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international trade is a
trading activity between
two country or more with
mutual agreement.
Trade between countries is
related to several activities
1. Transfer of goods and services
2. Transfer of capital
3. Transfer of workers
4. Transfer of technology
5. Transfer information about market
and raw material
International Trade Activities
Export is an activity to sell goods or
products abroad. Someone who do
export is called an exporters. The main
objective of export activities is to make a
Import is an activity of buying goods
from abroad. A person who do imports
is called an importer.
Government Policy To Encourage Exports.
1.Provide Facilities to Export Goods.
To increase exports, the government makes easy
producers to export their goods. Facilities that can make
easy are like technology assistance, product innovation
training, credit assistance. This will make producers
excited to produce. Cheap production factor prices can
reduce the selling price so that it can increase the
company's competitiveness.
Government Policy To Encourage Exports.
2. Maintain the Stability of Rupiah Exchange
With stable of Rupiah , exporters will easier to
determine price for their products on the
international market. 1 USD= 15.000 1
3. Increase Promotion
Promotion can be form with trade festivals, arts
Government Policy To Encourage Exports.

4. Create an International Trade

Many countries have made agreements of
international trade. The seller or exporter
has a market with special protection from
the agreement. Buyer can also have sellers
according to the agreement.
Export Support Factors

Condition of Exporters can Social, Economic,

International catch market and Political
market opportunities Conditions of a
Support Factors
of International
01 market
The amount of the demand from countries
can affect the price on the world market. If
the demand is more than the supply, the
price will increase. if supply is more than
demand, the price will decrease. this
situation will influence exporters to
increase or decrease their exports.
Export Support Factors
02 Exporters can catch market opportunities
An exporter must be take
advantage in market
opportunities. exporters should
have marketing strategy to get
wide market area.
Export Support Factors
Social, Economic, and Political Conditions of a
03 Country
Economy, social and political
condition are related to one another.
For example, the export destination
country depends on political
condition, if there are conflict or riot
in the country,it will affect in trade
between country.
Benefits of Trade Between Countries

Get Profit Can get goods that Establish

can’t be produced friendship between
domestically countries

Transfer of
01 Trade between countries
Get Profit make producers can
increase their production
both domestically and
02 Every country has resources
that are not owned by other
Can get goods countries. With trade between
that can’t be countries, each country can
exchange products to obtain
produced goods that cannot be produced
domestically in their country.
03 Good relations in the
Establish trade will affect
friendship relations in other
between sector, such as
education, health,
social and culture.
Transfer of Modern Technology
To use imported goods with high
technology, we need to know
about knowledge and skills to use
it. So, generally importers provide
training on the use of this
technology. This will accelerate
the transfer of modern technology.
Factors that Encourage International Trade
01 To meet domestic needs for goods and services

To get profit and increase income from foreign

02 exchange

03 There are differences in science and technology

for processing good and service
Factors that Encourage International Trade
04 There are differences in natural resources, labor, culture
and population, which cause differences in production
good and service

05Develop cooperation, political relations and support from

other countries.

06 Globalization
The Difference Trade
Between Island and Trade
Between Countries
01 In trade between countries, a
country can sell and buy
goods / services to other
In domestic trade, we can only
trade between regions or
In trade between countries, country
02 can regulate the flow of goods /
services, labor and finance.
The Countries show their sovereignty
Existence of here. Meanwhile, in domestic trade,
National the flow of trade without any
Sovereignty regulation from the country.
03 In trade between countries,
countries use different exchange
Use of rates. Trade between countries
Exchange also requires a financial system
Rates. between countries. But in the
domestic trade which uses only
uses one exchange rate.
1. Kurs jual (rupiah --> uang asing) merupakan kurs yang dipakai apabila bank/money changer
ingin menjual uang asing (valuta asing/valas) kepada kita atau jika ingin menukarkan rupiah
dengan uang asing. rumus kurs jual = nilai rupiah : nilai mata uang asing.
2. Kurs beli (rupiah <-- uang asing) merupakan kurs yang dipakai apabila bank/money changer
ingin membeli uang asing dari kita atau jika kita ingin menukarkan uang asing dengan rupiah.
rumus kurs beli = mata uang asing x rupiah
Veronika berangkat dari Jakarta tanggal 25 Desember 2014 untuk berlibur ke Amerika Serikat selama 2 minggu.
Tiga hari sebelum berangkat, ia menukarkan uangnya sebesar Rp 24.000.000,00 ke mata uang dollar Amerika
Serikat. Selama berlibur, ia menghabiskan uang sebesar US $ 1.800. Setelah tiba di Jakarta ia langsung
menukarkan kembali seluruh uangnya ke dalam mata uang rupiah. Berapa rupiah yang diterima Veronika?

A. Rp 1.517.193,70
B. Rp 1.525.866,82
C. Rp 1.532.371,66
D. Rp 1.769.569,90
Kurs jual = jika mata uang rupiah ditukar menjadi mata uang asing.
Kurs beli = jika mata uang asing ditukar menjadi mata uang rupiah.
Jadi, menukar Rp 24.000.000,00 ke dollar gunakan kurs jual (3 hari sebelum
berangkat, jadi tanggal 22 desember dg kurs jual 12.497,00) sehingga yang
diperoleh Veronika = 24.000.000 / 12.497,00 = $ 1.920,461

Veronika menghabiskan uang $ 1.800 sehingga sisa uangnya $ 1.920,461 - $

1.800 = $120,4609

Uang $ 120,4609 ditukar kembali ke dalam rupiah (yang berlaku kurs beli pada
tgl 8 januari karena berlibur 2 minggu)

Jadi uang yang dimiliki Veronika = 120,4609 x 12.667,00 = Rp 1.525.866,82

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