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MTs Bilingual Muslimat NU

Pucang - Sidoarjo

For Social Subject
1. Isolated Community Life

This can occur due to

the condition of the
area being isolated
from communication
and transportation
routes. cause the
community does not
know the develop-
ments that occur in the
Miggingo Island, Africa
2. Slow Development of Science.
When science develops
properly, it is certain that
the community concerned
will experience rapid so-
cio-cultural changes.

How is the distribution of

education in Indonesia?
Baduy tribe, Banten
3. Traditional societies
Traditional societies are
those who maintain tradi-
tions, customs, value sys-
tems, norm systems, and even
cultural systems inherited by
their predecessor genera-

Anak Dalam Tribes, Jambi

There is no technology, vehicles, and electronic equipment they use. Electricity, chemi-
cals, shampoo, soap, television, cellphones, and so on are not allowed to be used.
4. Traditional Customs

Customs are usually sourced from

traditional values ​that have been
rooted in the life of a society. For ex-
ample, customs in the use of tools.
The application of modern rice cut-
ting tools in a society will not neces-
sarily be taken for granted.
5. Presence of Prejudice against New or Foreign Things

Feeling that they have lived under colonialism

for hundreds of years has left many Indonesians
traumatized, especially for the elderly. They
are sometimes easy to feel suspicious and preju-
diced against foreign cultures or new things
that come from the West.

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