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• An association of a fungus and a photosynthetic
symbiont resulting in a stable vegetative body
having a specific structure
• Unique entity formed by a fungus and a
photoautotroph (alga or cyanobacterium) that
has characteristics that neither has alone
• Widely distributed – grow on soil, rocks, trees,
marine or intertidal
• Variety of habitats – cold to hot, arid to moist
• Withstand environmental extremes
• May be dominant vegetation (e.g. tundra)
Symbiotic association-benefits to algae

- Fungus absorbs water which is provided to alga

– Fungus takes up inorganic nutrients from
atmosphere and provide to alga
– Fungus protects algal cells from
mechanical injury, predation, and high
light intensities
– Association allows alga to achieve a wider
distribution than if free-living
Symbiotic association -benefits to fungi

• Alga give prepared organic nutrients to the

• Are primary colonizers
in succession
• Involved in weathering
of rock and formation of
• May exist where other
organisms can’t –
surface of desert rocks,
arctic, etc.
Air pollution
• Even though lichens are very resistant to
natural environmental extremes – they are
extremely sensitive to air pollution – particularly
• So they will not grow in polluted areas and are
useful as indicator species.
• Classified to species –based on
morphology of fungal symbiont
• Fungal symbiont never found
• Most are in the Ascomycota group-
• Some are Basidiomycota - basidiolichen
• Some are Deuteromycota members-
Autotrophic symbionts
• Green algae – Trebouxia is a common
• Cyanobacteria – Nostoc is a common
Thallus morphology
• 4 basic types
• Fruticose – branched, strap shaped or
threadlike thallus, upright or hanging
Lichens are differently sensitivity to air pollution

Fruticose : The most sensitive

Thallus morphology
• Foliose – flattened
branching lobes
loosely attached to
the substratum,
• Have upper and lower
Foliose lichen
Thallus morphology
• Crustose – flattened,
• No lower surface,
tightly bound to
Crustose :The most resistant one
• Sexual reproduction – characteristic of
fungal symbiont
• Ascospores are discharged, algal cells are
not discharged with them
• Thought that after ascospores germinate,
they make contact with algal cells
As source of food

Lichens are source of food

because of the presence of
lichenin (lichen starch)
As source of food

Cetraria islandica was used as food in
Northern Europe and was cooked as
porridge, soup, bread, salad and pudding.

Bryoria fremoontii were mostly used
as food in times of famine in North
America so they were called famine
In China, lichens are used as food
(Lobaria isidiophra, L.yoshimurae)
and also as health promoting tea
As fodder
Cladonia rangiferina
(Reindeer moss)in
Cetraria islandica in
Sps of Lecanora
Nutritive value is due
to lichenin

As initiators of
Some lichens known as Earth Flowers
have a strong and distinct odour so they
are smoked along with tobacco.

Medicinal properties
Peltigeracanina - hydrophobia
Parmelia saxatilis - epilepsy
Lobaria pulmonaria -
lung infections
Perfumes & dyes
The extracts are used to dye wool .

They are also used to provide
fragrances in perfumes and some
type of soaps

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