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EA_Hutchison, 2Aug2013

* EPG_ET_gov_adj_training.ppt

EPG, ET governor gain adjustment/calibration

- Dealer Technician training

Purpose of this class:

- Introduce diesel engine governor controls.
- Provide guidelines for adjusting the EPG engine governor controls using Electronic Technician (ET) to improve stability or load response.
- Introduce the new Tier4 EPG engine ET governor gain factor format and compare it with the existing/Tier3 version.


? What is the purpose of an engine governor

? Why is the governor made to be adjustable

? How are governor adjustments done

? What guidelines should be used to make ET governor adjustments in the field

The following engine applications offer the ET-adjustable governor gain factors:
- Electric Power Generation (both land-based EPG and MarineAuxEPG).
- Marine prop-drive (some Marine-Prop applications).
- Locomotive and Petroleum (ex: C175).

* 22Mar2016 – EA_Hutchison removed backup-up charts 20-26 from the 2Aug2013 version to address possible IP concerns.
EA_Hutchison, 18Nov2010
EPG, ET governor gain adjustment/calibration
- Dealer Technician training

-?What is the purpose of an engine governor:

- Diesel engine governor automatically adjusts fuel command to hold the engine at the desired speed under various loads.
- Governor is a closed loop control system that compares actual engine speed to desired engine speed and then adjusts fuel to force the
actual engine speed to match the desired engine speed.

Desired engine speed + (fuel)

Controller Gains Plant
Actual engine speed
Diesel Engine(Diesel
Speed Control
Engine fuel governor)
- Throttle position sensor
Desired Engine Speed command Electronic hardware and software Hardware
(throttle request) -Engine Control Module (ECM, ADEM4) - Diesel engine
EPG engines typically run constant -Engine Control software, includes:
- Governor gain maps.
desired engine speed:
1800_rpm (60Hz) or 1500_rpm (50Hz) - Interface for ET gov gain factors / EPG.
-Fuel System Injectors
Controller (Fuel gov sets injection time duration)

engspd_error gov_fuel Vehicle

DES + e(t) PI Fuel


Control Limits
- (Torque and Smoke)

Engine speed
Speed Actual
Noise Filter
Sensor Speed
(Magnetic Hall-effect sensor
on Crank or Cam gear teeth).

EA Hutchison, 18Jan2008
? Why is the governor made to be adjustable:
- The ‘strength’ of the closed loop control system determines how quickly the actual engine speed will recover/return to the desired speed.
- The ‘strength’ of the closed loop control can be adjusted by changing the gains of the governor.
- Gains must be adjusted for the best compromise between response and stability
(gains too low can cause sluggish load response, gains too high can cause instability).
- Different governor gains may be required for various engine bore sizes & EPG generator sizes.

Adjust gains to adjust controller ‘strength’.

- High gains = fast response, but stability risk.
- Low gains = slower response, but more stable.

Desired engine speed + Controller Gains Plant
Actual engine speed
?How are governor adjustments done:
- For Caterpillar EPG engines, the governor gains are a combination of engine software gain maps (gains vs engine speed) and
governor gain multiplier factors.
-The governor gain multiplier factors can be accessed / adjusted using the Customer Parameter screen in Electronic Technician.
(The governor gain software maps are fixed in the engine flash file and can not be accessed/adjusted with ET).
-The engine flash file should contain the ‘best compromise’ governor gain maps and default ET gain factors to provide acceptable
response and stability for most generator choices available for a particular EPG engine (bore size).
-Occasionally, the ET governor gain factors need to be adjusted in the field to optimize performance for a unique customer installation issue
(such as a new/unique generator size).

Electronic Technician (ET)

- Customer parameter screen
- Governor gain factors (three parameters)

Engine software ‘Final’ governor gain values

Governor Gain
X Governor gain maps (Used to control the engine).
Multiply Factors
(gains vs engine speed)

Gov gain maps:

- Stored in engine flash file.
- Not accessible through ET.
?What guidelines should be used to make ET governor adjustments in the field:
(1) Check the basics:
- Before making any changes, make careful note of the ET gov settings being used on the engines at the customer site
(ex: save engine ECM replacement files).
- Check each engine for any ET active fault or event codes. Make repairs if necessary.
- Return each engine to its correct/factory-default ET gov gain setting by entering ‘0’ for each ET gov gain factor.
- If units contain Caterpillar Digital Voltage Regulator (CDVR), save the CDVR’s configuration file using ET or
the CDVR software (available from SIS_web).
- Confirm that the voltage regulators are configured correctly and consistently for all units that are to be synchronized.
- Save the EMCP control ECM replacement file (for possible future reference).
- After completing the above steps, re-test the system for acceptable performance.

Document settings
- Save ET ECM replacement file for:
- Engine ECM, CDVR, EMCP

ET – check for active fault codes

- Make repairs, if appropriate.

Return settings to correct / factory defaults.

- Engine ECM, type in ‘0’ for ET gov gain factors.
- check / confirm proper voltage controller settings
(knee_freq, roll-off slope, gains).
- For multi-engine site, confirm all engine ET gain factors
and CDVR’s are configured the same.

Re-test performance
?What guidelines should be used to make ET governor adjustments in the field (continued):
(2) Some deeper questions and troubleshooting:

- If performance is still unacceptable (after performing basic tests), continue:

- If the issue is instability at constant load or no-load:

Note / question - ?Was the system running stable initially, and then became unstable. If so, hardware failure is the likely cause.

- If the installation has multiple gen sets synchronized together, disconnect the synchronizer control and test each engine independently to
verify it is stable running on its own. In this mode, each engine should be running with a constant desired engine speed (equal to rated
speed, 1800rpm/60Hz or 1500rpm/50Hz).

- If each engine is stable on it’s own, but the system is unstable with the synchronizer control connected, then focus troubleshooting on the
synchronizer control (possibly noisy throttle signals from the synchronizer to the engines).

- If any engine is unstable running on its own, check the following items on that engine:
- - Check the coupling between the engine and generator for excessive wear.
- - Check for healthy fuel injectors by performing ET injector solenoid clack test and the cylinder cut-out test. See engine troubleshooting
guide for more information.

- If the instability is at part-load or full-load condition (ex: one engine running on a load bank), the voltage regulator may have failed
(Try a new voltage regulator).
If the general troubleshooting guidelines (1) and (2) have failed to resolve the instability,
then proceed with engine governor gain adjustments as follows:

General recommendations and cautions about adjusting governor gains:

Document each test - Tuning the governor gains can be a time consuming task. The customer is STRONGLY ADVISED to document all
of the settings each time the settings are changed during the testing process. Along with the settings, write down a brief summary of what
was good or bad about the engine response for each trial run. This can save hours in trying to remember what gains have already been tried
and the associated performance effects. This ‘document as you test’ approach tends to generate a series of tests that are methodical and
complete – most likely to lead to an acceptable solution.

Perform a variety of load-step tests at each governor setting – After each governor gain adjustment, perform a variety of load step tests to
determine the impact of the new gains on overall performance. Examples:
- Load-increase steps (for engine speed drop/recovery).
- Load-decrease steps (for engine speed overshoot/recovery).
- Small load steps (10% load increments).
- Larger load steps (25% or larger load increments).

Caution – Resolving instability using the governor involves lowering the governor gains. Lower governor gains includes these risks:
- Lower gains will degrade the unit’s load response. May have excessive engine speed overshoot or undershoot during load steps.
- Lower gains may temporarily reduce the instability by hiding an underlying root cause, such as a hardware failure.
- If gains are set too low, engine speed hunting will occur.

Introduction to new Tier4 EPG engine ET governor gain factor format:

- Tier4 EPG engine software includes a new format for the ET-adjustable governor gain factors.
- Advantages of the new/Tier4 ET gain factor format include:
- The gain factor values displayed in ET have dimensions (%) and physical significance. This helps clarify their impact on the governor
tuning process and actual EPG engine response/stability.
- The correct/factory default values for all of the ET gain factors are the same (100%). This allows quick check/verification of the correct
factory default values during test/troubleshooting. Also, the burden and associated errors caused by unique ET gain factors that must be
calibrated / archived / tracked per bore size and flash file is greatly reduced.
-With the Tier4 ET gain factor format, it is easier to adjust the governor for optimum performance. This is because adjustments for good
state-state stability can be made independent of adjustments that provide fast transient load response.
Electronic Technician (ET), customer parameter screen, Tier3 and Tier4 EPG engines.

Tier3 EPG engine: Tier4 EPG engine:

-ET customer parameter screen -ET customer parameter screen
- System settings, gov gain factors: - System settings, gov gain factors:
Governor Gain Factor #1 Governor (proportional) Gain Percentage
Governor Minimum Stability Factor #1 Governor (integral) Stability Percentage
Governor Maximum Stability Factor #1 Governor Transient Response Loop gain Percentage
Notes: Notes:
- Values are dimensionless – no physical significance. - Values have physical significance and units (%).
- Correct / factory default settings are engine bore size - Correct / factory default settings = 100%
and Tier3 application specific. (For all engine bore sizes and Tier4 applications.)
- C15_T3_EPG settings different than C18_T3_EPG
- C15_T3_EPG may be different than C15_T3_MarineAuxEPG.
Tier3/EPG engines - To address instability using ET governor gain factors, lower the ET governor gain factors as follows:
- Before making any changes, start with the correct / factory-default ET gain settings
(enter ‘0’ for each factor in ET to recall the correct / factory default value).
- For Tier3/EPG engines, the correct/factory default ET gain values are not necessarily the same between various engine software flash files
or various engine bore sizes. Entering ‘0’ for each ET gain factor assures the correct/factory default values are restored for testing.

Tier3 EPG engines: ET will show the following (3) gov gain factors in the customer parameter screen.
The values displayed for these factors are dimensionless (no physical significance).
Governor Gain Factor
Governor Minimum Stability Factor
Governor Maximum Stability Factor
To adjust these factors to improve stability:
- Set the Maximum Stability Factor equal to the same value as the Minimum Stability Factor.
- Next, multiply all (3) governor gain factors by the same percentage value that is between 0 and 1, such as 0.7
(or a smaller increment, such as 0.8 or 0.9).
- After each gain adjustment, perform a load step test to see if stability has improved.
- Continue / repeat this multiplication procedure (same percentage multiply on all three gain factors) until the system has acceptable stability.
- Once gains are reached that provide acceptable stability, set the Maximum Stability Factor equal to 3x the value of the (new) Minimum Stability Fa
- Fine-tune the setting of the Maximum Stability Factor as follows:
- If the system shows hunting/instability, reduce the size of the Maximum Stability Factor (smallest value would be 1x the Minimum Stability Fact
- If the system is stable, but faster load response is desired, increase the size of the Maximum Stability factor. Generally, the upper limit for the
Maximum Stability Factor = 7x the Minimum Stability factor. If the Maximum Stability Factor is set too-large, then hunting/instability will occur.
Tier4/EPG engines - To address instability using ET governor gain factors, lower the ET governor gain factors as follows:
- Before making any changes, start with the correct / factory-default ET gain settings (all three Tier4 ET gain factors = 100%).

Tier4 EPG engines: ET will show the following (3) gov gain factors in the customer parameter screen.
The values displayed for these factors are a percentage. The correct factory default settings for all three of these items= 100. This means
the effective gain multiplier from the ET gain setting = 1.0 (that is, 100% of the engine software gain setting). Likewise, setting these values
to 90 would mean the effective gain multiplier from the ET gain = 0.9 (that is, 90% of the engine software gain setting).
Maximum adjustable range for these factors = 0.1 – 1000 (effective gain multiplier range = 0.001 – 10.0). Entering ‘0’ returns the values to
the correct/factory default settings (100%, effective gain multiplier = 1.0).
Governor (proportional) Gain Percentage (factory default setting = 100 %)
Governor (integral) Stability Percentage (factory default setting = 100 %)
Governor Transient Response Loop gain Percentage (factory default setting = 100 %)
To adjust these factors to improve stability:
- Multiply the first two (2) governor gain factors by the same value that is between 0 and 1, such as 0.7. (or a smaller increment, such as 0.8 or 0.9).
- Do not adjust the Governor Transient Response Loop gain Percentage. Leave it at its default value = 100.
For example:
Governor (proportional) Gain Percentage (= 70, example to improve stability)
Governor (integral) Stability Percentage (= 70, example to improve stability)
Governor Transient Response Loop gain Percentage (factory default setting = 100 %)
-After each gain adjustment, perform a load step test to see if stability has improved.
- Continue / repeat this multiplication procedure (same percentage multiply on first (2) gov gain factors) until the system has acceptable stability.
- Once gains are reached that provide acceptable stability, set the Governor Transient Response Loop gain Percentage as follows:
- Start with: Governor Transient Response Loop gain Percentage = 100 % (factory default setting).
- Perform transient load step test (both load increase and decrease steps), while measuring engine speed drop and overshoot.
- If faster load response is desired, increase the setting of the Governor Transient Response Loop gain Percentage (larger than 100%).
- If repeatable/measureable improvement in load response is demonstrated (reduced engine speed drop or overshoot), then use the new/larger setting
- Otherwise, keep the Governor Transient Response Loop gain Percentage = 100% (factory default). This is safer setting for stability.
- Note: During a load increase step, the governor will typically force the fuel against the maximum fuel limit (FARC or Rated fuel limit) fairly fast.
If the fuel is reaching the maximum fuel limit in 0.1 – 0.2 seconds, then increasing the governor gains will provide no improvement
in load-step response (that is, reduced engine speed drop). The rate at which the fuel reaches the maximum fuel limit during a load step test
can be adjusted using the Governor Transient Response Loop gain Percentage. Setting this value too large can create new stability problems.
ET gain adjustments to improve load response
-Tier3 gain factor format:
- Caution - setting gov gains high with no real improvement in load response risks creating new stability problems.
(Do not leave high gov gain settings in the engine unless there is a real / measureable / repeatable benefit).
- Start with correct / default ET gain factors (enter ‘0’ for each to recall the factory default ET gain values).
- Note - For Tier3/EPG engines, the correct/factory default ET gain values are not necessarily the same between various engine software
flash files or various engine bore sizes. Entering ‘0’ for each ET gain factor assures the correct/factory default values are restored for testing.
- Perform load response test with a fixed/repeatable load (such as load bank).
- Determine maximum engine speed drop (for load increase) and overshoot (for load decrease) from the load step test.
- To improve load response, increase the setting of the ET Kimax factor (set it 3x to 7x the ET Kimin factor).
- Repeat load step test and determine any improvement in load response (decreased engspd drop or overshoot).
- If further improvement in load response is desired increase all three ET gain factors as follows:
- Caution – setting these values too large will cause instability.
- Multiply all (3) ET gain factors by the same percentage value larger than 1.0, such as 1.4.
- (or use a smaller increment multiplier, such as 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3)
- After this multiply, the ET Kimax factor should still be = 3x to 7x the ET Kimin factor.
- Repeat load step test and determine any improvement in load response (decreased engine speed drop and/or overshoot).
- If no measureable / repeatable improvement in load response, return to the factory default settings for the ET gains.
- If system shows instability/hunting with the increased gains, then lower gains must be used (even if load response is sacrificed).
- Reason: There must be comfortable stability margin to assure stable operation under a wide variety of operating conditions.
- Example: If gain multiplier = 1.4 improved the load-step performance, but caused some hunting/instability,
then gain mulitiplier of ~1.2x maximum should be used.
ET gain adjustments to improve load response (continued).
- Tier4 gain factor format
- Caution - setting gov gains high with no real improvement in load response risks creating new stability problems.
(Do not leave high gov gain settings in the engine unless there is a real / measureable / repeatable benefit).
- Start with correct / default ET gain factors (100% for each).
- Perform load response test with a fixed/repeatable load (such as load bank).
- Determine maximum engine speed drop (for load increase) and overshoot (for load decrease) from the load step test.
- To improve load response, increase the setting of the Governor Transient Response Loop gain Percentage
(values between 100% and 300% would be typical).
- Repeat load step test and determine any improvement in load response (decreased engine speed drop and/or overshoot).
- If further improvement in load response is desired, increase the following ET gain factors as follows:
- Caution – setting these values too large will cause instability.
Governor (proportional) Gain Percentage (values between 100% and 300% would be typical)
Governor (integral) Stability Percentage (values between 100% and 300% would be typical)
( Keep the Governor Transient Response Loop gain Percentage = 100-300% during this test.)
- Repeat load step test and determine any improvement in load response (decreased engspd drop).
- If no measureable / repeatable improvement in load response, return to the factory default settings for the ET gains.
- If system shows instability/hunting with the increased gains, then lower gains must be used (even if load response is sacrificed).
- Reason: There must be comfortable stability margin to assure stable operation under a wide variety of operating conditions.
- Example: If gain multiplier = 300% improved the load-step performance, but caused some hunting/instability,
then gain mulitiplier of ~150% maximum should be used.
Backup charts
- For possible reference to help answer in-class questions.
22Mar2016 – EA_Hutchison removed backup-up charts 20-26 from this version to address possible IP concerns.
-- Allow general distribution of these charts with no IP concern issues.
Typical Engine/Generator ‘Open’ package
- Load step tested using a electrical load bank

EMCP control Generator
- monitor/control panel

Load Bank:
- Large bank of resistors + inductors
- Generator output is wired directly to the load bank.
- Resistors (only) used for power factor=1.0 loads.
- Resistors + inductors used for power factor = 0.8 loads
- Includes cooling fan to remove heat from load bank.

Load bank, load controller:

- May be a simple panel of manual switches.
- May be programmable (load versus time).

EA Hutchison, 19May2010
Diesel / Electric Power Generation (EPG) load step test results example: Caterpillar Factory test report (Griffin/GA)
- Electrical load-step test, generator frequency and voltage transient response.
- 70 – 100% load step result

‘Frequency’ for EPG =

Electric Generator Frequency (desired targets = 50Hz or 60Hz)

rator ‘Frequency Response’ is tied directly to

ne Speed Response
ne speed drop and recovery time for load step).
rall response influenced by:
ngine response
oltage regulator settings (permitted frequency drop / roll-off).
enerator package size (inertia)

50Hz / 1500rpm target (constant desired engine speed)

-Red Trace = actual generator output frequency
(directly proportional to engine speed)
-Blue & Green traces =
undershoot / overshoot / recovery time spec limits.
- Xaxis = time (30 second interval)

rator ‘Voltage Response’

age response primarily influenced by:
Voltage regulator settings, such as:
nee frequency (Hz).
oltage vs Frequency roll-off slope setting (Volts / Hz).
oltage controller closed loop controller gain settings
I-D settings).

EA Hutchison, 19May2010
Diesel / Electric Power Generation (EPG) Under Frequency Roll Off (UFRO)
-Voltage regulator control (Example: Normal production version Leroy Sommer R448 analog control). vs
Load Adjustment Module (LAM)
- Reduces generator output voltage as generator frequency decreases (during a load-increase step).
- Reduces load on engine, helps engine speed recovery time.
- Voltage vs frequency setting is configurable --- and will impact engine speed drop/recovery.
* Knee Frequency
Under Freq Roll Off (UFRO)
voltage reduction (LAM=0%)
Vn - Volts vs Hz follows blue path.
- Volts reduced linearly with freq.

LAM voltage reduction
Voltage 13% or 25%
-Volts vs Hz follows red path.
- Volts given step change with freq.

57.5 Hz 60 Hz
* Knee Frequency setting – When generator frequency drops below (1800rpm)
the knee frequency (such as during a large load-increase step), Generator frequency
the voltage regulator will allow voltage setting to decrease
to provide engine load relief and better engine speed recovery. (proportional to engine speed)
EA Hutchison, 19May2010
Better engine speed recovery is also tied directly to better generator frequency recovery. TCL_analyst_gov_training_Nov2007_updated_19May2010.ppt
Voltage Regulator controller gain setting example. EA_Hutchison, 20Aug2010
If using Caterpillar Digitial Voltage Regulator (CDVR): CDVR_bench_test.ppt
- Electronic Technician (ET) screens, CDVR customer parameters, controls.
- CDVR sw = 318-4763-01.fls, (latest SIS web)
CDVR controller gain settings also adjustable with CDVR PC software.
(Requires a serial cable between the CDVR and PC.)
- CDVR PC software = 252-7515-03 (latest from SIS web)
-CDVR sw = 318-4763-01.fls, (latest SIS web)

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