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Charateristics of quick sort

Average case is O(n lg n)
Divide such that the elements in the lower
half is less than the elements in the upper
Recursively sort the two subarrays
Combining is trivial
the array ,,,
What does the Quicksort procedure

The demarcating line!

Then we keep on doing it again for each
No new space (only copies of parameters
a) Initial array
 b) 2 is swapped with itself and added
to array of smaller elements
c-d ) 8 and 7 are put into the
array of larger elements
e)1 and 8 swapped –smaller
partition grows
f) 3 and 7 are swapped –smaller
partition grows
g to h)larger partition grows
i)pivot element is swapped to lie
in between

Array locations in
blue have been pivots
in previous recursive
calls, and so the
values in these
locations will not be
examined or moved
Here is how the entire quicksort algorithm
Array locations in blue have been pivots
in previous recursive calls, and so the
values in these locations will not be
examined or moved again:
How many operations to do
 n times
Theta(n) is the time taken to do
How much times does quicksort take?
Depends on whether the partitioning is
balanced or not .
If balanced … as good as merge sort
If not balanced …as bad as insertion sort
All stages have balanced partitions
On each level of the tree order(n)
computations are involved ,and there are
lg n levels for the tree
Best Case
By equally balancing the two sides of the
partition at every level of the recursion,
we get an asymptotically fast algorithm
Worst-case partitioning
n-1 elements and one with zero elements
Let us assume that this unbalanced
partitioning arises in each recursive call.
For the partition with 0 elements
Since the recursive call on an array of
size 0 just returns,
T(0) =Theta(1)
The recurrence for the running time is… time to partition
+time to sort left part+ time to sort right part
Worst case partitioning tree
Thus, if the partitioning is maximally
unbalanced at every recursive level of the
algorithm, the running time is Theta (n^2) .
Therefore the worst-case running time of
quicksort is no better than that of
insertion sort.
Moreover, the running time Theta (n^2) .
occurs when the input array is already
completely sorted
—a common situation
but … which insertion sort runs in
When does worst case appear?
Worst case …
Already sorted
Reverse sorted
 Recollect that …..
For insertion sort ,sorted elements is the
best case ,but not here
Average case
The average-case running time of
quicksort is much closer to the best case
than to the worst case, as the analyses
will show.
Average case

The key to understanding why is to
understand how the balance of the
partitioning is reflected in the recurrence
that describes the running time.
An average case 1:9 split
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9
How many levels ?
log n to the base 10/9
Which is order (lg n)
Average Case—alternating between
good and bad divisions
Randomised quick sort
Randomisation is good for algorithms
which have good average case time and
bad worst cases
We don’t know the pivots ..
And each time the algorithm runs, the T(n)
Randomised case
It is the case when we choose any random
element as the pivot element
Average case ( randomised)
We get an average case where we..
average sequences of random numbers
For the same sequence if we calculate the
time taken for all days for a period and
then take the average time …
This is what is meant by the average case
…or… the split toggles between a good
and bad splits

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