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Honeypot &Honeynet

Sina Manavi

What is Honeypot What is Honeynet Advantages and Disadvantages of Honeypot/net

Definition of Honeypot:
A Honeypot is an information system resource whose value lies in unauthorized or illicit use of that resource. - Lance Spitzner

Honeypots value:
prevent automated attacks:(Warms and auto-rooters)

identify a failure or breakdown in prevention


How Honeypot works:

Prevent Detect Response No connection

Attack Data

HoneyPot A



Honeypot can be placed:

In front of the firewall (Internet) DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone) Behind the firewall (intranet)

Honeypot Classification:
By Implementation
Virtual Physical

By purpose
Production Research

By level of interaction
High Low Middle?

Implementation of Honeypot
Real machines Own IP Addresses Often high-interactive

Simulated by other machines that: Respond to the traffic sent to the honeypots May simulate a lot of (different) virtual honeypots at the same time

Physical Honeypot vs. Virtual Honeypot

PH (Real machines, NICs, typically high-interaction)
High maintenance cost. Impractical for large address spaces.

VH (Simulated by other machines)

Multiple virtual services and VMs on one machine. Typically it only simulate network level interactions, but still able to capture intrusion attempts.

Propose of Honeypot:
Complex to deploy and maintain. Captures extensive information. Run by a volunteer(non-profit). Used to research the threats organization face. Easy to use Capture only limited information Used by companies or corporations Mitigates risks in organization


Interaction Level:
Low Interaction

High Interaction

Note: Interaction measures the amount of activity an attacker can have with a honeypot.

Low Interaction vs. High Interaction

Low-Interaction Installation Maintenance Risk Need Control Data gathering Interaction Easy Easy Low No Limited Emulated services High-Interaction More difficult Time consuming High Yes Extensive Full control

Example of Honeypots:
Symantec Decoy Server (ManTrap) Honeynets Nepenthes Honeyd
(Vitrual honeypot) High Interaction

KFSensor BackOfficer Friendly

Low Interaction

Honeynet History:
Informally began in April 1999 The Honeynet Project officially formed in June 2000 Became a non-profit corporation in September 2001. Is made up of thirty Volunteer security professionals

What is a Honeynet?
Actual network of computers High-interaction honeypot Its an architecture, not a product Provides real systems, applications, and services for attackers to interact with. Any traffic entering or leaving is suspect.

How the Honeynet works?

Monitoring, capturing, and analyzing all the packets entering or leaving through networks. All the traffic is entering or leaving through the Honeynet is naturally suspect.

Honeynet Evolution
1997, DTK (Deception Toolkit) 1999, a single sacricial computer, 2000, Generation I Honeynet, 2003, Generation II Honeynet, 2003, Honeyd software 2004, Distributed Honeynets, Malware Collector... 2009, Dionaea (multi stage payloads, SIP,...) Kojoney, Kippo

Architecture Requirements:
Data Control Data Capture

Data Control of the Honeynet

No Restrictions Honeypot Internet No Restrictions


No Restrictions

Honeypot Internet

Honeywall Connections Limited Packet Scrubbed Honeypot

Honeynet Generations:
Gen I:
Simple Methodology, Limited Capability Highly effective at detecting automated attacks Use Reverse Firewall for Data Control Can be fingerprinted by a skilled hacker Runs at OSI Layer 3

Gen II:
More Complex to Deploy and Maintain Examine Outbound Data and make determination to block, pass, or modify data Runs at OSI Layer 2

Advantages and Disadvantages of Honeynet/pots

Advantages :
Honeypots are focused (small data sets) Honeypots help to reduce false positive Honeypots help to catch unknown attacks (false negative) Honeypots can capture encrypted activity (cf. Sebek) Honeypots work with IPv6 Honeypots are very flexible (advantage/disadvantage?) Honeypots require minimal resources

Disadvantages :
Honeypots field of view limited (focused) Risk,


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