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Conditional type 0
Functi on
 We use conditi onal 0 to talk about general truths and facts.

1. If you don’t water plants they die.
2. Plants die if you don’t water them.

3. If you heat ice it turns into water.
4. Ice turns into water if you heat it.

Structure => If + simple present, …………simple present……….

Exercise: Use conditional type 0.

1. you …………… (get) grey if you …………… (mix) black and white.

2. Water …………… ( become) a ice If you …………… (freeze) it.

3. When we ……………(heat) ice, it ……………(turn) into water.

4. If you…………… ( mix) red and blue, you …………… (get) purple.

5. When you …………… (let) an object in the air, it …………… (fall) down.
6. Oil ……………(float) If you ……………(pour) it in water.
Conditional type 1
Functi on
 We use conditional 1 to talk about real possibilities for present / future.

 If it is sunny tomorrow, we will go for a picnic.

Structure => If + simple present, ……………will + verb………….

Exercise: Use conditional type 1.
1. If Maria ______ (pass) all her exams, she ______(travel) to Europe next
2. We __________ (go) to the beach if it ____________ (not/be) rainy
this afternoon.
3. ____ you ____(come) with us if your parents ____ (give) you their OK?
4. They ______ (not/have) a party if they _______ (not/have) enough
5. If I ________ (learn) how to play chess very well, I ________
(participate) in chess competitions.
Conditional type 2
Functi on
We use conditional 2 to talk about imaginary & unreal situations for present.


 If I were a famous singer, I would have a lot of fans.

Structure=> If + simple past, ………… would / wouldn’t + verb………….

Exercise: Use conditional type 2.

1. If I ____ (be) you, I _____ (move) to another city.

2. Sally ____ (buy) that dress if she ______ (have) enough money.

3.If Bob ____ (live) in a small village, he _____ (get) bored easily.

4. We ______ (go) out if we ____ (not/be) very busy now.

Conditional type 3
Functi on
 We use conditional type 3 to talk about situations that happened in the past and you
can’t change anymore.

 If I had prepared well for the exam , I would have got a better mark.
Reality:(I got a bad mark in the exam).

Structure=> If + Past Perfect……. , ….would have / could have / might have + Past
Exercise: Use conditional type 3.
1. Lucia didn't go to school last Monday because she was ill.
If Lucia...............................................................................................................
2. I didn't cook dinner yesterday evening because my father brought pizza.
If my father.......................................................................................................
3. My brother wasn't at home last night because he had an important
meeting at the office.
If my brother.....................................................................................................
4. Peter went out with his friends because he finished his homework on time.
If Peter. .............................................................................................................
Exercise: Use conditional type 3.
5. We were late for work yesterday morning so the boss was very angry with us.
If we .......................................................................................................................
6. David didn't buy the house on Park Street because it didn't have a balcony.
If the house on Park
Street ...............................................................................................................................
7. I couldn't get into the house because I forgot the key in the classroom.
If I ..........................................................................................................................
8. Mr. Jerkins drove his car carelessly. He crashed into a tree.
If Mr. Jerkins...........................................................................................................
9. Miss Eliot left her umbrella at home so she got wet in the heavy rain last Sunday.
If Miss Eliot ............................................................................................................

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