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In terms of present indefinite tense, s/es will be added with verb if
subject is third person and singular number.
• She dances on the stage.
• He sings a song.
If the subject is plural or first/ second person and singular number-
• You work there.
• Rita and Dina go to the university.
RULE # 2
If the sentence is negative where subject is third person and singular number, “does
not” should be used. “s/es” will not be used with the verb.
• She lives here. (affirmative)
• She does not live here. (negative)
• Rahim makes a basket. (affirmative)
• Rahim does not make a basket. (negative)
If the subject is plural or first/ second person and singular number-
• We want to pass the class test. (affirmative)
• We do not want to pass the class test. (negative)

If yesterday, ago, last week, last month/ year, day before yesterday are
used in the sentence, past form of verb must be used.
• Father came home yesterday.
• She submitted the assignment last week.

If two clauses are attached by since, verb of the first clause should be
present indefinite/ present perfect tense and verb of the second clause
should be past indefinite tense.
• Ten years have passed since he left the village.

If since is used as an adverb, it does not add any clause. The verb before since should
be past indefinite tense.
• I saw him long since.

• In terms of past indefinite tense, past form of verb will be used in the affirmative
sentences and did not will be used before the verb when it is negative sentence.
• I joined the meeting
• I did not pass.
• In the interrogative sentences, did will be used before subject and base form of the
verb will be used.
• Did he not make breakfast?
RULE # 7

If lest is used to add two clauses, should will be used with the verb in the second
• Work hard lest you should fail.
RULE # 8

• Use of Conditionals
 If+ subject+ verb (present form), subject+ verb( future form)+ object
• If you come, I will go.
 If + subject+ verb (present form), subject+ must, should, had better…etc. + object
• If you want to pass in the examination, you must study.
 If+ subject+ verb (past from)/ were, subject+ should/ would+ verb (present form)+ object
• If I worked in this company, I would draw a good salary.
• If I were you, I would not do this ever.
 If+ subject+ had+ verb (past participle), subject+ would have+ verb( past participle)+
• If I had known that you were in the library, I would have contacted you.
RULE # 9

• May should be used before subject in order to make wish/ desire.

• May you be happy.
• May you live long.
• We eat that we may live
• We studied hard so that she might pass.
No sooner had+ past indefinite tense
Scarcely had+ past indefinite tense
Hardly had+ past indefinite tense
• No sooner had I reached the station than the train left.
• Scarcely had I reached the station when the train left.
• Hardly had I reached the station when the train left.
When before is attached with two clauses, verb of the first clause will
be future tense and verb of the second clause will be present indefinite
• He will complete the course before he leaves the university.
When after is attached with two clauses, verb of the first clause will be
future tense and verb of the second clause will be present perfect
• Rahim will go the cinema after he will have completed his work.
The headmaster and secretary has (not have) attended the meeting
The headmaster and the secretary have attended the meeting.
• If and is attached to each/ every, singular verb will be used.
Each boy and each girl has a pen
• If or, nor, but is attached with two or three singular subjects, singular verb will be
He or his brothers are intelligent.
• If or/ nor/ but is attached with one singular subject and one plural subject, then the
verb will be changed according to the subject of the nearest.
He or his brothers have done this.
Rahim or you are guilty.
• Singular subject+ as well as/ in addition to/ including to/ no less than/ together with+
singular/ plural subjects+ verb (singular form)
He as well as his brother has gone there.
Rina together with her sisters has gone there.
• If either of/ neither of becomes the subject, verb will be in singular form.
Neither of them was present.
• If one of becomes the subject, noun/ pronoun will be plural and verb will be in singular
One of my friends is a doctor.
• If anybody, anyone, each, either, everybody, everyone, neither, nobody, no one, none,
somebody, someone become the subject, verb will be in singular form.
Somebody has stolen my pen.
• If here/ there is appeared at the beginning of the sentence, whether the following
verb is singular or plural will be dependent on the following number of the subject.
There is a mosque in our village.
Here are the books.
• Singular verb will be used when the subject is book, magazine, movie, newspaper,
play, money.
The Bangladesh Times is a good magazine.
• Plural verb will be used when cattle, aristocracy, poultry, peasantry, gentry are used
in the sentences.
People are praying for prosperity.
• If relative pronoun is subject in a sentence, verb will be singular according to the
antecedent of the relative pronoun.
You are the man who has always troubled me.
Use of for and since
Use of continuous tense
Use of voice
Use of past perfect tense
Use of future perfect tense
1, Last year, he __________ (travel) to France.
2. Hardly had I reached the station when the train __________ (leave).
3. They haven't visited their hometown since they __________ (move) to the city.
4. They __________ (play) soccer in the park at the moment.
5. We __________ (celebrate) your birthday in two days.
6. Please __________(wear) either a red or blue shirt to the party.
7. He speaks confidently in the business conference as if he __________(know) everything about
the topic.
8. She said that neither of the business proposals __________(be) suitable for her company.
9. If they had known about the party, they __________ (come).
10. She realized she left her keys at home after she __________ (arrive) at workshop.
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