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Present Continuous Tense

What are you doing?

By : Ms. Mela
What will we learn?
Express activities using Verb-ing
Writing sentences using Verb-ing

Respect the teachers and our friends

Menghormati guru dan teman-teman

Tone : "Are you sleeping" LET'S SING!
Page 2
We are drawing, we are drawing
You are reading, you are reading
What are you doing now
What are you doing now
I’m playing
I’m playing
She is cooking, she is cooking
He is eating, he is eating
What are you doing now
What are you doing now
I’m singing
I’m singing
We are drawing, we are drawing
Let's Play You are reading, you are reading
"Detective" What are you doing now
What are you doing now
I’m playing
I’m playing
Find the Verb- She is cooking, she is cooking
ing He is eating, he is eating
What are you doing now
What are you doing now
I’m singing
I’m singing
Page 3
Guess the Verb-ing!
Today : ............................................
Because : ............................................

Thank you

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