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P R E S E N T E R S :

MAHAM ISHAQ 21021509-060

N O O R FAT I M A 21021509-063
CHASHMAN SADIA 21021509-065
H I R A A S H FA Q 21021509-071
ADEELA SHEHZADI 21021509-093
L U B N A J AVA I D 21021509-104
• when a point w=u+iv is the mapping of
a nonzero point z=x+iy in the finite
plane under the transformation w = ,
u+iv =
Mapping of z=: = x+ iy
= x+iy
- = x+iy
Presenter 3
Hira Ashfaq
X= , y= - - +c=0
Use equation of circle for z - =0
(x^2+ y^2+2gx+2fy+c) =0 c(u^2+v^2)+2gu-2fv+1 =0 (3)
+ - +c =0
if C is 0 then the eq 3 is the eq of line. If
Cis not 0 then the eq 3 is eq of circle.
 A circle (A = 0) not passing
through the origin (D = 0)
in the z plane is
transformed into a circle
not passing through the
origin in the w plane;
Inversion mapping:
 A circle (A = 0)
through the origin (D
= 0) in the z plane is
transformed into a
line that does not
pass through the
origin in the w plane.
Inversion mapping:
 a line (A = 0) not
passing through the
origin (D = 0) in the z
plane is transformed
into a circle through
the origin in the w
Inversion mapping:
 A line (A = 0) through
the origin (D = 0) in
the z plane is
transformed into a
line through the
origin in the w plane.
Adeela shehzadi
Example #1
According to equations A(x2 + y2 ) + Bx + Cy + D = 0 and D(u2 + v2 ) + Bu − Cv + A = 0,
a vertical line x = c1 (c1 ≠ 0) is transformed by w = 1/z into the circle −c1(u2 + v2) + u = 0, or
(u)2 + v2 = ()2………………………..(1)
which is centered on the u axis and tangent to the v axis. The image of a typical point (c1, y) on the line
is, by equation
u= ,v= that is:
( u,v) =( + ) x2 +y2 .
If c1 > 0, the circle (1) is evidently to the right of the v axis. As the point (c 1, y) moves up the entire
line, its image traverses the circle once in the clockwise direction, the point at infinity in the extended z
plane corresponding to the origin in the w plane. This is illustrated in Fig. A when c1 = 1/3. Note that
v > 0 if y < 0 ; and as y increases through negative values to 0, one can see that u increases from 0 to
1/c1. Then, as y increases through positive values, v is negative and u decreases to 0.
If, on the other hand, c1 < 0, the circle lies to the left of the v axis. As the point (c 1, y) moves
upward, its image still makes one cycle, but in the counterclockwise direction. See Fig. A, where
the case c1 = −1/2 is also shown
Chashman asghar
By writing w = ρ exp(iφ), show that the mapping w = 1/z transforms the hyperbola x 2 − y2 = 1 into the
lemniscate ρ2 = cos 2φ.
Let z=x+iy. If z lays on the hyperbola x2 − y2=1 (that is x and y satisfy this hyperbola formula), then it can
be written as
z2 +z¯ =2 …………(1).
Since we have the mapping w= 1/ z​, we can express z as
z =1/w = w -1 ( put into 1)
w -2+ w¯ -2 = 2 …………(2)
Now substitute w=ρe iϕ into the upper equation and expand it to obtain the wanted result:
w -2 + w¯ -2 = 2 ⟺ (ρe iϕ ) −2 + (ρe −iϕ ) −2 = 2
⟺ ρ −2 e −i2ϕ + ρ −2 e i2ϕ =2
⟺ e −i2ϕ + e i2ϕ =2ρ 2
⟺ cos2ϕ−sin2ϕ+cos2ϕ+sin2ϕ=2ρ 2
⟺ 2cos2ϕ=2ρ 2 ⟺ ρ 2 =cos2ϕ
Let the circle |z| = 1 have a positive, or counterclockwise, orientation. Determine the orientation of
its image under the transformation w = 1/z.
: We are transforming a circle that is not passing through the origin under the transformation
w=1 / z⸍
t​herefore, it is mapped into a circle not passing through the origin so it makes sense to determine the
orientation of the image.
Since ∣z∣=1, if z=x+iy,
then ∣z∣= x 2 +y 2 ​=1 → x 2 +y 2 =1​.
The transformation w= 1 /z gives us that the new coordinates are
u= =x, v=−y​
Hence, the point (x,y) on the initial circle is mapped into (x,−y), a reflection about the x−axis. This
results in the orientation being opposite to the initial positive one and after the transformation, it becomes
negative, or clockwise.
• This can best be shown on the sketch. Below we can se the initial circle with a
positive orientation. It moves from A(1,0) to B(0,1) to D(0,−1) and then again to
A and so on.
Lubna Javed
Find the image of the infinite strip under the transformation of

As given
We know that
By taking reciprocal.

Know we take first :
Know we take first : - =
- =

By completing square;
By completing square;
r= 1
r= 2

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