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Unit 10 | Lesson 4

A professional profile
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Analyze a company profile
Unit 10 | Lesson 4
A professional profile
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Analyze a company profile

Lesson overview

1. GET STARTED: Customer loyalty

2. READING: A company profile that wins business

3. CRITICAL THINKING: Identifying customer needs

4. SPEAKING: Analyzing company profiles

Customer loyalty
What shops and companies are you loyal
to? What attracts you to them?

I’m loyal to the local coffee shop near my

college campus. Their coffee is fresh, and
they have special discounts for students. It’s
also a great atmosphere to get some studying
done. I like to go there after classes to relax
and do some work on my computer.
A company profile that wins business
Read the article on your
worksheet. Take notes about
each of the five points. Then, in
small groups, summarize each
section in one sentence.

Point 1: Find out exactly what your

potential clients would want to know
about you and your business.
Point 2: ________________________
Point 3: ________________________
Point 4: ________________________
Point 5: ________________________
Identifying customer needs
Read again the two tips below from the article. How could you address these tips in a
company profile for a local coffee shop? For an online clothing company? What would
potential customers want to know or see?
 Think about what customers want to know and adjust your content accordingly.
 Use images.

Both company profiles should include frequently Both profiles would need images, but they would
asked questions for new customers. be very different. For example, . . .

A small, local coffee shop A large, online clothing company

Identifying customer needs
Imagine you’re the owner of the online
clothing company. If you wanted to win
more business, what questions would you
ask your existing customers?

How often do you purchase

clothes online?

What is one thing you would

change about our store’s website?

An online clothing company

Analyzing company profiles
Read and analyze the two company profiles. Which one uses more professional language?
Analyzing company profiles
Discuss ways to change the underlined information to
make it sound more professional.
Virtual Threads
Virtual Threads is an online clothing company for 1 the young and old, and
everyone in between! Virtual Threads has a 2 super collection of shirts,
pants, and jackets from all around the world, delivered right to your front

Virtual Threads was founded by Liza Demtria in 2012. 3 You probably have
never heard of her, but she has been in fashion for over twenty years. 4
Believe it or not, she started Virtual Threads 5
in her old, tiny garage!
Today, Virtual Threads has its headquarters in Miami and has served
thousands of 6 uber-satisfied customers!

Now I can . . .

 analyze a company profile.

 identify customer needs.

Unit 10 | Lesson 4
A professional profile
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Analyze a company profile

Thank you!

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