Training Development

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Development refers to formal
education, job experiences,
relationships, and assessments of
personality and abilities that help
employee perform effectively in their
current or future job and company.
Many companies use a combination
of development activities.

Presentation title 2
Comparison between Training and Development

Training Development
Focus Current Future
Use of Work Low High
Goal Preparation for Preparation for
current job Changes
Participation Required Voluntary

Presentation title 3

• 1.) Formal Education

•Formal education program includes off-
site and on-site programs designed
specifically for the company employees,
short courses offered by consultant or
universities, executive MBA programs,
and university program in which
participants live at the university while
taking class. These programs may involve
lectures by business experts or professors,
business games and simulations,
adventure learning and meeting.
Presentation title 4
• Most formal education programs actively involve the employees in learning. Separate
programs are usually offered for supervisors, middle managers and executive. Special
programs for jobs (such as engineering) are also available.
• Leadership development program focuses on 12 critical attributes:

i. Character and enduring values vii. Driver of change / transformation

ii. Extraordinary results viii. Extraordinary results
iii. Management skills ix. Management skills
iv. Strategy x. Strategy
v. Thought leadership xi. Thought leadership

vi. Diversity xii. Vision

Presentation title 5
Enrollment in executive education programs or MBA programs may be limited only to managers
or employees identified to have management potential. Many companies also provide tuition
reimbursement as a benefit for all employees to encourage them to develop. Tuition
reimbursement refers to the practice of reimbursing employee’s costs for college and university

2.) Assessment - assessment involves collecting information and providing feedback to

employees about their behavior, communication style, values, or skills. The employees, as well as
their peers, managers, and customers may be asked to provide information. It is most frequently
used to identify employees with managerial potential and to measure current managers’
strengths and weaknesses. It is also used to identify managers with the potential to move into
higher-level executive positions.

•Several Popular Assessment Tools:
• Myers – Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) - is the most popular psychological test for
employee development. The test consists of more than 100 questions about how
the person feels or prefers to behave in different situations. The MBTI is based on
the work of psychologist Carl Jung, who believed that differences in individual
behavior resulted from people’s preferences in decision making, interpersonal
communication, and information gathering.
•b.)Assessment Center - is a process in which multiple raters or evaluators (also
known as assessors) evaluate an employee’s performance on a few exercises. An
assessment center is usually held at an off-site location such as a conference center.
From 6 to 12 employees usually participate at one time. This are primarily used to
identify if employees have the personality

Presentation title 7
Types of Exercises used in Assessment Centers:

 Leaderless group discussions - a team of five to seven employees must work together to
solve an assigned problem within a certain time.
In – baskets - is a simulation of the administrative tasks of the manager’s job.
Role plays- participants take the part or role of a manager or other employee.

Presentation title 8
c) Benchmarks - is an instrument designed to measure important factors in being a successful
manager. Items measured by Benchmarks are based on research that examines the lessons
executives learn at critical events in their careers. Items that are measured include dealing with
subordinates, acquiring resources, and creating a productive work climate.
d) Performance Appraisals and 360- Degree Feedback Systems
Performance appraisal is the process of measuring an employee’s performance. There several
different approaches for measuring performance, including ranking employees, rating their work
behaviors, rating the extent to which employees have desirable traits believed to be necessary
for job success and directly measuring the results of work performance.

Upward Feedback the appraisal process involves collecting subordinates’ evaluations of

managers’ behaviors or skill. 9
The 360 – degree feedback process is a special version of the upward feedback
process. In 360- degree feedback system, employee behavior or skill are evaluated
not only by subordinated but also by peer, customer their boss and themselves.

Presentation title 11

- refer to relationships, problems, demands, tasks, or other features that

employees face in their jobs. A major assumption of using job experience for
employee development is that development is most likely to occur when
there is a mismatch between the employee’s skills and past experiences and
the skills required for the job. To be successful in their job, employees must
stretch their skill that is, they must be forced to learn new skills, apply their
skill and knowledge in a new way, and master new experiences.

Presentation title 12
Various Ways that job experiences can be used for employee development

ENLARGING THE CURRENT JOB (Job enlargement) - refers to adding challenge

or new responsibilities to an employee’s current job. This could include special project
assignment, switching role within a work team, or researching new ways to serve
clients and customer.
JOB ROTATION - involve providing employee with a series of job assignments in
various functional area of the company or movement among jobs in a single function
area or department. Help employee gain an overall appreciation of the company
goals increases their understanding of different company function, develop a network
of contact, and improve their problem-solving and decision making skill.


downward mobility is available for development purpose in most companies.
 TRANSFER - an employee is given a different job assignment in a different area of
company. Transfer do not necessary involve increase job responsibilities or
compensation they are likely lateral move a moves.
PROMOTION - are advancement into position with greater challenge, more
responsibility and more authority than in the previous job. Promotion usually include pay

DOWNWARD MOVE - occurs when an employee is given a reduce level of

responsibility and authority. This may involve a move to another position at the same
level with less authority and responsibility.
EXTERNSHIP - allow employee to take full-time, temporary operational role at another
company. One of its purpose is to develop employee who have an interest in gaining
experience in a specific industry and promises to re-employ after their assignments end. 15
example of temporary assignments in which two companies agree to exchange employees.
Volunteer assignments can also be used for development since employees can choose
assignments to improve their skills or projects unrelated to their jobs.


Employee can also develop skill and increase their knowledge about the company and its
customer by interacting with a more experience organizational member.

Types of Interpersonal Relationships:

MENTORING - A mentor is an experienced, productive senior employee who helps develop a
less experience employee. Most mentoring relationship develop informally as a result of
interests or values shared by mentor and employee. Mentoring relationship can also develop
as part of a planned company effort to bring together successful senior employee with less
experience employee. 16
Developing Successful Mentoring Program

Although many mentoring relationship develop informally one major advantage

of formalized mentoring program is that they ensure access to mentor for all
employee regardless of gender or race. An additional relationship advantage is
that participant in the mentoring relationship tend to know what is expected of
them .One limitation of formal mentoring program is that mentor may not be able
to provide counseling and coaching in a relationship that has been artificially

Benefits of Mentoring Programs
Both mentor and employee can benefit from a mentoring relationship. Research
suggest that mentor provide career and psychosocial support to their employee.
Career support includes coaching, protection, sponsorship, and providing
challenging assignment, exposure, and visibility. Psychosocial support includes
serving as a friend and a role model, providing positive regard and acceptance, and
providing an outlet for the employee to talk about anxieties and fears. Additional
benefits for employee include skill development higher rates of promotion, large
salaries, and greater organization influence. It also provide opportunities for mentors
to develop their interpersonal skills and increase their feelings of self-esteem and
worth to the organization .
Purposes of Mentoring Program
Mentoring program are used to socialize new employee and to increase the likelihood of skill
transfer from training to the work setting. Mentoring program may also be developed
specially for women and minorities to enable them to gain the experience and skill needed
for managerial position. 18
i. COACHING RELATIONSHIP - A coach is a peer or manager who work with
employee to motivate them, help them develop skill and provide reinforcement
and feedback.
Roles that a coach can play:

 Part of coaching maybe one on one with an employee, providing feedback

based on psychological test, 360- degree assessment, or interview with
bosses, peer, and subordinate.

 A second role is to help employee learn for themselves by putting them in

touch with expert who can help them with their concern and by teaching them
how to obtain feedback from other.
o Third the coach may provide the employee with resources such as mentor,
courses , or job experiences that the employee may not otherwise have
access to.


Involves identifying development needs, choosing a development goal,

identifying the action that need to be taken by goal attainment will be
measured, investing time and energy to achieve the goal and establishing a
timetable for development.

Presentation title 21

Is to provide development only for top-level executive, senior manager, and

employees identified as having high potential. Lower- level manager who play
a critical role in motivating and retaining employees are neglected.

Is to require all employees to devote a specific number of hours or spend a

certain amount of money on development

Involve individualization, learner control, and ongoing support.

Individualization makes sure that development efforts are directed at
capitalizing on the employee’s strengths and improving weaknesses

 Development roles: Manager, mentor, development staff, and roles in the

development process

 Performance expectation: A description of competencies, performance result and

major job experience required to success at each level of the company

 Development needs: Needs that frequently occur at each career level, those
that vary by individual, and the derailer that can stall career progress and
negatively affected performance ways to prevent or deal with derailer are

Development road map: Description of development activities that should occur at
each career level and that support development needs and prevent derailers. These
activities include job experience, training and education, coaching and mentoring,
and self


The programs helps managers understand their responsibilities in managing
performance, employee relations, diversity, and multicultural issues while company
provides support in the form of unlimited access to development activities and
support networks.


 Management Quick View: It provides practice information on more than 40

common management topic related to business, leadership/management
competencies, productivity, and HR issues.

 Interactive Learning Modules and Simulations: These interactive simulation

emphasize people and task management. Employee learn by viewing video;
interacting with models and problem employees; making decision on how to deal
with the problem, issue, or request and getting feedback on their decision.

 Collaborative Learning: The learner can connect via the company intranet with
tutors, team member, customer, 25
 or other learner to discuss problem, issue, and approaches
and to share what has been learned.

 Learning Labs: These five-day in-class workshop build on

the learning acquired during the previous, phases of e-
learning. The workshop emphasize peer learning and the
development of a learning community.

Presentation title 26

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