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Computer System
Computer System
 Hardware
Input unit/Output Unit
Storage/Memory Unit
 Software
System Software
Application Software

2 Computer application 06/20/2024

Computer System
What Is System?
System is defined as a group of integrated parts which
are designed to achieve a common objective.
System is made up of more than one element or part,
where each element performs a specific function and
where all the elements (parts) are logically related and
are controlled in such a way that the goal (purpose) of
the system is achieved. A computer is made up of a
number of integrated elements like
The central processing unit (CPU, GPU, TPU)
The input and output devices and
The storage devices.
3 Computer application 06/20/2024
A group of components, consisting of subsystems or
procedures that work in a coordination fashion to
achieve some objective.
Composed of components that are classified either as
Computer hardware or computer software.

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Components of a Computer System
The basic parts of computer system are:
 Input Unit : used to feed programs and data to the
computer. Used to accept data, process data and
provide output data.
 The Central Processing Unit: The brain of any
computer system. CPU is made of three parts: Control
unit, Arithmetic logic unit, primary storage unit
 Output Unit: The output units accept the results
produced by the computer, convert them into a human
readable form and supply them to the users.

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Computer Hardware System
The physical parts, which you can see and touch, are
collectively called hardware.

Fig 3.1. a block diagram of functional units of a computer

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The Computer System

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 In the above diagram, both control (control unit or
CU) and arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)
combinely called as Central Processing Unit
(CPU). Let's describe about all the parts as included
in the above diagram one by one.
The Processor Unit (CPU)
 It is the brain of the computer system. All major
calculation and comparisons are made inside the CPU
and it is also responsible for activation and controlling
the operation of other unit.
 This unit consists of two major components, that are
arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and control unit (CU).

9 Computer application 06/20/2024

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
 Arithmetic logic unit performs all arithmetic operations such as
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
 It also uses logic operation for comparison like comparison or
decision making (>, <, <=, >=, = etc.).

Control Unit (CU)

 The control unit of a CPU controls the entire operation of the
computer. It also controls all devices such as memory, input/output
devices connected to the CPU.

 CU fetches instructions from memory, decodes the instruction,

interprets the instruction to know what the task are to be performed
and sends suitable control signals to the other components to
perform for the necessary steps to execute the instruction.

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Input/Output Unit
The input/output unit consists of devices used to transmit
information between the external world and computer
The information fed through the input unit is stored in
computer's memory for processing and the final result
stored in memory can be recorded or display on the output
Memory Unit
It is an essential component of a digital computer. It is
where all data intermediate and find results are stored. The
data read from the main storage or an input unit are
transferred to the computer‘s memory where they are
available for processing. This memory unit is used to hold
the instructions to be executed and data to be processes.
11 Computer application 06/20/2024
Primary Memory:
Primary memory has direct link with input unit and
output unit. It stores the input data, intermediate
calculation, result.
Secondary Memory:
The primary storage is not able to store data
permanently for future use. So some other types of
storage technology is required to store the data
permanently for long time, it is called secondary or
auxiliary memory.

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Input Device:
Input devices are those devices which help to enter
data into computer system. E.g. Keyboad, Mouse,
Touchscreen, Barcode Reader, Scanner, MICR, Optical
mark reader( OMR) etc.

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Output Device:
Output devices are those devices which help to display
the processed information. Eg. Monitor, Printer,
Plotter, Projector etc.

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It is the primary output device where we see the
output. It looks like TV.
 It is also known as VDU(Visual Display Unit)
 Its display may be in the form of CRT, LED and LCD.
1. CRT(cathode Ray Tube)
2. LCD(liquid Crystal Display)
3. LED(light Emitting Diode)

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Memory is used to store the data for later reference. The smallest
unit is bit, which mean either 0 or 1.
1 bit = 0 or 1
1 Byte = 8 bits
1 Nibble = 4 bits
1 Kilo Byte = 1024 Byte= 211° Byte
1 Mega Byte = 1024 KB= 211° KB
1 Giga Byte = 1024 MB= 211° MB
1 Tera Byte = 1024 GB= 211° GB
1 Peta Byte =1024 TB= 211° TB
1 Exa Byte =1024 PB= 211° PB
1 Zetta Byte = 1024 EB= 211° EB
1 Yotta Byte = 1024 ZB= 211° ZB

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I It can be further divided into two parts:
1. RAM ( Random Access Memory)
2. ROM (Read Only Memory)
I Difference between RAM and ROM
1. RAM is a memory that has the same access time for all
locations. It is used to store data and program temporarily
whenever they are needed in main memory. It is
constantly being re-used for different data items or
programs as required. Static RAM holds its memory so
long as there is a power supply. Dynamic Ram (DRAM)
has to be refreshed by reading and rewriting the contents
very frequently. RAM is volatile, that is, the contents of
RAM are lost when the power supply is switched off.
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ROM (integrated circuit) is used to store vital data and
programs which need to be held within the main memory
at all times. The contents of ROM are permanently set
during the manufacture of the computer. However, there
are other ways of putting programs and data into ROM.
The two types of ROM are:
Programmable Read-Only Memory (PROM) is a type
of ROM that is manufactured as an empty storage array
and is later permanently programmed by the user.
Erasable PROM (EPROM) is a type of PROM whose
data can be erased by a special process so new data can
be written as if it were a new PROM.

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The primary storage is not able to store data

permanently for future use. So some other types of
storage technology is required to store the data
permanently for long time, it is called secondary or
auxiliary storage.
 Examples Of Secondary Storage

22 Computer application 06/20/2024

Computer Software
Computer software, or just software, is any set of
machine readable instructions (most often in the form of
a computer program) that directs a computer's processor
to perform specific operations.
Two common types of computer software are;
i. System soft ware
ii. Application software

System software is a group of programs that contribute

to the control and performance of the computer system.
System software is made up of systems management
programs and systems development programs.
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Operating Systems
 An operating system is a collection of programs which takes
over the operation of the computer to the extent of being able to
allow a number of programs to be run on the computer without
human interventions by an operator. Examples of operating
systems on mainframe and minicomputers are: IBM-OS/VS,
IBM-OS/400 and ICL-VME. On microcomputers, examples
include: MS-DOS, WINDOWS and LINUX.
An operating system (OS) performs five basic functions in the
operation of a computer system, namely,
1) providing a user interface
2) resource management
3) task management
4) file management
5) utilities and support services.
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Programming Language
A programming language describes the way in which the
instructions that make up a computer program are written. The
three basic types of programming languages are; machine
language assembly language and high-level language.
 Machine language
Language computer directly understands.
 Composed of numeric instructions.
 It is made up of strings of binary digits
 specific to a particular make and model of computer. Any actual
instructions can be written.
 The interpretation of a machine language program is a direct
function of the computer hardware circuitry.
Not only tedious but also difficult to debug and maintain for
human beings.
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 Assembly Language
made up of operation mnemonics and symbolic data
Easier to use than machine language.
It is done by representing some of the most commonly
used instruction codes with some symbols.
Needs special translating program.
machine dependent.
The assembly language programmer makes use of
instruction mnemonics and symbolic names of
addresses rather than work with operation codes and
operand addresses.

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High Level Languages

Resemble human languages such as English and

are easier for human programmers to write.
It allows users to write in a familiar notation,
rather than numbers or abbreviations.
It includes application and system development
languages, report generators, or AI system
development languages.
Most of high level languages are machine
o e.g. FORTRAN, BASIC, Pascal, C, C++, Java …

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We generally write a computer program using a high-
level language. A high-level language is one that is
understandable by us, humans. This is called source code.
However, a computer does not understand high-level
language. It only understands the program written in 0's
and 1's in binary, called the machine code.
To convert source code into machine code, we use either
a compiler or an interpreter. Compiler, Interpreter are
known as language processor. Both compilers and
interpreters are used to convert a program written in a
high-level language into machine code understood by
computers. However, there are differences between how
an interpreter and a compiler works.

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 A translator is a systems program that converts statements written in
one programming language into statements in the computer
language. The statements in a programming language are called
source program. The statements in the computer language are called
object program. The three types of translators are Assemblers,
Compilers and Interpreters.
 Assembler
 An assembler (or a symbolic assembly program) is assist the
programmer in the preparation of machine-code programs from
programs written in symbolic language.
 Compiler
 A compiler is used to translating a program written in high level
language into machine language.
 Interpreter
 The interpreter is used to translate high-level language programs. It
deals with the source program one instruction at a time, completely
translating and executing each instruction before it goes on to the
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Applications Software and Application Programs
Applications software is a group of programs that are
developed to solve particular problems. They directly
provide the processing that users want to have performed.
They may be produced by the computer manufacturer or
supplier, a software house, or the computer user. They are
of two types, application programs and application
Application programs are mostly written by the users
to carry out a task, e.g. payroll programs; hence they are
also called user programs or tailor-made programs.
Application packages are ready-made generalised
programs with associated documentations for solving
business and other problems.
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Software Suites

A software suite consists of most widely used

productivity packages bundled together. Examples are
Microsoft Office, Lotus Smart Suite and Corel Word
Perfect Office. Each suite typically integrates software
packages for word processing, spreadsheets, presentation
graphics, database management and personal
information management.

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End Of Lecture Three

33 Demo. A ( MSc In Computer Information System) 06/20/2024

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