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• 1. Never carry matches, lighters, or other sources of ignition onto aircraft.
• 2. Never operate electronic equipment such as mobile phones near aircraft.
• Only electronic/electrical equipment which is approved for maintenance
• purposes is to be used near or on an aircraft during maintenance.
• 3. Never carry loose articles onto an aircraft, ie those that are not connected
• with the maintenance task in-hand or required for personal reasons.
• 4. Wear correct clothing, have short hair (or use a hair net). Do not wear
• finger rings, ear rings, body rings etc, and use non-sparking footwear (no
• metal studs in the soles).

• 5. Use barrier cream on hands (and arms if necessary). Avoid all contact
• fuels, oils and greases. Some are known to be carcinogenic - particularly
• mineral based oils.
• 6. Use special safety clothing where necessary - in fuel tanks etc.

• 7. Keep a close check on tools and other equipment. Check that all tools and
• equipment are accounted for at the end of the day's work/at the end of the
• shift. i
• 8. Keep all work areas clean - inside and outside the aircraft. Use a vacuum
• cleaner for small debris such as swarf, rivet mandrels, bits of cable etc.
• 9. Read and understand all safety notices- in the AMM; on notice boards, and
• publications such as Airworthiness Notices. Maintenance manuals are full
• of them. They can be boring but they should be read.
• 10. Never work on aircraft or aircraft equipment if unfit through drugs or drink
• or general condition, eg extreme tiredness.
• 11. Never carry out a task that you are unsure of, and/or unqualified to do.
• 12. Never carry out a task unless all the right equipment/manuals are
• available.
• 13. If in doubt - don't. Check with the manuals - the chief engineer - the
• manufacturer. The information is there somewhere.
• 14. Never run (always walk) in maintenance areas. Never "play the fool".

• Refuelling
• 1. Carried out in a fuelling zone (minimum 20ft or 6m radius).
• 2. No smoking, naked lights or unauthorised electrical equipment
• allowed.
• 3. NO SMOKING signs displayed 50ft (T5m) from outermost tank vent.
• 4. If APUs have to run they should be started before fuelling commences.
• 5. GPUs should be located as far away as possible and not started or
• during fuelling. Each unit should be cleared to run in fuelling zones.
• 6. Correct fire extinguishers should be available.
• 7. Check under aircraft for adequate clearance between it and equipment as
• the aircraft will settle during fuelling.
• 8. Aircraft engines should not be running.
• 9. All vehicles should have clear entrance and exit paths.
• 10. Only "safety" portable electrical equipment to be used - torches etc.
• 11. All combustion heaters are OFF.
• 12. Only authorised personnel allowed in the fuelling zone.
• 13. No fuelling within 100ft of ground radar equipment.
• 14. No fuelling during electrical storms.
• 15. If any part of the aircraft is over-hot (brakes, engines etc) do not carry
out fuelling operations.
• 16. No flash photography within 20ft of filling or venting points. Do not use
• mobile phones or other personal electronic/electrical equipment.
• 18. Refer to AMM for specific safety precautions.
• 19. Carry out electrical bonding: Hose to aircraft.
• Aircraft to ground (check nose wheel).
• Tanker or Pumping Unit to ground.
• Tanker or Pumping Unit to aircraft.
• 20. Check pressure relief valves (pressure refuelling).
• 21. Avoid over filling and spillage.

• Clear-up all fuel on the aircraft and on the ground. If a major spillage
• evacuate all personnel, try and stop the fuel flow, and call the fire services.
• not start aircraft engines or vehicles until all fuel has been cleared.
• Do not allow fuel into drains, waterways etc. If this does occur inform the
• All tools and equipment used to be flame proof and/or spark proof.
• water authority and follow their advice.
• Fuel can be mopped up using fuel absorbent agents or emulsion
• These should be disposed of in accordance with the local authority
• Before work is carried out on fuel tanks they should be drained using the
• precautions as when refuelling. They may be defuelled using the same
• equipment as for refuelling.
• If fuel flow calibration checks have to be carried out in the hangar, this
• require the aircraft on jacks (rigging position). It is advisable to have the
• service standing by, as the aircraft cannot be moved in the event of fire.
• Tanks will have to be purged if work is to be carried out inside, or if heat
• electrical equipment is to be used.
• When working inside large tanks a "kerosine" suit should be worn, with
• breathing equipment and communications maintained with a lookout man.
• Remember it is the current that kills and any dampness or moisture that is
• present while working on live equipment will allow the current to flow
• If someone gets electrocuted:
• * Switch off the current/ separate the person from the supply. If the
• current cannot be switched off quickly then using a non-conductor
• (eg a broom handle) move the person from the live conductor.
• Call for help.
• * Check the person is breathing. If he/she is then check for signs of
• injury and treat. Keep warm and comfortable. Get medical
• assistance.
• * If the person is not breathing ensure that the tongue is clear of the
• airway, loosen collar and tie and any tight clothing. Apply mouth
• to mouth resuscitation with the patient on his/her back. Check for
• pulse, if not then apply heart massage with the palm of the hand on the
centre of the chest.
• * Call for medical assistance. Do not stop treatment until told to do
• so by a medically qualified person.
• * Once normal breathing commences check for injuries and treat.
• All unnecessary equipment switched off.
• * The fuse/CB is "pulled" and tagged on any circuit that is to be worked
• on.
• After work on a circuit always check thoroughly before applying
• power. In particular check that switches/selectors are set to the
• position of the services they relate to - otherwise they may move when
• power is put on.
• * Always consult the manual for any special safety precautions before
• commencing work.
• * Make sure that cables are in good condition and routed and
• supported as per the manual.
• * Make sure that correct fuses/CBs are fitted.
• Try to avoid working with electrical equipment on aircraft. Whereever
• possible use air operated equipment.
• * When using torches etc they should be of the safety type.
• * Electrical cables should not be allowed to run over sharp edges,
• through oil, fuel, or water on the ground.
• * All equipment should be earthed via a suitable plug or be of the
• double insulated type.
• Never work with electrically operated equipment with wet hands or
• feet in wet or damp patches.
• * Ensure that cables are secure, undamaged and the correct fuse is
• fitted in the plug.
• * Never use electrical equipment in hazardous areas such as fuel
• tanks unless the equipment is specially designed for the job and is
• approved.
• If the equipment smells, performs poorly, or arcs too much return
• to the tool store for investigation and repair.
• * Check that equipment has current serviceable label fitted.
• Compressed gases are explosive in nature in that, should a gas pressurised
• container fail, it will disintegrate violently. (Should a liquid filled pressurised
• container fail it may not disintegrate at all, but allow a small amount of fluid to
• escape - probably at high speed - with little or no injury to anyone.
• Though if
• you are in the path of this jet of fluid serious injury can occur). All compressed
• gas bottles (fitted to the aircraft or used as storage bottles or transportation
• bottles) are lifed and should be within the test date. Return to the supplier,
• suitably labelled and documented, any that are not.
• During charging, the gas pressure should be charged (or released) slowly.
• connections should be tight, and bottles, charging equipment, and gauges
• should be labelled and within test date.
• If charging a system with more than one gauge and the gauges should be
• reading the same and are not - stop charging. Check the reasons why -
• and continue charging.
• Never charge to pressures greater than the maximum specified.
• Always keep blanks on connections when not in use.

• If the gas is contaminated (with water, oil etc) then return bottle to supplier
• suitable labelled and documented. If the contamination has got into the
• system/component then purge system/change component.
• Never mix gases - unless specified, eg charge a shock absorber with air
• nitrogen is specified.
• Never direct a jet of high-pressure gas at the skin - it can cause serious
When charging/carrying out work on oxygen equipment the following
• precautions should be taken:
• 1. Provide correct fire fighting equipment.
• 2. Display "No Smoking" signs.
• 3. If artificial lighting required use explosion proof lamps and hand torches.
• They should meet local safety specifications - in the UK, British
• Standards 229 and 889.
• 4. All electrical equipment/electronic equipment in the vicinity should be
• OFF unless essential for the task in hand.
• 5. Ensure all equipment including the aircraft is earthed.
6. Ensure adequate ventilation to prevent the build up of oxygen in the
7. All equipment such as adapters, gauges, connections, benches, tools etc
should be clean and dry. If threads are to be lubricated then the correct
specified lubricant/tape should be used, eg Teflon sealing tape to MIL
SPEC T-27730. WARNING. The use of greases and oils on high-pressure
oxygen connections can cause explosions.
8. Avoid smoking/getting near naked flames after working in an oxygen rich
atmosphere (oxygen bay) as clothing will be oxygen rich and will combust
9. After removing blanks inspect connections carefully for cleanliness.
10. All valves should be opened and closed slowly.
11. Leak test using only the approved solution. Wipe dry after use.
12. If soldering is involved then only specified materials are used -
particularly fluxes. Clean all soldered parts thoroughly.
Some gases are toxic (ie harmful if swallowed or inhaled, and in some cases if
allowed to come in contact with the skin). These bottles will be suitably
labelled. If a toxic gas is breathed in the person should immediately get into the
fresh air and seek medical advice.

• A wide range of non-metallic materials is used for the maintenance, repair and
• overhaul of aircraft. They include: compounds, greases, oils, detergents, fillers,
• jointing compounds, cleaning agents, pre-treatments, anti corrosive agents,
• paints, paint strippers, fuels, fuel additives, hydraulic fluids, anti-ice fluids,
• lacquers, adhesive tapes, bonding adhesives, disinfectants, storage
• preservatives, alkalise, acids, powders, toilet contents, etc.
• Some liquids are relatively harmless - eg some of the earlier hydraulic fluids.
• Some can cause serious problems - battery electrolyte, paint strippers and
• toilet contents for example.
• Even the "harmless ones" can cause dermatitis and other skin complaints so it
• is a good idea to avoid contact with all solutions, oils, fuels and greases.
• Always, of course, use barrier creams.
• For the more harmful materials always wear protective clothing to the body and
• eyes. Always use barrier creams, and if the fumes are toxic then use in well
• ventilated areas or in workshops that have special extractor equipment
• available. When servicing toilet systems make sure all injections are up to date
• - tetanus, hepatitis B etc (check with your medical centre). Do not work on the
• systems with an open wound.
• Always read the safety notices on the containers and follow the usage
• instructions carefully.
• Wipe off any chemical/solution contact with the skin and irrigate with copious
• amounts of water (put under a running tap). The same applies if solution gets
• into the eyes (a special eyewash should be available). Obtain medical treatment
• as soon as possible. If overcome by fumes get into the fresh air and seek
• medical help.
• If any solution is swallowed then no not try to make the patient sick but obtain
• medical treatment as soon as possible. Tell the medic exactly what the patient
• has swallowed.
• 1. Always use approved safety electrical equipment.
• 2. As far as possible try and use non-flammable cleaning fluids, agents,
• compounds etc.
• 3. Keep all work areas, aircraft and hangers clean and free of equipment not
• in use.
• 4. All inflammable liquids should be stored in correct containers correctly
• labelled, in flameproof stores outside hangars.
• 5. Special care should be taken to prevent static build-up when brush doping
• aircraft.
• 6. Never allow aircraft lagging to become contaminated with oil or other
• fluids.
• 7. Rectify all leaks immediately - Kot air (anti-icing, heater systems, engine
• tapings for cabin pressurisation etc) - engine oil - fuel - hydraulic. Make
• sure that oil, fuel and hydraulic pipes are routed away from heat sources
• in accordance with the AMM.
• 8. Keep all aircraft drains and vents clear and all aircraft structure, systems
• and equipment clean.
• 9. Ensure the serviceability of aircraft electrical bonding.
• 10. Check that there are no gaps through aircraft firewalls (between the engine
• and the rest of the airframe).
• 11. Ensure that no oil or grease is used on O2 connections. If a lubricant has
• to be used, use an approved type.
• 12. Take special precautions with pyrotechnics (squib/cartridge units etc).
• Never handle them unnecessarily. Observe all instructions supplied by the
• manufacturer. Return to the supplier when unserviceable or life expired.
• 13. Aircraft furnishings are of the approved type. Ashtrays are serviceable and
• correct hand held fire extinguishers are fitted.
• 14. Avoid overloading of electrical circuits. Ensure correct fuses/CBs are
• fitted. Check cable insulation and equipment for contamination and signs
• of over-heating. Check for adequate ventilation.
• 15. Check arcing from generators, motors, switches, relays and batteries (when
• connecting/ disconnecting).
• 16. Magnesium and titanium swarf should be containerised and removed form
• the area of the aircraft and/or hangar. Chemical dry powder extinguishers
• should be available.
• 17. Failed engine bearings are a source of heat. Check oil systems for level and
• contamination - indicating possible bearing failure.
• 1. Always refer to the AMM.
• 2. Have the correct (qualified) starting crew - using ear protection if required. ..
• 3. Have fire-fighting equipment standing by (CO2).
• 4. Run engines in the correct area - aircraft into wind.
• 5. If engine becomes overprimecl (piston engines) or fuel is spilt then starting
• procedure should be cancelled and excess fuel dealt with.
• 6. If fire occurs during running then follow the procedure laid down in the
• AMM/aerodrome standard procedures. If CO2, BCF or Mechanical Foam is
• drawn into a jet engine then it can be cleared by carrying out an engine
• run. If Methyl Bromide or Chemical Foam is drawn into the engine it must
• be stripped down for cleaning and inspection. Methyl Bromide, particularly
• in its liquid form (at temperatures below 4°C), is corrosive. Foams leave a
• deposit and the chemical foam deposit will need cleaning after stripdown.
• 7. After a wet start on a jet engine carry out a dry run before trying to start
• the engine again.
• These come in many different forms and in some cases the colour identification
• may not be standardised. However, you should be able to:
• a. Identify an extinguisher.
• b. Operate an extinguisher.
• c. Select the correct extinguisher for a particular fire.
• d. Carry out an inspection on an extinguisher to ascertain its
• serviceability.
• Identification
• Extinguishers are identified by their colour and labelling. Colours may vary
• from country to country, and may not even be uniform throughout any single
• country.
• For the UK, British Standards 7863 (dated 1997) states that all extinguishers
• are to be coloured RED with a coloured zone on the extinguisher to indicate the
• contents, eg
• Water Red
• Foam Cream
• Powder Blue
• CO2 (Carbon dioxide) Black
• Vaporizing liquid
• (halon, BCF etc) Green
• Fires are classified according to the materials that are burning. The
• classifications are not too important for aircraft engineers - the important thing
• is that an engineer should know what extinguisher to use on what fire.
• A Wood, paper, fabric. Water jet or spray.
• B Liquids (petroleum, alcohol) Foam, CO2, halons, water
• or liquefiable solids. spray*.
• C Gases or liquified gases. Foam or powder.
• D Involving combustible metals. Dry sand, chemical powder.
• (Magnesium, sodium, titanium)
• E Involving live electrical contacts. Gaseous extinguishants.
• Powder
• The application of water spray to burning liquids is a specialist job and
• should not be undertaken by untrained personnel.

• Water. For solid fires such as wood, paper, textiles and similar fires. DO NOT
• USE on fires that may have live electrical equipment in them. The current will
• use the water jet to go to earth - via the operator. If high enough it will kill. Do
• not use on burning liquids as the burning liquid will float on the water and
• spread.
• Usually has a wetting agent and anti-freeze added. The anti-freeze may be
• ethylene glycol and in some extinguishers a corrosion inhibitor may be added.
• Relies on the cooling effect to put out the fire.
• Foam. For liquid fires. May be used for solid fires if water is not available. May
• be mechanically or chemically generated. If mechanically generated foam is
• drawn into a jet engine then it can be cleared by an engine run (BUT CHECK
• THE AMM). If chemical foam gets inside the engine it will have to be removed
• for strip-down. (Mechanical foam is formed by mixing air, water and foaming
• liquid.)
• Relies on it's property of covering the burning liquid so cutting off the oxygen
• supply.
• Powder. Can be used on all fires but is particularly suitable for hot metal fires
• (brake fires) - though some powders are designated as not to be used on metal
• fires, so check applicability.
• Acts similar to Foam in that it "blankets" the fire, cutting off the oxygen supply.
• Is safer to use on hot metal as it has little or no cooling effect, thus the
• possibility of sudden "explosion" caused by differential metal contraction is
• reduced.
• It discharges as a fine white powder (potassium bicarbonate) and is non-toxic.
• It will get into everything - crevices in metal - through grills into equipment
• such as contactors and TRUs - into insulation, fabric etc and into electronic
• equipment. Some dry powders are corrosive, so besides the problem of fire
• recovery through fire damage there will be recovery procedures associated with
• powder contamination.
• CO2. For all fires except hot metal fires. It is stored as a liquid but discharges
• as a very cold gas. Contact with hot metal is therefore likely to cause violent
• rupture with consequent danger to personnel.
• It is non toxic but is dangerous if discharged in a confined space. The CO2 will
• displace the O2 in a confined area and hypoxia will result in personnel in the
• vicinity (shortage of oxygen in the blood stream).
• During operation the metal parts of the extinguisher can get very cold due to
• the latent heat of evaporation, so it is advisable to hold the plastic covered
• hand-holds provided, to prevent the skin freezing to the extinguisher.
• Also the extinguisher can take on a static charge during operation - so be
• careful when putting it down (after operation) near metal parts such as the
• airframe, or heating radiators in workshops as a spark might result.
• Halon/BCF. For all fires. It discharges as a semi-toxic gas. It is non-corrosive,
• although corrosive acids are formed if the gas comes into contact with water.
• It is a highly effective extinguishant, but has a serious affect on the earth's
• ozone layer.
• It is a halogenated hydrocarbon commonly called halon, BCF
• (Bromochlorodifluoromethane) and BTM (Bromotrifluoromethane). BCF is used
• in aircraft engine fixed and portable systems, whilst BTM is used in fixed
• systems in cargo holds.
• The operation of a particular extinguisher type may vary, but they should all
• meet the appropriate national standards. The following descriptions are typical
• of each type:
• Water
• A typical extinguisher is shown. It comprises a cylinder and a valve body which
• houses a check valve assembly and nozzle and cartridge holder.
• When the cartridge holder is twisted the CO2 cartridge is punctured allowing
• the pressurised gas to pass into the cylinder.
• Depression of the check valve lever moves the valve from it's seat allowing the
• extinguishant to be forced up the discharge tube by the gas pressure into the
• discharge nozzle and thence to the fire. When the lever is released the valve is
• returned to it's seat under the action of the spring and the flow of
• extinguishant is stopped.
• Some water extinguishers have an operating head which contains a trigger and
• plunger mechanism and screws into the container boss. The screwed assembly
• is sealed by a rubber "O" ring.
• When the trigger is squeezed the plunger mechanism breaks the seal in the
• head and releases the extinguishant. The discharge can be halted by releasing
• the trigger.
• Some water bottle containers are scrapped after use with the operating heads
• re-tested and re-used. Other bottles are always pressure tested after use by the
• manufacturer and reissued.
• Are supplied free-standing or for wall mounting or to meet portable
• extinguisher standards for aircraft fitment.
• Foam
• This consists of a polythene lined steel container with an operating head
• attached. The head consists of a hose attachment, operating lever, carrying
• handle, and, if it is gas pre-pressurised, a pressure gauge.
• Pressure is available from a CO2 cartridge or from gas pre-pressurising the
• container itself. When the lever is operated, the CO2 cartridge is pierced/the
• release valve is opened, and the foam liquid is pushed up the foam making
• branch pipe, to the applicator hose.
• Markings.
• All bottles should be colour coded and have printed on the side, details such
• as:
• a. Manufacture's name.
• b. Operating instructions. . I
• c. Charged weight - and empty weight for aircraft portable
• extinguishers.
• d. Date stamp to indicate life.
• e. Contents
• f. Specification of contents.
• g. Type of fire/s to be used on.
• h. Any special precautions.

• Always consult the AMM/maintenance schedule for specific instructions but in

• general the following applies:
• * Check that the correct extinguisher is fitted for that location on the
• aircraft.
• * Check the bracket for damage, corrosion, security, and correct
• operation.
• * Check for adequate clearance between the fitted extinguisher and
• surrounding equipment - doors - folding seats etc.
• * Check extinguisher for:
• * Check extinguisher for:
• a. Security within bracket.
• b. Damage, corrosion, and legibility of markings.
• c. Signs of leakage.
• d. Charge. It may have a small pressure gauge fitted. It may
• have to be weighed. It might have a "press-to-tell" soft spot
• in the base of the bottle.
• e. Correct position of discharge indicators.
• f. Transportation pin removed.
• g. Life. Is it within "life date"? Check current life date on bottle
• - if appropriate.
• h. Security of blanking cap. To facilitate ease of "ejection"
• during bottle operation the cap may be smeared with a little
• silicon grease.
• First of all you should be conversant with local regulations regarding fire and
• also be aware of what actions to take and what extinguisher/s to use.

• In a Building
• 1. If the fire is small and the appropriate extinguisher is nearby then put the
• fire out - at the same time call for help and call the local emergency
• services. Ordinarily the telephone number (in the UK) is 999 but airfields
• may have their own local number - so make sure you know it. (It will
• normally be displayed at the telephone point anyway). Make sure you give
• your name, exact location of the fire and the services you require - FIRE
• SERVICES, possibly MEDICAL SERVICES, and possibly POLICE.
• 2. If the fire cannot be put out immediately evacuate the building - no lifts are
• to be used. If doors/hangar doors can be closed without risk then close
• them.
• 3. Call the emergency services.
• 4. Account for all personnel in the building and do not let anyone re-enter.
• 5. First aid treat any injured personnel - and get medical help.
• 6. Inform the emergency services of any special hazards in the building such
• as salt baths, pressurised oxygen cylinders etc.
• 7. Re-enter the building only when informed that it is safe to do so by the chief
• of the emergency services.
• 8. Fire recovery of the building will be some-one else's responsibility, and for
• aircraft recovery refer to the notes to follow.

• 1. If circumstances permit shut all systems down - engines - hydraulics -

• electrics - fuel.
• 2. Use the appropriate extinguisher to tackle the blaze and call the emergency
• services.
• 3. Organise first aid to anyone injured - call for medical assistance.
• 4. Get assistance to remove all other equipment/aircraft from the area.
• 5. Give technical assistance to the fire services indicating possible sources of
• special danger on the aircraft.
• 6. When fire is out carry out aircraft recovery.

• A report will need to be written on the fire incident detailing exactly how it
• started (cross-check with fire services and any specialist brought in for the
• purpose). One of the aims of this report would be to recommend action to
• prevent a further occurrence.
• A survey will need to be made of the damage and a report written out.

• Depending on the extent of the damage the CAA and the manufacturers may
• need to be called in.
• If the fire caused extensive damage then the aircraft may have to be scrapped.
• If the fire was local and caused damage covered by the AMM/SRM then the
• aircraft can be put back into service after appropriate rectification. The
• rectification, in general, will include smoke damage recovery and fire damage
• recovery.

• If the fire is in the cabin then smoke damage will be extensive and affect all
• surfaces and systems it comes into contact with. Solid surfaces such as metal
• and composites can be washed down and dried - this applies to structures,
• floors, windows, galleys, partitions etc.
• Fabric surfaces such carpets, curtains and upholstery must be removed,
• cleaned and checked for fire proofing before re-fitting. If the smell still persists
• in the fabric then it should be replaced.
• Lagging (acoustic and thermal) should be replaced.

• Air conditioning systems must be checked for smell. If the components and
• ducting cannot be successfully cleaned then they will have to be replaced. The
• system must be tested in all possible configurations to check for smell.
• It is best to change oxygen masks, or have them cleaned to remove the smell.
• Piped oxygen systems should be purged to remove any smell.

• Any structure, system or component that has been affected by fire or heat
• must be changed as per the SRM/AMM.
• The temperatures for some heat treatments for aluminium alloys start as low
• as 100°C. This means that if the survey shows that any aluminium alloy
• structure has been subject to that sort of temperature, or above, then it must
• be replaced - refer to the SRM.
• Control cables, electrical cables, pipelines, hoses, ducting, push/pull rods,
• pulleys, electrical system components, hydraulic system components, oxygen
• systems, radio, radar systems, emergency equipment, - in fact, any componentor
• system or part of a system that has suffered overheat conditions must be
• changed.
• Hydraulic systems need special attention as high temperatures may affect
• some fluids to make them acidic. This means that besides changing any local
• pipes/components that have suffered overheat the system will need special
• attention in terms of flushing, checking acidity levels, and possibly changing
• other components, not directly affected by the fire, as laid down in the manual.
• All systems and equipments changed should be tested as per the AMM.

• If the fire is small, at the hot end of the engine and can be put out almost
• immediately then little or no damage may occur. The engine will be shut down
• together with all the appropriate systems - fuel, hydraulic etc.
• The engine is allowed to cool and an inspection is carried out to check for
• damage - engine - components - airframe, and rectification carried out as
• necessary.

• After rectifying the fault that started the fire (or the procedure, as it might have
• been caused by excessive priming etc) the engine is hot run to clear any
• extinguishant that might have got into the intake. The engine will require
• replacement for stripping if Chemical Foam or Methyl Bromide has been
• ingested.
• If the fire is deemed more serious then a survey will have to be carried out with
• a written report. The engine will have to be changed to be stripped down in a
• workshop. The fire damage to the airframe will have to be rectified as stated
• above.

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