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Baria PIanning SoIutions,

Fixing the saIes process
Baria PIanning SoIutions,
Fixing the saIes process
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- 8arla lannlng SoluLlons (8S) ls a consulLlng flrm LhaL
speclallzes ln uslng spend analysls Lo help companles ldenLlfy
savlngs Lhrough reduced procuremenL cosLs and lmproved
suppller performance ManagemenL ls concerned abouL Lhe
dlsappolnLlng performance of Lhe sales Leam ln aLLalnlng new
cllenLs and renewlng exlsLlng ones 1he Sales dlrecLors feel
Lhey do noL geL Lhe help Lhey need from Sales SupporL Lo close
new deals whlle Lhe Sales SupporL dlrecLors belleve Lhey could
provlde beLLer supporL by organlzlng lnLo lndusLryspeclflc
dlvlslons 1he consulLlng lndusLry ls becomlng lncreaslngly
compeLlLlve and lnefflclencles ln Lhe sales process aL 8S may
lnLerfere wlLh Lhe companys ablllLy Lo wln new buslness 1he
recenLly hlred dlrecLor of norLh Amerlcan Sales SupporL musL
analyze Lhe currenL process flow for Sales SupporL and ldenLlfy
Lhe problems faclng Lhe sales organlzaLlon 1he presldenL of
Lhe company has asked her Lo presenL a proposal for lmprovlng
Lhe performance of Lhe enLlre group
ey People
- 8randon All resldenL Sales
- ChrlsLy Connor ulrecLor Sales SupporL (norLh
Amerlca) ([olned one monLh back)
- Chuck uee ulrecLor Sales Croup
- !ane AlbrlghL ulrecLor Sales CperaLlon Croup
ompany Background
- ubllcly Lraded flrm LhaL helps lLs cusLomers reduce
procuremenL cosLs and lmprove Lhe performance of suppllers
- lounded ln 1997
- lndusLry ls ln growLh phase
- 2007 2008 acqulred 3 flrms LhaL belonged Lo dlfferenL
- 1rled Lo lnLegraLe parLs of operaLlons where synergles could be
- 1he flrms belonged Lo dlfferenL lndusLrles had dlfferenL
Lechnology plaLforms servlce dellvery processes and dlfferenL
flscal year enddaLes
- 8y 2010 markeL share 18
Types of Sales Opportunities
- new Sale A new opporLunlLy wlLh a company LhaL ls currenLly
noL under conLracL wlLh 8S
- 8enewal A renewal of conLracL wlLh exlsLlng cusLomer
- Lxpanslon An expanslon of Lhe servlces dellvered Lo an
exlsLlng cusLomer even Lhough Lhe cusLomer's currenL
conLracL ls noL near lLs renewal daLe
- lloL Lxposure Lo Lhe 8S soluLlon acLual pro[ecL
***lL was wldely recognlzed LhaL Lhe Leam dlfflculLles meeLlng
proposal deadllnes
pportunities Win Rate
Cr|g|na| Iorecast for 2010
new Sale 230 173
8enewal 117 900
Lxpanslon 60 900
lloL 80 230
1oLal 307
atest Iorecast for 2010
new Sale 271 133
8enewal 117 838
Lxpanslon 33 900
lloL 103 220
1oLal 344
riginaI Forecast: May, 2010
Latest Forecast: Feb, 2011
SaIes rganization
Retail & Other
Data Analysis
Retail & Other
|sagreement between A|br|ght and ee
(over how sales force should be sLrucLured)
uee felL LhaL all Lhe Leams ln Lhe Sales SupporL
group should be allgned by lndusLry secLor
AlbrlghL dlsagreed because Lhey (AlbrlghL
Conor) belleved LhaL such a sLrucLure would
requlre a large lncrease ln sLaff
Organization of SaIes Support Group
- lnlLlally malnLalned sLrucLure of each flrm's sales Leam and
sales supporL funcLlons
- 2008 AlbrlghL sLreamllned Sales SupporL Croup
- CosL conLrol ls ma[or lssue so hybrld sLrucLure ls requlred Lo
effecLlvely balance sLafflng consLralnLs
- MosL companles ln spendanalysls space had organlzed Lhelr
sales supporL Leams enLlrely by geography
- uee had a dlfferenL vlew Slnce some of Lhe Sales SupporL
Leams are shared across sales dlvlslons Lhey don'L feel Lhe
urgency or Lhe ownershlp LhaL ls necessary Lo push proposals
across Lhe goal llne"
Solution Selling Process
- A consulLaLlve Sales rocess
- CllenLs provlde 8S wlLh deLalled daLa for analysls and 8S lnvesL
slgnlflcanL resources Lo gaLher and properly analyze Lhe daLa
- 1he end resulL was a hlghly deLalled and execuLlonready proposal LhaL
explalns Lhe servlces Lo be dellvered Lhe pro[ecLs Lo be lmplemenLed
Llmlng of mllesLones resource requlred from cusLomers and rlsk
sharlng prlclng or performance guaranLees
- 1hls requlred everyLhlng Lo be compleLed wlLhln speclfled Llme
- ln many cases 8S had Lo delay Lhe presenLaLlons bydays or even
- Sales SupporL group belleved LhaL Lhe expecLaLlons placed upon Leam
could be unreallsLlc
emands on SaIes Support Groups
- LxcepL renewals sales opporLunlLles arose randomly
- Connor analyzed LhaL Leam was noL undersLaffed
looklng aL Lhe frequency and composlLlon of Lhe
supporL requesLs LhaL Lhe Leam recelved ln 2010
- Cross Lralnlng was noL feaslble because four funcLlons
requlred dlfferenL sklll seLs and Leam members were
mosL effecLlve when Lhey sLayed ln each role for aL
leasL 3 monLhs 1hus shlfLlng people for shorLer Llme
perlods leaded Lo decreased producLlvlLy
&tilization Across Sales Support
FuII Year 2010
1- Data Engineering 75.8%
2- Data Analysis 79.4%
3- Proposal Support
Energy Sector
Government Sector
Manufacturing Sector
Retail & Other Sectors
4- Pricing 67.7%
ext Step???

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