Corrected U11 Test Paper Mary Jones 4ed

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Cells do not use energy for respiration - respiration

releases energy.

Respiration does not produce energy.

Respiration releases energy that is already present in glucose molec

Anerobic respiration happens in cytoplasm. Aerobic

respiration happens in mitochondria.
In human muscle, aerobic respiration produces carbon dioxide
but anerobic respiration does not produce carbon dioxide.

Aerobic respiration releases much more energy from each glucose

molecule that anaerobic respiration.

Tube A B C D
Water snail Water plant snail & plant Nothing
Colours of
indicator at Orange Orange Orange Orange
Colours of
indicator at end Yellow Red Orange Orange

In tube A, there is a snail that respire giving carbon dioxide.

In tube B, there is a plant that photosynthesize taking carbon dioxi

In tube C , there is a snail that respire, giving out carbon dioxide an

taking in carbon dioxide. So there was no change in the carbon dio

In tube D, neither photsynthesis and respiration took place.

Respiration will continue in the dark but the photosynthesis will not. The
indicator will turn yellow in tubes A,B,C and D will remain or unchange.

During the day, the aquatic plant take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen ,wh
animals in the tank. During the night,
the aquatic plant give out carbon dioxide and take in oxygen so, that mean lesse
the animals to respire and higher concentration of carbon dioxide in the water.

40 23.1 924cm2


Researchers record
ed rats ratio of alv
mass to understan eolar surface area
d how the structu to body
optimize performa re o f respiratory system
nce. to

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