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Dosen Pengampu

Muh. Rudini, S.Kep, NS, M.KM

1.MARWAH (B200222042)
2.NURALDA (B200222029)
3.NURBIA (B2000222050)
4.MEYLAN DELVINA (B200222017)
5.PUTRI ANISA B.(B200222056) 6.YUNIATI
7.NURFADILA (B200222035)
8. MUTIARA TAHIR (B200222024)
Ulkus peptikum merupakan keadaan dimana kontinuitas mukosa lambung
terputus dan meluas sampai bawah epitel. Kerusakan mukosa yang tidak
meluas sampai kebawah epitel disebut erosi, walaupun seringkali dianggap
juga tukak (misalnya tukak karena stress)

● Penurunan produksi mukus sebagai ● Kelebihan asam sebagai penyebab ulkus.

penyebab ulkus. Kebanyakan ulkus Pembentukan asam di lambung penting
terjadi jika sel-sel mukosa usus tidak untuk mengaktifkan enzim pencernaan
menghasilkan produksi mukus yang lambung. Asam hidroklorida (HCl)
adekuat sebagai perlindungan dihasilkan oleh selsel parietal sebagai
terhadap asam lambung. respons terhadap makanan tertentu, obat,
Koalas are
even more
lazy than
Koalas don’t have much energy and, when not feasting on leaves, they spend their time dozing in the branches.
Believe it or not, they can sleep for up to 18 hours a day!
Clearly, animals know more than we
think, and think a great deal more than we

― Irene M. Pepperberg
Did you know?
A man's best friend... Mmm, can I fit in?...

Did you know that dogs can smell your Did you know that a cat uses its whiskers as
feelings? feelers to determine if a space is too small to
squeeze through?
Dogs can pick up on subtle changes in your
scent, which can help him figure out how you Also, cats love to sleep. A fifteen-year-old cat
are feeling, such as by smelling your has probably spent ten years of its life sleeping.
perspiration when you become nervous or
Cats love to sleep.
A fifteen-year-old cat has probably spent ten years
of its life sleeping.

Also, cats use their whiskers as feelers to

determine if a space is too small to squeeze
Very interesting facts!

This is where you section ends. Duplicate this set of slides as many times you need to go over all your sections.
This is our team.

Erika V. John S. Marie M.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer amet, consectetuer amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Aenean adipiscing elit. Aenean adipiscing elit. Aenean
commodo ligula eget dolor. commodo ligula eget dolor. commodo ligula eget dolor.
And this is a timeline.

1999 2005 2015 2019 2022

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dolor sit amet, dolor sit amet, dolor sit amet, dolor sit amet, dolor sit amet,
consectetuer consectetuer consectetuer consectetuer consectetuer
adipiscing elit. adipiscing elit. adipiscing elit. adipiscing elit. adipiscing elit.
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