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GHG Operational Boundaries (scope 1 – 3) & Emission Sources

Activity Sources Equipment / Type of GHG Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3

Facility (WRI)
(Category 1
– 15)

- Activity in Sector of Manufacture, oil & gas and mining etc.
- Sources (Stationary combustion, mobile combustion, fugitive, Electricity consumption, solid waste etc)
- Type of GHG (CO2, CH4, N2O, CH4 , etc.)
- Equipment / Facility (Genset, boiler, heavy equipment, AC, lighting, Light Vehicle etc.)
- Scope 1 (Direct GHG emissions)
- Scope 2 (Electricity Indirect GHG emissions)
- Scope 3 or Category 1 – 15 (Other Indirect GHG emissions)

GHG Mitigation and Offset

Activity Sources Equipment / Facility Type of GHG Scope (1 / 2 / 3) GHG Mitigation Offset
Strategy Method / Means

- Activity in Sector of Manufacture, palm oil plantation/mill and mining
- GHG Mitigation Strategy & Method/Means:
o Low-carbon Technologies:
▪ Reducing energy waste, Switching to low-carbon power sources of energy, etc.

o Demand Side Management:

▪ Lifestyle and behaviour, Dietary change, Energy efficiency and conservation,
Demand-side switching sources, Demand side grid management, etc.

o Alternative Energy Sources:

▪ Renewable energy, Nuclear power, Coal to gas fuel switching, etc.

o Sinks and negative emissions

▪ Reforestation and afforestation, Avoided desertification, Carbon capture and storage, Enhanced weathering, etc.

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