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A Streak of Honesty

“Gary,” Mrs. Valeriana began, “I'm asking you. Did

you submit a plagiarized research paper?”
Gary did not answer. Mrs. Valeriana seemed like a
mute background as he recalled what exactly
happened while cramming for his final report the
night before he made a few taps on his laptop
printed out some sheets, and labeled them with his
Hello, Gary. Are you even listening? “ Did you
submit a plagiarized work?" Uh sorry, Mrs. Valeriana.
No, I did not.
Type of Honesty being Violated:
How could he even escape his parents’
interrogations? Mrs. Valeriana had surely informed
them and summoned them for a conference the
soonest possible time.
“Son, did you really do it?” his mother asked.
“No, of course not! | had a bad day in school, Mom. Can
you at least spare me For the night?” exclaimed Gary. “Don't
you dare argue with your mother like that, Gary! Your teacher
said that the school found the website where you copied the
Tell us, son, what has gotten into your head?” his father
blurted out. “| said | did not do it. Period. Please, | have no
time for this. Mrs. Valeriana told me to make a new report due
tomorrow. So, may | excuse myself now to begin with
whatever...?" he replied.

Situation 2
Type of honesty being violated:
Later that night, Gary could not
help thinking about what happened. “It's
not my fault. lf Mrs. Valeriana extended
the deadline, if my parents have gotten
me a tutor, if my classmates have been
kinder to share their notes.” The list of
what ifs went on. Gary seemed
unprepared to accept his own doing.
Type of Honesty Violated:
Hey, Gary. What's up? | heard... you
know... about the report. You can tell me,
buddy. You've got a friend, remember?” said
the message in his chat box. That's nothing,
Rev, replied Gary. Do you really think I would
do it? I swear didn't.

 Type of honesty being violated
The whole night, his conscience did
not let him stop thinking about
everything he did. He barely had sleep.
He felt a deep sense of regret. As the
first streak of light peeked through his
window, he was now ready to tell the
truth, to face the people he owed an
explanation and apology.
1. Aside
from school, what other contexts do
young people mostly commit dishonesty?
2. Whichof those instances show dishonesty in
words and in deeds?
3. Whatare the common reasons why some
people become dishonest?
4. How does living an honest life at an early
age a wise choice to make?

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