the form of the head and body of a lamb. In his right hand he lifts on high his
mighty club; while in his left he holds forth the token of his victory -- the head and skin of
the "roaring lion”
• "Who is this?" - the names of the stars give us the answer.
(1) The brightest: (in the right shoulder) - named Beteigeuze (or Betelgeuse), which
means the coming (Mal 3:2) of the branch. (2) In the left foot: named Rigel, or Rigol,
meaning the foot that crusheth. The foot is lifted up, and placed immediately over the
head of the enemy, as though in the very act of crushing it. (3) In the left shoulder:
called Bellatrix, which means quickly coming, or swiftly destroying. (4) Fourth star (one
of the three in the belt): carries us back to the old, old story, that this glorious One was
once humbled; that His heel was once bruised. Its name is Al Nitak, the wounded One.
* Similarly the star (in the right leg) is called Saiph, bruised, which is the very word used
in Genesis 3:15, thus connecting Orion with the primeval prophecy. Like Ophiuchus, he
has one leg bruised; while, with the other, he is crushing the enemy under foot.
The Zodiac and the Meaning of the Sphinx
Jeremiah 32: 20 (NKJV) - 'You have set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, to this day,
and in Israel and among other men; and You have made Yourself a name, as it is this day.
❖What is the purpose of the Sphinx? (Claimed to have been temple guardians). Who made it?
❖Sphinx in Greek means to "connect or bind together”. A sphinx combines the head of a woman
and the body of a lion. This fixes the beginning and ending of the celestial narrative -- beginning
with Virgo and ending with Leo.
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo.

It begins with “the seed of

the woman” (Gen. 3:15),
and ends with the
triumphant lion (Rev. 5:5).
See also:

The enemy has perverted/corrupted the message behind the Zodiac (horoscope,
astrology, etc.). However, putting each sign in the right order reveals the divine
promise of redemption. Should we leave it to the enemy to explain the Heavens?
The Zodiac and the Meaning of the Sphinx

1. Virgo (the Virgin) – A deliverer supernaturally conceived of a virgin, born as a man, yet the son of
God. (Matthew 1:23 - "Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name
Immanuel," which is translated, "God with us“.
2. Libra – To balance the scales of divine justice, an adequate price must redeem man from his curse
as a sinner. John 5: 22-24 - "For the Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son,
"that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not
honor the Father who sent Him.
3. Scorpio – Redemption’s price requires the death of the deliverer, who must also destroy the
serpent-tempter. [Satan "the deceiver" is the scorpion who stung us by tempting Adam to eat of the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil]. Genesis 3: 2-5; 17-19.
4. Sagittarius (The Archer) – The two-natured Deliverer conquers the dragon and receives praise. The
death of Christ by crucifixion is the "arrow” that pierces Satan's heart and releases Satan's grip on
us. (Romans 5: 6-11).
5. Capricornus (the Horned Goat)– The living fish results from the death of the atoning sacrificial goat,
and resurrection life is shared with all true believers. (Hebr. 9: 11-15).
6. Aquarius (the water-bearer)– The Water of life poured out on the redeemed who await the sure
return of the Redeemer. Jesus is the bearer of the "living water", a spiritual well for our soul, and He is
there to provide it whenever WE ASK HIM FOR IT (John 4: 7-14).
7. Pisces (the Fishes) - Delayed salvation sets free those in bondage who await their coming King.
Jesus Christ is a "fisher of men" if we allow Him to fish us out of the vast, dark, ocean through faith in Him.
8. Aries (the vigorous Lamb or Ram) - The Lamb was slain to deliver the freed woman to marry her
Deliverer, overcoming the great dragon. The Lord provided a ram for Abraham to offer as a sacrifice.
Later God provided His son, Jesus the Christ, who paid with His own life so that - if we accept Him and
"the terms“ we don't have to pay for our own sin.
The Zodiac
9. Taurus (the Bull) – The Judge comes to rule as Prince of Glory as fiery wrath pours out on His
enemies and His people are protected in the day of wrath. Taurus is figured as a charging bull which
can't be stopped or avoided. The Pleiades in the shoulder of Taurus are the Seven Sisters, who are the
Seven Churches in Revelation.

10. Gemini (the Twins) – (Two youthful-looking figures, one male and one female, walking or sitting
together). When Israel is restored at the "closing time" of this world, the promised blessings will
come upon The Bride. The union between Christ and His Bride is the Marriage of the Lamb which is
restored Israel (the TRUE BELIEVERS OF CHIRST WHICH IS HIS CHURCH), and Jesus Christ the
Messiah "marrying" or "uniting" His followers. The union is an "exact match" of Christ and His true
believers who form His Church. Revelation 19: 7-11; Ephesians 5: 30-32 (30 For we are members of
His body, of His flesh and of His bones. 31 "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother
and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This is a great mystery, but I
speak concerning Christ and the Church).

11. Cancer (the crab) – The gathered flock is secure in the safe harbor and rest of their Coming
Redeemer. The Arabic name for this sign is "Al Sartan", which means "who holds" or "binds". The Latin
name "Cancer" means, "holding" or "encircling". As Christ's true believers, He grabs hold of us and will
never let go just like a crab. This sign signifies the gathering of Christ's sheep... the redeemed.
Revelation 7: 9; Matthew 25: 31-33 & 41; John 10: 27-28.

12. Leo (the Lion) – The Triumphant Redeemer (The great lion) - "The conquering lion of
Judah", Jesus Christ, who will come again. The king that the apostle John traced back to
that tribe of Israel. In his heart is the star called Regulus. [Regulus (α Leo, α Leonis, Alpha Leonis) is
the brightest star in the constellation Leo and one of the brightest stars in the night sky, lying
approximately 77.5 light years from Earth].
What are the heavens telling us?

Luke 21:25-26, for example, states: “And there will be signs in sun and
moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because
of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with
foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens
will be shaken.”

In the Old Testament, Joel 2:30-31 says: “And I will show wonders in the
heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun
shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and
the terrible day of the LORD come.”

Read more at:
❖ Two models
❖ Evidence of age
▪ Recession of the moon,
▪ The earth’s magnetic field,
▪ Comets,
▪ Age of the sun,
▪ Supernova remnants
▪ Quantized red-shifts
❖ Origin of stars
❖ Scientific evidence and the big bang
❖ The Bible and big bang cosmology
Two Models
❖ Evolution / Theistic evolution
■ Big Bang
■ Universe 12 – 15 billion years old
■ Stellar formation (natural processes)

❖Biblical model
■ God spoke the universe into existence
■ Young universe
■ God created the stars
Evaluating the Evidence
◆ Textbooks and science journals
■ Big bang – billions of years old
■ Distant starlight – billions of years old

Are we being given all the evidence

Evidence against one position is

support for the other position
Recession of the Moon
❖ Earth’s force of gravity pulls on the moon

❖ The moon pulls back on the earth

(Newton’s 3rd law of motion)

❖ This causes the moon to accelerate in its

orbit so that it slowly spirals away from the
earth (4 cm/ year)
Earth – Moon Distances*

1,000 years ago 38.1 m closer

1 million years ago 45.7 km closer
10 million years ago 457 km closer
100 million years ago 4 570.5 km closer
1 billion years ago 45 705 km closer
1.4 billion years ago contact

*Average distance to the moon: 384,403 km

Recession of the Moon


1.4 bya 1.0 bya today

The Earth's Magnetic Field
▪ Strength of the earth’s magnetic field has been reliably and continually measured
since 1835.
▪ Strength has declined by about seven percent since then, giving a half-life of about
1,400 years.
▪ This means: in 1,400 years it will be one-half as strong, in 2,800 years it will be
one-fourth as strong, and so on. In thousands of years distant the field will be too
small to perform as a viable shield for earth.
▪ Calculating back into the past, the present measurements indicate that 1,400
years ago the field was twice as strong. It continues doubling each 1,400 years
back. About 10,000 years ago it would have been so strong the planet would have
disintegrated--its metallic core would have separated from its mantle.
▪ Conclusion: the earth must be fewer than 10,000 years old.
▪ Compare this "clock" with others used to estimate earth's age. This method utilizes
a long period of measurement, amounting to over one-tenth of a half-life, whereas
radioisotope decay has been accurately measured for only about 100 years, while
its half-lives are typically measured in the billions. The magnetic field "clock" might
be the very best of geochronometers, nearly all of which indicate a maximum age
for earth far too short for evolution to occur.
Morris, J. 2010. Earth's Magnetic Field. Acts & Facts. 39 (8): 1
Origin of the Moon
Fission Theory
“The earth spun so fast a chunk broke off”

1. The moon is chemically different
2. The earth could never spin fast enough
3. The escaping moon would break up
Origin of the Moon
Capture Theory
The moon was captured by the Earth’s

The moon would need to lose a lot of
energy or it would be sling-shotted rather
than captured
Origin of the Moon
Co-Creation Theory
The earth and moon formed at the same
time from debris orbiting the sun

1. The earth and moon are different
2. It is unlikely the gravitational attraction
would be strong enough
Origin of the Moon
A. Snyder Ruzicka and L. A. Taylor, “Giant Impact
and Fission Hypotheses for the origin of the moon:
a critical review of some geochemical evidence,
International Geology Review, 1998, p. 851.

“The origin of the moon is still unresolved.”

The best explanation is that the moon was

created in its present orbit about 6,000
years ago
Comets – all are relatively young!

Long-period comets
Short-period comets
▪ If the solar system is billions of years old, then “long
period” comets should not exist
▪ The evolution model postulates that they are being replaced by
the “Oort cloud” or Öpik-Oort cloud IPA
▪ It is a theorised (hypothetical) spherical cloud of comets (or
cloud of icy objects beyond the “Kuiper Belt”) which may lie
roughly 50,000 AU, or nearly a light-year, from the Sun (nearly a
quarter of the distance to Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to
the Sun). (AU = astronomical unit is a unit of length equal to about
149,597,871 kilometres).

▪ Problems with the Oort cloud

• It has never been observed
• There is NO evidence that it exists
• Not enough mass in the hypothetical Oort cloud
Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt
Don DeYoung, Ph.D. Physics, Astronomy and the
Bible, 2000, p. 49-50
“The existence of the Kuiper belt and the Oort
cloud of comets has not been verified.
Perhaps there is an alternative: The presence
of comets may be evidence that the solar
system is not as old as is often assumed.”
(“KBO” = Kuiper belt object).

Comets (10kms)
100 – 500 kms
Comets and the Oort Cloud
Timothy Ferris, The Whole Shebang: A State-of-the-
Universe Report, 1997, p. 123.
“Though the Oort cloud has yet to be observed, the theory
accounts so well for the distribution of comets’ orbits that most
astronomers today accept its existence,…”
The Oort Cloud is a theorised shell of icy objects that lie
beyond the Kuiper Belt, as such the facts detailed on this page
are hypothetical (

Definition of faith
“An unquestioning belief that does not require
proof or observation”.
Comets and the Oort Cloud
“Many scientific papers are written each
year about the Oort Cloud, its properties,
its origin, its evolution. Yet there is not yet
a shred of direct observational evidence
for its existence.”

Who said this?

Carl Sagan and A. Druyan, Comets, 1985, pp. 201.
Comets and the Oort Cloud
Danny Faulkner, Ph.D. Astronomy, Technical
Journal, “More Problems for the Oort Comet
Cloud”, 2001, p. 11.

“Since it cannot be detected, the Oort

cloud is not a scientific concept. This is
not bad science, but non-science
masquerading as science. The existence
of comets is good evidence that the solar
system is only a few thousand years old,
The Age of the Sun

40% Brighter if
sun is 4.6 billion
years old

◆ The Sun derives energy by the thermonuclear

conversion of hydrogen into helium, deep inside its core.
There is convincing evidence that the Sun is getting at
least half of its energy by this method,
◆ The core of the sun should alter and the sun should grow
brighter with age
The Sun and Life

• Earth average temperature: 15 OC.

• A 25% increase in brightness increases the average temperature by about 18
• Since the current average temperature of the Earth is 15°C, the average
temperature of the Earth 3.8 billion years ago would have been below
freezing (-3°C). Thus, when life supposedly was just beginning, much of the
Earth would have been frozen.
• Most geologists (and evolutionists) seem to insist that over the past 3.8 billion
years the average temperature of the Earth has not changed that much!!
Evidences for a Young Universe

❖Recession of the moon

❖Age of the sun
❖Supernova remnants
❖Galaxy formation
Evidences for a Young Universe
Supernova remnants (SNRs)
Crab Nebula: Light from the
supernova reached the earth in 1054
A supernova is a stellar explosion that is more
energetic than a nova. Supernovae are extremely
luminous and cause a burst of radiation that often
briefly outshines an entire galaxy, before fading
from view over several weeks or months. During
this short interval a supernova can radiate as
much energy as the sun is expected to emit over
its entire life span.

The explosion expels much or all of a star's material at a velocity of up to 30,000 km/s
(10% of the speed of light), driving a shock wave into the surrounding interstellar
medium. This shock wave sweeps up an expanding shell of gas and dust called a
supernova remnant. It is expected to emit over its entire life span. (Wikipedia)
Cosmic „Superbubbles“ –
Created by Supernova Shockwaves
Evidences for a Young Universe

Supernova Number of observable Actual

remnant SNRs predicted if our number
galaxy is:
Stage Billions of 7000
years old years old
First 2 2 5
Second 2260 125 200*

Third 5000 0 0
*Actually 126 for visible second stage SNR’s
The former data originate from calculations and an
article written in 1994 by a Canadian, Keith Davies,
entitled "
Distribution of Supernova Remnants in the Galaxy".
These data and assumptions, however, are being
disputed by astronomists and astrophysicists.
Supernova remnants (SNR)
A SNR is the structure resulting from the explosion of a star in a supernova. The
supernova remnant is bounded by an expanding shock wave, and consists of ejected
material expanding from the explosion, and the interstellar material it sweeps up and
shocks along the way.

Two common routes to a supernova: (1) either a massive star may run out of fuel,
ceasing to generate fusion energy in its core, and collapsing inward under the force of
its own gravity to form a neutron star or a black hole; or (2) a white dwarf star may
accumulate (accrete) material from a companion star until it reaches a critical mass
and undergoes a thermonuclear explosion.

In either case, the resulting supernova explosion expels much or all of the stellar
material with velocities as much as 10% the speed of light, that is, about 30,000 km/s.
These ejecta are highly supersonic: assuming a typical temperature of the interstellar
medium of 10,000 K, the Mach number can initially be > 1000. Therefore, a strong
shock wave forms ahead of the ejecta, that heats the upstream plasma up to
temperatures well above millions of K. The shock continuously slows down over time
as it sweeps up the ambient medium, but it can expand over hundreds or thousands of
years and over tens of parsecs before its speed falls below the local sound speed.
Read more:
Supernova remnants

G299 remnant N49 remnant Puppis A SN 185 remnant

(Large Magellanic Cloud)

SN 1604 remnant SN 1680 remnant

(Kepler's Supernova) (Cassiopeia A)
SN 1054 remnant SN 1572 remnant
(Crab Nebula) (Tycho Supernova) See more:
Galaxy Formation

Spiral Galaxy M51 The Whirlpool

M101 Galaxy
How do astronomers measure the distances
to galaxies?
Astronomers measure the distance to a galaxy in the same way we estimate
the distance to an oncoming car by the brightness of its headlights. We know
from experience how much light a car's headlights emits, so we can
determine how far away the car is.

To measure the distance to a galaxy, we try to find stars in that galaxy whose
absolute light output we can measure. We can then determine how far away
the galaxy is by observing the brightness of the stars. Such stars can help us
measure the distance to galaxies 300 million light years away.

If a galaxy is too far away for us to distinguish individual stars, astronomers

can use supernovae in the same manner, because the light output of
supernovae at their peak brightness is a known fact. Supernovae can be
used to measure the distance to galaxies as far as 10 billion light years away.
Milky Way Galaxy
Russel Humphreys, Ph.D. Physics, Evidence for a Young World:
“The stars of our own galaxy, the Milky Way, rotate about the galactic
center with different speeds, the inner ones rotating faster than the outer
ones. The observed rotation speeds are so fast that if our galaxy were
more than a few hundred million years old, it would be a featureless disc
of stars instead of its present spiral shape.”

A fish-eye mosaic of the Milky Way arching at a high inclination across the night sky,
shot from a dark sky location in Chile.
Formation of Galaxies
Joseph Silk (Professor of Astronomy at the University of Oxford),
The Big Bang, 2001, p. 195: “Many aspects of the evolution of
galaxies cannot yet be determined with any certainty.”

A photograph of galaxy NGC 6744, considered by scientists to greatly

resemble the Milky Way Galaxy
NGC 4414 is a typical spiral galaxy. It is about 60 million light-years away,
about 100,000 light-years in diameter and contains hundreds of billions of
stars, much like our own home galaxy, the Milky Way. It is also much like the
nearest galaxy visible in the northern hemisphere, M31 in Andromeda,
about 2 million lightyears away.
James Trefil, Ph.D. Physics, The Dark Side of
the Universe, 1988, p. 3 & 55.

“There shouldn’t be galaxies out there at

all, and even if there are galaxies,…
The problem of explaining the existence
of galaxies has proved to be one of the
thorniest in cosmology.”
Galaxy Formation
The Facts on File Dictionary of Astronomy, 1994,
p. 172.
“Galaxies must have condensed out of the
gases expanding from the big bang….
Details of the formation of galaxies are still
highly uncertain, as is their subsequent
Why is this any more scientific than:

In the beginning God created…

Two models
Evidence of age

Origin of stars
Scientific evidence and the big bang
The Bible and big bang cosmology

Are we being told all the evidence or just

selected information to support a particular
The Origin of Stars
Stars evolved billions of years before the earth

Theistic evolution / progressive creation

Stars evolved billions of years before the earth

The Bible
Earth created on day 1
The sun, moon, and stars on day 4
The Origin of Stars
Hugh Ross (Astronomer), “Species Development: Natural
Process or Divine Action,” Audiotape (Pasadena, CA:
Reasons to Believe, 1990).

“The entire process of stellar evolution is by

natural process alone. We do not have to
invoke Divine intervention at any stage in the
history of the life-cycle of the stars that we
Is this statement consistent with
the Bible?
Recommended books
Refuting Compromise: A Biblical and
Scientific Refutation of "Progressive
Creationism" (Billions of Years) As
Popularized by Astronomer Hugh
Ross [Paperback]
Jonathan Sarfati (Author)
The Origin of Stars
And God made two great lights; the greater
light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule
the night: he made the stars also.
Genesis 1:16

Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath

created these things, that bringeth out their
host by number:…
Isaiah 40:26
When I consider thy heavens, the work of
thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which
thou hast ordained;
Psalms 8:3
The Origin of Stars
⮚ (Ex 20:11) For in six days…
⮚ (Ps 19:1) The heavens declare the glory
of God
⮚ (Ps 33:6) By the word of the Lord were
the heavens made; and all the host of
them …
⮚ (Ps 148:5) … for he commanded, and
they were created
The Origin of Stars

⮚ (Is 45:12) …I, even my hands, have

stretched out the heavens, and all their
hosts have I commanded

Nehemiah 9:6
Thou, even thou, are Lord alone; thou
hast made heaven, the heaven of
heavens, with all their host…
▪ (John 1:3) All things were made by
▪ (Rev 4:11) …for thou hast created all
things, and for thy pleasure they are
and were created
Is stellar formation by natural
processes compatible with

It is by the Word of the Lord that the

universe and stars were created
Star Formation and Physics
The popular theory is that stars form from vast
clouds of gas and dust through gravitational
Gas and
dust clouds
Nebula will expand
Star Formation
Don DeYoung (Ph.D. in Physics), Astronomy and the
Bible, 2000, p. 84.

“The complete birth of a star has never been

observed. The principles of physics demand
some special conditions for star formation and
also for a long time period. A cloud of
hydrogen gas must be compressed to a
sufficiently small size so that gravity

In space, however, almost every gas cloud
is light-years in size, hundreds of times
greater than the critical size needed for a
stable star. As a result, outward gas
pressures cause these clouds to spread out
farther, not contract.”
Star Formation
Fred Whipple, The Mystery of Comets, (Washington, D.C.:
Smithsonian Institute Press, 1985), pp. 211, 213.

“Precisely how a section of an interstellar

cloud collapses gravitationally into a star
… is still a challenging theoretical
problem… Astronomers have yet to find
an interstellar cloud in the actual process
of collapse.”
Science vs. Evolution (from Chapter 2)
Vance Ferrell
Star Formation
Danny Faulkner, Ph.D. Astronomy

“To many astronomers it seems

reasonable that stars could form from
these clouds of gas. Most astronomers
believe that the clouds gradually
contract under their own weight to form
stars. This process has never been
observed, but if it did occur, it would
take many human lifetimes.
It is known that clouds do not
spontaneously collapse to form stars.
The clouds possess considerable mass,
but they are so large that their gravity is
very feeble. Any decrease in size would
be met by an increase in gas pressure
that would cause a cloud to re-expand.”
Star Formation
Hannes Alfven (Nobel prize winner), Gustaf Arrhenius,
“Evolution of the Solar System”, NASA, 1976, p. 480.

“There is general belief that stars are forming

by gravitational collapse; in spite of vigorous
efforts no one has yet found any observational
indication of conformation. Thus the ‘generally
accepted’ theory of stellar formation may be
one of a hundred unsupported dogmas which
constitute a large part of present-day
Star Formation
Charles Lada and Frank Shu (both astronomers),
“The Formation of Sunlike Stars,” Science, 1990,
p. 572.
“Despite numerous efforts, we have yet to
directly observe the process of stellar
formation…. The origin of stars represents one
of the fundamental unsolved problems of
contemporary astrophysics.”
Star Formation
The Facts on File Dictionary of Astronomy,
1994, p. 434.
“Stars are formed by the gravitational collapse of cool
dense gas and dust clouds….
There are problems, however, in initiating the
collapse of a gas cloud. It resists collapse because
of firstly its internal motions and the heating effects of
nearby stars, secondly the centrifugal support due to
rotation, and thirdly the magnetic field pressure….

In a massive dense cloud shielded by dust, it
is believed that collapse can be triggered when
the cloud is slowed on passing through the
spiral density-wave pattern of our galaxy:…”

The Facts on File Dictionary of Astronomy, 1994, p. 434.

Star Nurseries
Do pictures confirm stars are forming?

Eagle nebula
Star Nurseries
Martin Rees (A leading researcher on cosmic
evolution), Before the Beginning, 1998, p. 19.

“Stars are still forming today. About 1500

light-years away lies the Orion Nebula:
enough gas and dust to make millions of
It even contains protostars that are still
condensing …”
Star Formation and Nebula
Images taken by the European
Southern Observatory Very Large
Telescope in January 2002 of the
Horsehead Nebula in Orion
verified that the structures are

Observatory, Photograph by
David Malin
Star Formation and Time
◆ 100 billion galaxies (1011)
◆ 200 billion stars per galaxy (2x1011)
◆ Universe 20 billion years old (2x1010)

100 Billion x 200 Billion 1 trillion

stars per
20 billion year

◆ 2.7 billion stars per day

◆ 31,700 stars per second
Textbooks: Are They Correct?
Prentice Hall Earth Science, 2001, p. 733.
“A nebula is a large amount of gas and dust spread
out in an immense volume. All stars begin their lives
as parts of nebula.
Gravity can pull some of the gas and dust in a
nebula together. The interacting cloud is then called
a protostar. … A star is born when the contracting
gas and dust become so hot that nuclear fusion

Is this statement based on science or a

belief in evolution?
Conclusion on Star Formation
Abraham Loeb, (Harvard Center for Astrophysics),
quoted by Marcus Chown, “Let there be Light”,
New Scientist, Feb 7, 1998,
“The truth is that we don’t understand
star formation at a fundamental level.”

Why do so many textbooks state
we know how stars form?
Two models
Evidence of age
Origin of stars

Scientific evidence and the big bang

The Bible and big bang cosmology

Are we being told all the evidence or just

selected information to support a particular
The Big Bang
Evidences used to support the big bang

▪ Redshift
▪ Cosmic Background Radiation
▪ Element abundances
▪ Education system and media
Evidence Contradicting the Big Bang
▪ Redshift
▪ Cosmic Background Radiation
▪ Galaxy formation
▪ Spiral Galaxies
▪ Supernova Remnants (SNR)
▪ Distribution of galaxies
▪ 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics
▪ Medium and heavy elements
▪ Star formation
The Big Bang
The Handy Space Answer Book, 1998

“Fifteen to twenty billion years ago a big

bang, or explosion, occurred, creating the
universe. The universe began as an infinitely
dense, hot fireball, a scrambling of space
and time.”
The Big Bang
Expansion of space and time

A Universe Matter
With No

Does this sudden explosion of nothing into

something (the universe) sound like a miracle?
The Big Bang
Paul Davies, physicist and evolutionist, in his book -
The Edge of Infinity, describes the big bang this way:
“[The big bang] represents the instantaneous
suspension of physical laws, the sudden
abrupt flash of lawlessness that allowed
something to come out of nothing. It
represents a true miracle…”

Why is this more scientific than

In the beginning God created?
The Big Bang

▪ There is no special place in the

▪ There is no center to the universe
▪ The universe is homogeneous
Redshift of Starlight
Light Spectrum
UV Blue Red IR
Moving toward Moving away

1. Describe the expansion of the universe

2. The distance of a galaxy from the earth

Compressed (blue side) Stretched (red side)

Redshift Interpretation
Galaxy 1
Galaxy 2

Galaxy 3

Blue Red

We should observe redshifts at all distances

along the light spectrum (big bang model)
Redshift Values
Blue Red

What we Big bang model predicts a

observe homogeneous universe

Blue Red

Distinct quanta (1-million light

year intervals)
Redshifts and Galaxy Distances
circles 1-million
light years apart

Milky Way

Has this been confirmed and what does it mean?

Redshift quantization
It is the hypothesis that the redshifts of
cosmologically distant objects (in particular galaxies)
tend to cluster around multiples of some particular
value. Since there is a correlation of distance and
redshift as expressed in Hubble's Law, redshift
quantization would either indicate a quantization of
the distances of galaxies from the Earth or a problem
with the redshift-distance correlation, either of which
would have serious implications for cosmology. (!!!),
Yet, the cosmological redshift, may be the result of
the expansion of the universe.
Confirmation of Quantized Redshifts

W. G. Tifft and W. J. Cocke, Global redshift

quantization, Astrophysical Journal, 1984.

“There is now very firm evidence that

redshifts of galaxies are quantized …”

Quantization is the procedure of constraining something from a relatively large

or continuous set of values (such as the real numbers) to a relatively small
discrete set. (Wikipedia)
Russell Humphreys (Ph.D. Physics), Technical Journal, 2002

“Astronomers have confirmed that numerical values of

galaxy redshifts are ‘quantized’, tending to fall into distinct
groups. …
That would mean the galaxies tend to be grouped into
(conceptual) spherical shells concentric around our home
galaxy. The shells turn out to be on the order of a million
light years apart. The groups of redshifts would be distinct
from each other only if our viewing location is less than a
million light years from the center. The odds for the Earth
having such a unique position in the cosmos by accident
are less than one in a trillion”
Confirmation from Hubble
W. Napier and B. Guthrie, Quantized redshifts: a status
report, Journal Astrophysics and Astronomy, 1997.

“… the redshift distribution has been

found to be strongly quantized in the
galactocentric frame of reference.”

What does this mean to the big bang?

Implications of Quantized Redshifts
Russell Humphreys, Ph.D. Physics, Starlight and
Time, 1994, p. 128.

“…the quantized distribution of galactic

red shifts, observed by various
astronomers seems to contradict the
Copernican principle and all cosmologies
founded on it – including the big bang.”
The Hubble Deep Field is a long exposure of
thousands of galaxies

Copernican principle
Named after Nicolaus Copernicus, it states that the Earth is not
in a central, specially favored position. More recently, the
principle has been generalized to the relativistic concept that
humans are not privileged observers of the universe. In this
sense, it is equivalent to the mediocrity principle*, with
important implications for the philosophy of science.
Since the 1990s the term has been used (interchangeably with
"the Copernicus method") for J. Richard Gott's Bayesian-
inference-based prediction of duration of ongoing events, a
generalized version of the Doomsday argument.

* The assumptions of mediocrity principle is the notion in philosophy of

science that there is nothing special about humans or the Earth (!!!)

Implications of Quantized Redshifts
Halton Arp (Staff astronomer at the Mount Wilson
and Palomar Observatories for 29 years), Quasars,
Redshifts and Controversies, 1987, p. 195.

“The fact that measured values of redshift do

not vary continuously but come in steps –
certain preferred values – is so unexpected
that conventional astronomy has never been
able to accept it, in spite of the overwhelming
observational evidence.”
What about the speed of light? (1)
• Speed of light slowing down after all? (Famous physicist, Paul Davies,
makes headlines).
• Headlines in several newspapers around the world have publicized a
paper in Nature by a team of scientists (including the famous physicist
Paul Davies) who (according to these reports) claim that ‘light has been
slowing down since the creation of the universe’. (Davies, P.C.W., Davis,
T.M. and Lineweaver, C.H., Black holes constrain varying constants,
Nature 418(6898):602–603, 8 August 2002.
• If light were billions of times faster at the beginning, and slowed down in
transit, there would be no problem to explain a young earth.
• Since most nuclear processes are mathematically related to the speed
of light, a faster ‘c’ might well mean a faster rate of radioactive decay,
thus explaining much of the evidence used to justify the billions of years
of geological hypothesizing. [Top-flight creationist researchers involved
with the RATE (Radioactive Isotopes and the Age of the Earth) project
have found powerful evidence of speeded-up decay in the past]
Carl Wieland:
What about the speed of light? (2)
• Danish astronomer, Roemer in 1675 – first to measure the speed of light.
• Followed by English astronomer Bradley 50 yrs later in 1728.
• Next determinatoins by mid-1800‘2.
• Pre-1940 data by most research were considered incomplete.
• After becoming a Christian, an Australian named Barry Setterfield, a
student of physics and astronomy, began to struggle with the obvious
conflict between the biblical account of creation and the currently
accepted cosmological view.
• Setterfield examined the data on the speed of light, and found the figures
showed a clear and distinct pattern of decay with the passage of time.
• Of all the decay curves that could be fitted to the existing data, one stood
out clearly as the best fit. Setterfield's jaw dropped as he viewed the
curve. It indicated an origin of the universe about six thousand years ago
— the traditional figure based on analysis of biblical chronologies and
genealogies! At some point a little beyond 4000 B.C., the curve
approaches infinite light speed and thus the ultimate origin.
Decay (slowing down) of the speed of light
Decay (slowing down) of the speed of light
Speed of light and time

Issachar Insight - Chuck Missler and Barry

Reports of the Death of Speed of Light
Decay are Premature

„Speed of light decay is not only still viable but well

supported by the data.“


Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, vol. 12, no. 1, 1998.

See also:

What about the speed of light? (3)
• For an easy-to-understand summary of Setterfield‘s work, go

• „Covering Thyself with light as with a cloak, Stretching

out heaven like a tent curtain“. (Psalms 104:2, NASB).
• „This is what the LORD says-- your Redeemer, who
formed you in the womb: I am the LORD, the Maker of
all things, who stretches out the heavens, who
spreads out the earth by myself“, (Isaiah 44:24, NIV).
• He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the
waves of the sea (Job 9:8, NIV).
Size of the Universe
• 17 verses in the Bible state that God expanded the size of
the Universe from its original size.
• What affect did that have on time, and on red and blue shift?
• See:
• Isaiah 40:22; 42:5; 44:24; 45:12; 48:13; 51:13;
• Ezekiel 1:22;
• Jeremiah 10:12; 51:5; Job 9:8; 26:7; 37:18;
• Psalms 18:9; 104:2; 144:5;
• 2. Samuel 22:10;
• Zechariah 12:1
Two models
Evidence of age
Origin of stars
Scientific evidence and the big bang

The Bible and big bang cosmology

Implications of the Big Bang

◆ God’s creation was not 6-days

◆ The meaning of “very good” in Genesis 1:31
◆ Death before sin
◆ The Genesis Flood was not worldwide
◆ Colossians 1:16 “all” does not mean all things
Implications of the Big Bang

◆ God’s creation was not 6-days

◆ The meaning of “very good” in Genesis 1:31
◆ Death before sin
◆ The Genesis Flood was not worldwide
◆ Colossians 1:16 “all” does not mean all things
◆ What do the heavens declare: God or
Design in the Universe
W. Press, an astrophysicist, writing in an article in Nature magazine:
„There is a grand design in the Universe that favours the development
of intelligent life“.
To suggest that the flawless order in
the Universe came about by chance is
far more ridiculous that claiming that a
sand castle on the beach appeared
spontaneously as the result of natural

From: „Confessions of the Evolutionists“ (Harun Yahya)

The Bible and the Time of Creation
1. Day with a number
2. Evening and morning
3. Genesis 1:14
4. Exodus 20:11, 31:17
5. Words used to indicate time
6. Sentence structure
7. Genealogies (Gen 5, 1 Chron 1, Luke 3)
8. Plants and sunlight
9. The sun
10. The plain reading of the text
Nothing Too Difficult for God
17 times the Bible declares that God stretched
the heavens

2 Sam 22:10 Job 37:18 Isaiah 51:13

Psalm 18:9 Isaiah 40:22 Jeremiah 10:12
Psalm 104:2 Isaiah 42:5 Jeremiah 51:15
Psalm 144:5 Isaiah 44:24 Ezekiel 1:22
Job 9:8 Isaiah 45:12 Zechariah 12:1
Job 26:7 Isaiah 48:13
A God of Miracles
▪ God created trees mature with fruit
▪ God created mature animals
▪ God created Adam mature
▪ Jesus fed the 5,000
▪ Jesus turned water into wine
▪ Jesus withered the fig tree (Matt 21:18-19)
▪ Instant learning of language (Tower of Babel)
▪ Instant healing of soldier’s ear (Luke 22:51)
▪ Creation was “very good” (Gen 1:31)
Danny Faulkner Ph.D. Astronomy
John Byl Ph.D. Astronomy
Tom Greene Ph.D. Astronomy
Dave Harrison Ph.D. Astrophysics
James Dire Ph.D. Astrophysics
John Rankin Ph.D. Mathematical Physics
Keith Wanser Ph.D. Condensed Matter Physics
Russell Humphreys Ph.D. Physics
Barbara Helmkamp Ph.D. Physics
Don DeYoung Ph.D. Physics
Robert Gentry Ph.D. Physics
Eugene Chaffin Ph.D. Nuclear Physics
Ron Samec Ph.D. Physics
John Cimbala Ph.D. Aeronautics
Andrew McIntosh Ph.D. Combustion Theory
Hee-Choon No Ph.D. Nuclear Engineering
Jay Wile Ph.D. Nuclear Chemistry
The Pattern of Evolution
We have seen a pattern in the evolution
model interpretation of cosmology
▪ Not reporting all the evidence
▪ Constantly updating the big bang model to
match observed data
▪ Disagreement among astronomers
▪ A disregard for Biblical interpretation
▪ An appeal to churches to accept “real
science” (you can have evolution and the
Critical Thinking
Which is easier to believe

1) Nothing created something (the

2) In the beginning God created…
The creation by God
gives meaning to the
Who created
What was created
How it was created
When it was created
How long it took to create
The Lecture on DVD

Plus Free
Lesson plans
◆ Objectives
◆ Detailed outline
of the DVD
◆ Exercises
◆ Answer Keys
The Bible and the Time of Creation

12 Biblical evidences
why the earth is young

How to test a theory

Why the Bible can be

How the laws of science
support the Bible
Additional links
▪ The Origin of the Universe:
▪ The Existence of God and the Beginning of the Universe (by William
Lane Craig):
▪ The Origin of the Solar System (by Lambert Dolphin):
▪ The Heavens declare:

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