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Hybrid Topology

• A hybrid topology is a topology that is a

combination of two or more network
topologies, such as mesh topology, star
topology, bus topology, ring topology.
• It’s usage and choices are dependent on
its deployments and requirements, such
as the desired network's performance and
the number and position of its computers.
How does it work

• Hybrid topology is a combination of more than one topology.

• Standards like Ethernet and Wi-Fi are used by this topology to carry out its
many functions.
• The process that various types of hybrid routers, including switches and
hubs, connect devices connected to wired or wireless networks is essential
to the operation of hybrid topology.
• There are various network branches in the hybrid topology, and each branch
has an unique design.
Advantages Disadvantages

The advantages of several topologies are The design of this topology is very
combined into one topology with this complex.
This topology is easily flexible and Expensive

Troubleshooting and error detecting is Installation process is difficult.


Large networks are created by using this Hardware has been modified in order to
topology. link one topology with another topology.

A large volume of traffic is handled. This topology require a lot of cables in

the installation process.

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