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Lesson 3 -Refraction complete DNT in silence

1. Name four things that could happen when the forces on an object are unbalanced

2. What would the resultant force on an object be if the forces are balanced?

3. What is the name of the diagram used to represent the forces acting on an object?

4. Define "friction"

5. Define "drag"

6. Define "tension"
Green pen your answers
1. Name four things that could happen when the forces on an object are unbalanced
Object accelerates (speeds up), decelerates (slows down), changes shape, changes direction

2. What would the resultant force on an object be if the forces are balanced?

3. What is the name of the diagram used to represent the forces acting on an object?
Free-body diagram

4. Define "friction"
Force opposing motion which is caused by the interaction of surfaces moving over each other

5. Define "drag"
Friction force when one object is a liquid or a gas

6. Define "tension"
Force extending or pulling apart
A pencil looks bent when you
put it in a glass of water.

Why is that ?

Talk to the person next to you

and try to come up with a
The pencil reflects light and the
light travels from the pencil
through the water. It then
travels through the air into you
As the light leaves the water the
direction it is travelling in

This is called refraction.

Refraction occurs when light travels from one
transparent medium to another, e.g. water to air. It
only takes place where two substances meet – this is
called the interface.

If the light passes through the interface at 90° it does

not change direction.
Teacher explanation slide
● You will need to order lesson 3.3 from Suhanthy
● During this lesson you will carry out a practical with the class. Once again this
practical can be very difficult to carry out. So please make sure you have
looked at it before the lesson and please demonstrate how to carry out the
practical for the class.
● The main concept of reflection is that as light enters a more dense medium at
an angle it will slow down and change direction. This key idea must be
conveyed to the class.
You can see in this image that when light travels along the normal line then there will be no refraction
please make a point of this. However when the light travels into a medium at an angle then refraction will
occur. If the medium is very dense then you will have more refraction.

A normal line is a line drawn by you which is perpendicular (at 90 0)to the medium boundary
Carry out this practical in a darkened room for best results.

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