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Definition of noun
A noun is a name of person, place,
animal, thing or feeling.
Noun is also known as NAMING
Radha, pen, door, bird, happiness etc.
There are Four types of noun


1. Common noun
A Common noun is a general name of a person, place,
animal or thing.


city girl
2. PROPER noun
A Proper Noun is the name of a particular person,
place or thing. It always begins with the capital

Katty Nike

Collective nouns are the words
used to define a group of people,
animals or inanimate things.

A group of soldiers is
t ion
o H
is B
A collection of
flowers is BOUQUET
4. Abstract noun
Nouns that name ideas, experiences, thoughts, qualities, and
feelings are called abstarct nouns. These nouns cannot be
touch or see.

Anger beauty
childhood friendship

Kindness Weakness
Practice Work

Topic: Nouns
Q1. Underline the proper nouns:

1. He enjoyed his visit to Shimla.

2. Johan and Jenny brought their fishing rode.

3. They went to mall on Sunday.

4. Mr.Sharma caught the thief.

5. There were many boats out on Clear Lake.

6. Taj Mahal is a beautiful monument.

Q2. Underline the proper nouns and circle the common nouns:

1. Mr. Brown walked his dog down the street.

2. Before crossing Main Street, look both ways.

3. Tanner is younger than his brother.

4. Mrs. Smith teaches students how to read.

5. My dad took us to the restaurant.

6. After dinner, we will go to Centennial Park.

Q6. State whether the underlined word is a common noun, proper noun, collective noun or abstract noun.

1. The police dispersed the crowd.

2. A committee has been formed to look into the matter.

3. You are the best mother in the world.

4. I would like to buy a car.

5. Mother bought a laptop for my birthday.

6. Jani works as a nurse.

7. The angry mob pelted stones at the police.

8. Honesty is the best policy.

9. You must always speak the truth.

10. Julie is my youngest sister.

11. Solomon was famous for his wisdom.

12. Birds make their nests in trees.

2. Mohan’s father bought a toy car for him
from a toy shop.
3. At the annual function, the boys and girls
danced to the music of A. R. Rehman.
4. For the birthday party, seven large pizzas
were purchased from the Olive Pizza
5. Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma batted very
well at Eden Gardens.
6. Aunt Anu and Uncle Amit bought a gift for
Radha from the shop called Bookworm.
7. St Andrews School, Patna, took their
students to Singapore on an excursion.
8. Ruskin Bond reads poems and stories
from his books to children at a book store
in Mussoorie.
Q4. Fill the correct collective nouns.

box of pencils.
1. My friend gave me a _____
herd of cows crossed the field.
2. The _____

colony/army of ants comes to eat the sugar cube.

3. A ___________

gaggle of geese in the backyard.

4. The farmer kept a ______

crowd of people.
5. I got hurt in the ______

pack of dogs were sitting in the ground.

6. The _____
Q5. Underline the abstract nouns:

1. Always speak the truth.

2. Our army showed bravery.

3. The workers wanted justice.

4. He has seen many failures.

5. Beauty needs no ornament.

6. They are jealous of him.

7. The hunters are looking for ahost
_____ of sparrow.

army of frogs was croaking loudly.

8. The ______

team will win the match.

9. Your ______

class of students was making lot of noise

10.A ______
Q6. State whether the underlined word is a common noun, proper noun, collective noun or abstract noun

1. The police dispersed the crowd. (crowd – collective noun)

2. A committee has been formed to look into the matter. (committee – collective

noun; matter – abstract noun)

3. You are the best mother in the world. (mother, world – common noun)

4. I would like to buy a car. (car – common noun)

5. Mother bought a laptop for my birthday. (laptop – common noun)

6. Jani works as a nurse. (Jani – proper noun; nurse – common noun)

7. The audience gave a thunderous applause. (audience – collective noun; applause

– abstract noun)

8. The girls were singing and dancing. (girls – common noun)

9. The child was waiting for his mother. (child, mother – common noun)

10.The school reopens on Monday. (school – common noun, Monday – proper noun)

11.Our friendship will last forever. (friendship – abstract noun)

12.The pen is mightier than the sword. (pen, sword – common noun)
10. A committee was appointed to study the situation.

11. The boys were congratulated on their performance.

12. He gave me a bunch of grapes.

13. The children sang the national anthem.

14. He owns a fleet of cars.

15. Greenland is the largest island.

7. The audience gave a thunderous applause.

8. The girls were singing and dancing.

9. The child was waiting for his mother.

10. The school reopens on Monday.

11. Virtue is its own reward.

12. The pen is mightier than the sword.

13. Ganga is a holy river.

. Mob – collective noun; stones – common noun; police – collective noun
2. Honesty – abstract noun; policy – abstract noun
3. Truth – abstract noun
4. Julie – proper noun; sister – common noun
5. Solomon – proper noun; wisdom – abstract noun
6. Birds – common noun; nests – common noun; trees – common noun
7. Committee – collective noun; situation – abstract noun
8. Boys – common noun; performance – abstract noun
10. Bunch – collective noun; grapes – common noun
11. Children – common noun; anthem – common noun
12. fleet of cars– collective noun cars common
13. Lion – common noun; king – common noun; beasts – common noun
14. Greenland – proper noun; island – common noun
The police dispersed the crowd. (crowd – collective noun)
A committee has been formed to look into the matter. (committee – collective noun; matter –
abstract noun)
You are the best mother in the world. (mother – common noun)
I would like to buy a car. (car – common noun)
Mother bought a laptop for my birthday. (laptop – common noun)
Jani works as a nurse. (Jani – proper noun; nurse – common noun)
The audience gave a thunderous applause. (audience – collective noun; applause – abstract
The girls were singing and dancing. (girls – common noun)
The child was waiting for his mother. (child – common noun)
The school reopens on Monday. (Monday – proper noun)
Virtue is its own reward. (virtue – abstract noun)
The pen is mightier than the sword. (sword – common noun)

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