IT in Everyday Life

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It in

ay life
Let’s start!
Presented by : Chezza Pia J. Peñaflorida
impact of it in
daily activities
Hello fellow student nurses! Today, let's explore
how Information Technology (IT) is
revolutionizing our daily activities in nursing
school and beyond
As student nurses, we're
learning the importance of
Electronic Health Records.
They streamline patient
information, making it easier to
study cases and understand the
continuum of care
Telemedicine isn't just for
professionals. As students,
we're witnessing its impact
through virtual lectures and
clinical experiences,
preparing us for the digital
future ofA lhealthcare
From tracking our own
health with wearable
devices to learning about
monitoring technologies
in class, IT is teaching us
to be proactive about our
well-being and patient
Simulated medication
management systems are
helping us learn the ropes,
ensuring we're confident
and competent in
administering medications
safely when we enter
clinical practice
As student nurses, we're
discovering the power of
patient education resources like
apps and online modules.
These tools empower us to
educate ourselves and our
future patients
Whether it's collaborating on
group projects or communicating
with peers and instructors, IT
tools like video conferencing and
messaging platforms are
essential for our learning journey
In conclusion, Information
Technology is shaping our journey
as student nurses, equipping us
with the digital skills and
knowledge needed to excel in our
future careers. Keep embracing
the tech revolution!
communication and
social media
Hello again my fellow student nurses! Let's dive
into the world of Digital Communication and
Social Media and explore how it impacts our lives
as learners and future healthcare professionals
Social media isn't just for
leisure. It connects us with
nursing communities,
offers learning resources,
and keeps us updated on
the latest trends and
research in healthcare
Building our professional
network starts now.
LinkedIn and other
platforms are invaluable for
connecting with mentors,
finding job opportunities,
and expanding our
knowledge base
Online patient communities
provide insights into patient
experiences and health
challenges, enriching our
understanding and empathy
as future caregivers
Navigating social media ethically
is crucial. As student nurses,
we're learning to uphold patient
privacy, maintain professional
boundaries, and promote
accurate healthcare information
Our online presence
matters. From crafting
professional profiles to
curating content, we're
learning to present
ourselves authentically and
responsibly in the digital
Misinformation abounds
online, posing risks to patient
safety and professional
integrity. By critically
evaluating sources, we're
learning to combat
misinformation and uphold
evidence-based practice
As student nurses, digital
communication and social
media are integral to our
learning journey. Let's
continue harnessing these
tools responsibly to connect,
learn, and advocate for
quality healthcare
Now, let's explore the impact of
Mobile Technology on our education
and future practice as nurses
From clinical rotations to
simulation labs, mobile
devices help us document
patient care experiences
efficiently and accurately,
preparing us for real-
world practice
Clinical decision support
apps provide instant
access to evidence-based
guidelines and resources,
empowering us to make
informed decisions and
deliver quality care
Simulated medication
administration apps hone
our skills, ensuring we're
competent in
administering medications
safely and confidently
when we enter clinical
Patient education apps
enrich our learning
experience, offering
interactive tools and
resources to educate
ourselves and empower
future patients in self-care
Remote monitoring
technologies enable us to
monitor patients' health
remotely, fostering early
intervention and
personalized care delivery
beyond traditional
healthcare settings
Mobile communication
tools facilitate seamless
collaboration among
classmates and
instructors, enhancing
learning experiences
and teamwork skills
In conclusion, Mobile
Technology empowers us as
student nurses, enhancing our
education, communication, and
patient care capabilities. That’s
why let's embrace these digital
tools as we prepare to make a
difference in healthcare!

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