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Instructor: Mr Nasolwa Edson

Office: AB14 (Administration Block)
 What is Transmission?
 Why Transmission is very important?
 What are the key factors in Transmission?
Communication Channel
 All the channels are analogy in nature
 The impulse response of the channel is very important
during transmission process
Communication Channel
 Coherent Bandwidth (Bc) is the portion of bandwidth
over which the impulse response of the channel is almost
constant (Range over which it allows signals to pass or
the response is flat)
Communication Channel
 Consider the following:
Digital Transmission of Analogy signal
 Introduction
Analog-to-Digital Conversion
 Introduction
• We first discuss the sampling process, which transforms
a continuous-time, continuous value signal into a
discrete-time, continuous-value signal, along with its
theoretical and practical implementation aspects. We
then introduce the quantization process, by which a
discrete-time, continuous-value signal is converted into
a discrete-time, discrete-value signal.

Analog-to-Digital Conversion
 Introduction
• Following the quantization process, we describe the
digital pulse modulation with a focus on the pulse-code
modulation, where discrete values are transformed into
short strings of bits. Finally, line codes, which can
convert digital data to digital signals for effective
transmission, is presented

Sampling Process
• Through sampling, a continuous-time, continuous-value
signal can be transformed into a discrete-time,
continuous value signal, where samples are usually
spaced uniformly in time.

Sampling Process
 What is Sampling?
 Why Sampling?
 What are the different types of sampling?

Sampling Process
 Introduction
The sampling process is very widely used in digital
communications and signal processing and is the first
major operation in analog-to-digital conversion.
Sampling, as an indispensable operation, provides a
bridge between analog signals and their digital
representations. Through sampling, a continuous-time,
continuous-value signal can be transformed into a
discrete-time, continuous value signal, where samples
are usually spaced uniformly in time.
Sampling Process
 Introduction
The samples do not convey anything about the behavior
of the signal in between the times it is sampled. In other
words, we do not have (or do not care to have) the
values of the continuous-time signal during the time
interval between two adjacent samples, nor do we need
to assume the values are zero. However, it is required
for the signal to make smooth enough transitions from
one sample to another so as to be able to completely
reconstruct the original
Sampling Process
 Introduction
continuous-time signal from its discrete version. Noting
that the closer two adjacent samples are, the smoother
the transition is from one sample to another, the
sampling theorem gets to determine the maximum time
interval between two adjacent samples to ensure smooth
enough transitions

Sampling Process
 Introduction
How does sampling rate affect the digital transmission
rate and digital processing rate?

Sampling Process
 Sampling Rate
How do you choose sampling rate for different types of

What is Nyquist Sampling Rate?

Why Oversampling is in practice compared to Nyquist

Sampling Process
 Aliasing Effect
What is aliasing effect?

What should be done to mitigate the effects of aliasing


 Discuss the following types of Sampling as applied in
Digital Transmission
1. Instantaneous Sampling
2. Natural Sampling
3. Flat Top Sampling

 Consider the following signal that is to be transmitted
digitally . Evaluate
1. Maximum sampling period
2. First three samples if the sampling period in 1 has been

Quantization Process
 What is Quantization?
 Why Quantization?

Quantization Process
 Introduction
Through quantization, a discrete-time, continuous-value
signal can be transformed into a discrete-time, discrete-
value signal, where the discrete amplitudes belong to a
finite set of possible values.

Quantization Process
 Introduction
Obviously, if this finite set is chosen such that the spacing
between two adjacent levels is sufficiently small, then the
approximated (quantized) signal (i.e., the resulting discrete-
time, discrete-value signal) can be made virtually identical
to (practically indistinguishable
from) the original discrete-time, continuous-value signal.

Quantization Process
 Introduction
Quantization is a nonlinear and lossy process as multiple
input values can yield the same output value. Unlike the
sampling process, the quantization process is an irreversible
process, in that it is not possible to completely recover the
original continuous-value signal from the quantized
(discrete-value) signal.

Quantization Process
 Types of Quantization
1. Based on the number of sample(s) to be quantized
2. Based on the interval between successive quantized

Quantization Process
 Scalar Quantization
Scalar quantization is a memoryless and instantaneous
process, which means the quantization of a sample value is
not affected by past and future samples, and consists of two
distinct types: uniform quantization and nonuniform

Quantization Process
 Uniform Quantization
Uniform quantization is not optimum, but is commonly
used in practice. This type of quantization is basically a
simple rounding process, in which each sample value is
rounded to the nearest value from a finite set of possible
quantization levels.

Quantization Process
 Efficiency of Uniform Quantization
What is the efficient of uniform quantizer?

Quantization Process
 Uniform Quantization
Basically is a simple rounding process in which each
sample value is rounded to the nearest value from a
finite set of possible quantization level.
We assume that the signal amplitude at the input of the
quantizer ranges between the maximum value V and
the minimum value  V

Quantization Process
 Uniform Quantization
The amplitude range  V ,V  is a limit set by the
The amplitude range  V ,V  is divided into
quantization levels L
The error introduced by this clipping is referred to as
overload distortion or clipping distortion

Quantization Process
 Uniform quantization: Sample interval

What is Sample interval?

What is the significant of Sample interval?

Quantization Process
 Uniform quantization: Number of Quantization Levels

What is quantization Level?

How to find the number of Quantization Level?

Quantization Process
 Types of Uniform quantization
What are the different types of Uniform Quantization?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each


Quantization Process
 Types of Uniform quantization
For Linear systems the straight line relationship
between input and output is replaced by stair case
approximation (sample and hold circuit)

Quantization Process
 Types of Uniform quantization

Quantization Process
 Types of Uniform quantization
What are the rules to be considered while the types of
uniform quantization?

Quantization Process
 Performance Measure of Quantization
1. Quantization error
2. Average (mean square error) distortion
3. Signal-to-quantization noise ratio (SQNR)

Quantization Process
 Quantization Noise
What is quantization noise?

Why quantization noise?

How does quantization noise affects digital


Quantization Process
 Quantization Noise
Within the supported amplitude range, the spacing
between the continuous-value and the discrete-value is
referred to as its granularity.
The error introduced by this spacing is referred to as
quantization noise or granular distortion or rounding
error. The quantization error is bounded in magnitude
and has generally a saw-tooth shape, but overload
distortion is unbounded
Quantization Process
 Quantization Noise
The pdf of uniformly distributed random variable x is
denoted by

Quantization Process
 Quantization Noise Power
How to evaluate Quantization Noise Power?

What are the factors affecting Quantization Noise


Quantization Process
 Quantization Noise Power
Consider the expression below

Quantization Process
 Signal to Quantization Noise Power ratio(SQNR)
What is the significant of SQNR in digital

What is the value of SQNR that ensures

communication between TX and RX?

 Consider the expressions that shows the SQNR of a
uniform quantizer


Example 1
 The signal g(t)=Vsin(2πft)is applied to a uniform
• Determine the SNR in dB in terms of the number of
bits per level.
• Specify the number of bits per level, the number of
quantization levels, and the step size for which the
value of SNR is about 49.9 dB
Example 2
 Assume the followings are the values obtained
during the sampling process:-0.2, 0.1, -1.1, 0.8, 0.6,
-0.8, -0.9, -2.2.If the maximum quantization error is
• Minimum Bits per sample

Nonuniform Quantization
 What is Nonuniform quantization?

Nonuniform Quantization
 The following presents two compression laws that
are widely used in telephone systems:

Nonuniform Quantization
 Consider the diagram below

Nonuniform Quantization
 where g and gˆ are normalized input and output
voltages of the nonuniform quantizer whose peak
values range in the interval [-1, 1] , and μ and A
are both positive constants.

Nonuniform Quantization
 SNR of Nonuniform Quantization
It can be shown that the SNR formulas for
nonuniform quantization of speech signals for μ-law
and A-law, for μ>>1 and A>>1, can be approximated
respectively by

Vector Quantization
 What is vector quantization?

Vector Quantization
 Vector quantization is a lossy compression
technique used in speech and image coding. In
scalar quantization, a scalar value is selected from
a finite list of possible values to represent a
sample. In vector quantization, a vector is selected
from a finite list of possible vectors to represent an
input vector of samples. The key operation in a
vector quantization is the quantization of a random
vector by encoding it as a binary codeword.
Vector Quantization
 Each input vector can be viewed as a point in an n-
dimensional space

Quantization Process
 Look Up Table (LUT)
What is LUT?

Why do we need LUT?

Example 1
 A binary channel with the bit rate of 36 kbps is
available for PCM voice transmission. Find an
appropriate value of the sampling rate fs that
yields no aliasing, and determine the number of
quantization levels L assuming the bandwidth of
the voice signal is 3.2 kHz

Example 2
 Assume the followings are the samples obtained from
sampling process If the maximum frequency of the signal
was 8kHz and the and the digitization data rate is 64kbps.
 Draw LUT at both TX and RX
 Calculate the total transmission bandwidth assume that
each bit takes 50kHz

Example 3
 A Radio signal with a bandwidth of 4.2 MHz is digitally
transmitted. Assuming the Nyquist sampling rate and
noting 9 bits represent each sample, determine the bit rate
required to transmit this Radio signal.

 Suppose you want to transmit voice, image and
video digitally, in each part
 Identify suitable sampling method
 Determine minimum sampling rate
 Identify the best method for quantization
 Evaluate if there is any amount of losses that has
been introduced due to quantization and then give
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