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Proposta Commerciale


©Any disclosure of this proposal or of the parties to it, any copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon this proposal is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the originator
and do not necessarily represent those of the Group, unless they come from a person formally authorized to do so.

Tesla, a company known for its electric cars and innovative vision, has experienced a
roller-coaster ride in 2023, leaving investors with a whirlwind of emotions and a
multitude of questions. Second quarter results, ending June 30, featured a significant
increase in revenue of $24.9 billion and adjusted earnings per share that rose to $0.91,
figures that easily exceeded Wall's expectations. Street. Riding this wave, the stock
has seen an impressive 137% increase in the first half of the year, painting a
promising picture for the electric vehicle giant.


However, the narrative changed dramatically following the July 19 earnings

announcement. The following weeks saw a sharp decline, with Tesla shares dropping a
substantial 21% by August 16. This sudden change in fortunes has left shareholders
dealing with disappointment and uncertainty.

The second quarter showed a notable 47% year-over-year increase in sales,

accompanied by an even more impressive 83% increase in vehicle deliveries – a
commendable feat considering the backdrop of economic uncertainty. Despite these
positive metrics, investors seemed fixated on several aspects of the financial picture.

The main concern for shareholders was the modest 7% increase in gross profit, offset
by a 3% decline in operating income. This decrease in profitability led to a notable
contraction in Tesla's margins compared to the same quarter the previous year. The
decline in profitability was a direct result of the company's implementation of multiple
price reductions in the preceding months.

©Any disclosure of this proposal or of the parties to it, any copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon this proposal is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the originator
and do not necessarily represent those of the Group, unless they come from a person formally authorized to do so.


pic. 2

Adding complexity to the equation was Tesla's unveiling of plans to introduce

cheaper versions of its premium Models S and X. These short-range iterations
are priced $10,000 less than their premium counterparts. Furthermore, Tesla is
engaged in fierce price competition within the competitive Chinese market.

While the strategic rationale behind these moves is clear – CEO Elon Musk
aims to increase unit volume to expand market share and gather valuable data
to improve self-driving (FSD) capabilities – these price wars risk further
compromise profitability. This highlights the intense competition in the
electric vehicle (EV) industry, a space that Tesla has helped bring to the

For those who firmly believe in Tesla's long-term potential, short-term margin
fluctuations may be of less concern. Their focus is instead on the company's
ability to generate substantial future profits and cash flows. An integral aspect
of all this is Tesla's ambitious project, Dojo, an AI supercomputer designed to
strengthen autonomous driving capabilities by refining neural network training
for better decision making in different driving scenarios. These advances could
have a transformative impact on Tesla's financial outlook.

©Any disclosure of this proposal or of the parties to it, any copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon this proposal is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the originator
and do not necessarily represent those of the Group, unless they come from a person formally authorized to do so.

First Level, “Beginner Level”

3.280,00 –
5.000,00 TSLA 1/10 0,3 LONG

Secondo livello, “Medium Level”


5.820,00 –
10.000,00 TSLA 1/10 0,7 LONG

Terzo livello, “Pro Investment Level”


12.300,00 –
20.000,00 TSLA 1/10 1 LONG

Broker Name
Helen Larbi
©Ufina firma

Nome del cliente


©Any disclosure of this proposal or of the parties to it, any copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon this proposal is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the originator
and do not necessarily represent those of the Group, unless they come from a person formally authorized to do so.

©Any disclosure of this proposal or of the parties to it, any copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon this proposal is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the originator
and do not necessarily represent those of the Group, unless they come from a person formally authorized to do so.

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