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Surah al Rahman (26-53)

Read the translation and write down the main key @ASCSdubai

points of discussion One idea:

Many ideas:

Relate ideas:

Extent ideas:

Lesson Plan
﴿ ‫ ُك ُّل َم ْن َع َلْيَها َفاٍن‬٢٦ ‫﴾ َو َيْبَقٰى َو ْج ُه َر ِّبَك ُذ و اْلَج اَل ِل‬
‫َو اِإْل ْك َر اِم‬
Every thing in the world is mortal and immortal
is only Allah the Most Magnificent , Most
‫ِفي َش ْأٍن ﴿‪َ ٢٩‬فِبَأِّي‬ ‫َيْس َأُلُه َم ن ِفي الَّس َم اَو اِت َو اَأْلْر ِضۚ‪ُ  ‬ك َّل َيْو ٍم ُهَو‬
‫آاَل ِء َر ِّبُك َم ا ُتَك ِّذ َباِن‬
‫﴾ َيا َم ْع َش َر اْلِج ِّن ‪َ ﴾ ٣٢‬فِبَأِّي آاَل ِء َر ِّبُك َم ا ُتَك ِّذ َباِن ﴿‪َ ٣١‬س َنْفُر ُغ َلُك ْم َأُّيَه الَّثَقاَل ِن ﴿‬
‫َو اِإْل نِس ِإِن اْسَتَطْع ُتْم َأن َتنُفُذ وا ِم ْن َأْقَطاِر الَّس َم اَو اِت َو اَأْلْر ِض َفانُفُذ واۚ‪  ‬اَل َتنُفُذ وَن‬
‫﴾‪َ ﴾ ﴿٣٤‬فِبَأِّي آاَل ِء َر ِّبُك َم ا ُتَك ِّذ َباِن ‪ِ٣٣‬إاَّل ِبُس ْلَطاٍن ﴿‬

‫‪No one can escape from Allah.‬‬

‫‪On the Day of Judgment Allah will assemble all and on‬‬
‫‪that day no freedom of choice.‬‬
Descriptive signs on The
Day of Judgment
A flame of fire and smoke

Heaven split open and become Red

Believers and disbelievers could be recognized

by their faces and feet
Disbelievers will be sent to Hell Fire . In Hell ,
there will be extremely hot water for them
Reward for Believers
Two beautiful Gardens

Trees having spreading Branches

Springs Flowing in both Gardens

Both Gardens having different fruits

Mercy and Justice
Allah has indicated the results of belief and disbelief.

Angels drag disbelievers from their heads and feet to Hell.

One who observed the Rights of Allah and Rights of
people , Allah has prepared two beautiful gardens in
Paradise with a lot of trees, springs of pure water
Various fruits and everything that the Believers wish for
and enjoy.
Moderation in Islam

Activity @ASCSdubai

Explain the overall meaning of

the noble Hadith.

Lesson Plan
Activity @ASCSdubai

One idea:

Many ideas:

Relate ideas:

Extent ideas:

Lesson Plan
Activity @ASCSdubai

What is the hadith saying about

spending and consumption?

Why does the hadith say no to

extravagance and yes to moderate
spending on allowed things?

How has overspending become a

common issue recently?

Lesson Plan
Activity @ASCSdubai

What is extravagance?
First: Moderate consumption of Food and Drink What do you mean by moderate
consumption of food and drink?
What will happen to someone
who overeats?
Why some people buy more
food than they need in
Ramadan and in wedding
banquets and parties?

Lesson Plan
Activity @ASCSdubai

Lesson Plan
Moderate Spending
Allah Said in Surah Al Baqarah:
“They ask you, [O Muhammad],
what they should spend. Say,
Surah al Isra (Chapter 17: Verse 29)
"Whatever you spend of good
"Do not be miserly, allowing your is [to be] for parents and
hand to remain shackled to your neck, relatives and orphans and the
nor stretch it out fully to the utmost needy and the traveler. And
limit, lest you find yourself being whatever you do of good -
blamed or reduced to poverty."
indeed, Allah is Knowing of

Majlis Manners: @ASCSdubai

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Whenever a group of people sit in a gathering in which they neither remember Allah
nor praise their Prophet, such a gathering will be a cause of grief to them. If Allah wills, He will punish them, and
if He wills, He will forgive them” [narrated by Ahmad and Al-Tirmithi].
There are two types of Majlis depending on the place where it is held and the number of people attending:
1. Public Majlis: A gathering held in a public place, such as a mosque or a place of prayer, and to which all
people are invited.
2. Private Majlis: A gathering held in a hospitality venue and to which a certain number of people who share a
common connection are invited, such as family gatherings.
First: Entering the Majlis:
The Muslim will greet people in the Majlis when he enters there and will greet them again when he leaves the
Majlis. The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said: “When one of you arrives at a gathering, then greet the people there,
and if he is given a place to sit, then let him sit. Then when he wants to leave, let him say farewell, the former is
not more worthy than the latter.” [Narrated by Abu Dawood, Al-Tirmithi and Al-Nasa’i].
Greeting is a message of love that strengthens affinity and removes hatred, and shaking hands is a reason for
forgiving sins. In addition, adding a smile to the greeting contributes considerably to bringing hearts closer
together. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Do not belittle any good deed, even meeting your Muslim brother with a
cheerful face” [narrated by Muslim].
Second: Sitting in the Majlis:

Lesson Plan
Majlis Manners: @ASCSdubai

Second: Sitting in the Majlis:

Islam is keen on deepening respect and friendliness between members of society. Therefore, it instructs us to
observe several rules when selecting where to sit in the Majlis. These include the following: Sitting in the last
vacant place into the Majlis, without annoying or causing inconvenience to anybody. The newcomer should not
ask anyone to get up to sit in his place. Rather, those sitting should make room for the newcomer.
Not sitting between two people without their permission. Not sitting in the middle of the Majlis. Not sitting in the
place of someone who has left it temporarily, because he is better entitled to it upon his return.
Third: During the Majlis:
Two people should not converse privately to the exclusion of a third companion because that makes him sad; he
might think they are talking about him. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “When you are three, two should not converse
privately to the exclusion of their companion, because that makes him sad.” [Narrated by Muslim]. One should
not change places a lot in the Majlis. He should also maintain dignity and keep the Majlis clean. One should treat
people according to their status, dignify elders and serve them first, listen well and carefully chooses his words in
order not to hurt anybody.
One should observe public manners in the Majlis and avoid things such as blowing one’s nose, yawning a lot,
picking one’s teeth, nose or ears, or spreading one’s legs in front of anyone (except in the case of a sick person).
One should not stay for a long time if this might cause inconvenience to the host, especially if the purpose of the
visit is to wish quick recovery of a sick person, welcome back someone who was abroad, congratulate for a new
baby, etc.

Lesson Plan
Majlis Manners: @ASCSdubai

Fourth: Leaving the Majlis:

The Messenger of Allah (SWT) instructed us to say the Majlis expiation supplication. He said: “To expiate for
things done during the Majlis, one should say: O Allah, you are free from every imperfection; praise be to You. I
testify that there is no god except You; I ask Your Pardon and turn to You in repentance).” [narrated by Al-
Tirmithi and Ahmad]. A person who has attended a Majlis should avoid divulging its secrets and disclosing them
with the aim of spreading enmity between people. slam sets rules for all matters that relate to gatherings with the
aim of building a tolerant and cooperative society.

Lesson Plan
Explanation of the hadith: @ASCSdubai

What are the manners of Majlis while entering, while sitting and while leaving
What do you think will be the negative effects on society and individual of violating the manners of Majlis?
What do you think are the things which we should strictly avoid in Majlis?
.How d

Lesson Plan
Prayers for the travelers and the sick

Check your answers (Wagoll) @ASCSdubai

Most scholars are in agreement that the minimum travel distance during
which a traveler may, according to Sunnah, shorten a four rak’ah prayer is
83 km. If the travel distance is shorter, the traveler may not shorten prayers,
but has to perform them in full.

Lesson Plan
Activity @ASCSdubai







Lesson Plan
Wagoll @ASCSdubai

A traveler may lead the prayer as an "IMAM" of the residents of the place he is visiting. And in such a
case, he (being an Imam), may perform only two rakaats for the Dhuhr or Asr, and/or Isha prayers
while, the residents he is leading, shall upon his completion continue to complete the remaining two
rakaats of the respective prayers.

However, in such cases, it is desirable that the traveler who may act as an Imam first gives notice to
the congregation regarding his position and his intention to shorten his prayer so that the congregation
continues to complete the prayer.

On the other hand, if the traveler has to pray behind an Imam who is a resident of the place he is
visiting, then in such case, the traveler shall pray with the Imam all the four rakaats as usual.

Lesson Plan
Progress check: @ASCSdubai

● What is the minimum distance

required to offer salat-ul-Musafir?
● Which prayers can be shortened?
● Which prayers cannot be combined
● For how long you are considered to be
a traveler in your journey?

Lesson Plan

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