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The Brown bear

The Brown bear

Scientific name:
Ursus arctos
The Brown bear
Forest, Russia
The Brown bear
Forest, Russia
The Brown bear
Their seven
The Brown bear
1.Size and built
Brown bears are among the largest bears in the world. Adult
males can weigh between 300 to 850 pounds (136 to 385
kilograms), but in areas with rich food sources like Alaska
and Kamchatka, they can weigh up to 1,500 pounds (680
kilograms). They have powerful muscles, particularly in their
shoulders, which give them great digging ability.

136~385 kg
The Brown bear
2.Fur colour
Despite their name, brown bears' fur can vary widely in color,
from deep browns to light blonds, and even shades of grey.
The color often depends on the bear's geographical location
and can also change with the seasons.
The Brown bear
2.Fur colour
Despite their name, brown bears' fur can vary widely in color,
from deep browns to light blonds, and even shades of grey.
The color often depends on the bear's geographical location
and can also change with the seasons.
The Brown bear
2.Fur colour
Despite their name, brown bears' fur can vary widely in color,
from deep browns to light blonds, and even shades of grey.
The color often depends on the bear's geographical location
and can also change with the seasons.
The Brown bear
2.Fur colour
Despite their name, brown bears' fur can vary widely in color,
from deep browns to light blonds, and even shades of grey.
The color often depends on the bear's geographical location
and can also change with the seasons.

South-east Western
Alaska Canada
The Brown bear
Brown bears are adaptable and can be found in a range of
habitats including forests, mountain regions, and tundras.
They predominantly live in parts of North America, Europe,
and Asia
The Brown bear
Brown bears are adaptable and can be found in a range of
habitats including forests, mountain regions, and tundras.
They predominantly live in parts of North America, Europe,
and Asia
The Brown bear
Brown bears are adaptable and can be found in a range of
habitats including forests, mountain regions, and tundras.
They predominantly live in parts of North America, Europe,
and Asia
The Brown bear
They have an omnivorous diet that includes plant materials
like berries, roots, and fungi, as well as meat, which can range
from fish (especially salmon), to small mammals and
occasionally large mammals like moose or deer. Their diet
can shift significantly depending on the seasonal availability
The Brown bear
They have an omnivorous diet that includes plant materials
like berries, roots, and fungi, as well as meat, which can range
from fish (especially salmon), to small mammals and
occasionally large mammals like moose or deer. Their diet
can shift significantly depending on the seasonal availability
The Brown bear
They have an omnivorous diet that includes plant materials
like berries, roots, and fungi, as well as meat, which can range
from fish (especially salmon), to small mammals and
occasionally large mammals like moose or deer. Their diet
can shift significantly depending on the seasonal availability
The Brown bear
They have an omnivorous diet that includes plant materials
like berries, roots, and fungi, as well as meat, which can range
from fish (especially salmon), to small mammals and
occasionally large mammals like moose or deer. Their diet
can shift significantly depending on the seasonal availability
The Brown bear
They have an omnivorous diet that includes plant materials
like berries, roots, and fungi, as well as meat, which can range
from fish, to small mammals and occasionally large mammals
like moose or deer. Their diet can shift significantly
depending on the seasonal availability
The Brown bear
💤 Brown bears are known for their hibernation, which can last
5-7 months depending on the climate. During this time, they
do not eat, drink, urinate, or defecate. They rely on fat
reserves accumulated throughout the rest of the year to
survive the winter.
The Brown bear
Female brown bears typically give birth during hibernation to
one to three cubs. The cubs are born blind and helpless and
rely completely on their mother for warmth and nutrition.
They usually stay with their mother for about two and a half
Picture time
Picture time
Picture time
The Brown bear
7.Solitary nature
Except for mothers with cubs, brown bears are generally
solitary animals. They have large territories that they roam,
though these territories can overlap with others. The size of
an individual's territory varies greatly depending on the
abundance of food and the density of the bear population in
the area.
Movie time


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