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Unit 10 | Lesson 5

Attracting talent
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Develop a plan to improve a company website
Unit 10 | Lesson 5
Attracting talent
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Develop a plan to improve a company website

Lesson overview
1. GET STARTED: On the job hunt
2. DISCUSS: Attractive companies
3. PREPARE: The best first impression
4. PRESENT: Our company’s website
5. DECIDE: An easy or tough choice?
On the job hunt
Think about the next job you would like to have. How do you plan to find out about the
job and companies that are hiring? Where will you look? Who will you talk to?
Attractive companies
Think about the following companies.
• engineering company
• hospital
• restaurant
• tech company

What attracts people to each type of

company? What are the pros and cons of
working in each one? Use the points
below to help guide you. Discuss in
• career progression
• training opportunities
• workplace environment
The best first impression
Imagine you are experts who help companies make their website’s career section
attractive to first-time employees. Choose one type of company. How could that
company’s website attract the best employees? Consider ways to showcase
information, such as photos, videos, interviews, reviews, etc.

Information to present How to present it on the website USEFUL LANGUAGE

Career progression I get the impression that . . .
Judging by the people I know, . . .
Training opportunities
Judging by what I’ve heard . . .
Workplace environment
As far as I can tell . . .

I get the impression that tech companies want to attract My assessment is that . . .
employees who are creative and motivated, so I think our
website should list the training opportunities and include
some interviews with the trainers . . .
Our company’s website
Tell the class what type of company your group chose.
Present your ideas and explain why first-time
employees will like them.

This will allow first-time employees to . . .
This will help them . . .
This will enable them to . . .

We decided to include interviews with current

employees about the workplace environment. This
will enable first-time employees to get a better of
idea of what it feels like to work there.
An easy or tough choice?
Which ideas would be the most attractive to full-time employees? Which company you
would like to work for and why?

Tech company Engineering company

Hospital Restaurant
Unit 10

Now I can . . .​ Prove it! ​

 describe people’s Write three sentences about the features, build, and look of a well-
characteristics. known person.
 use gerunds after Complete the sentence: I believe in _____________.
 describe research. Describe some analysis you would like to do on the grocery shopping
habits of your class. How would you go about the research and what
would the research demonstrate?
 use causative verbs. Write four sentences. Use each of these verbs once: enable, keep
from, let, and protect from.
 give my impressions. Complete the sentence about what your friends are doing or thinking
about. I get the impression that . . .
 analyze a professional Think about the reading from Lesson 10.4. What are two important
profile. tips companies should follow when making a company profile?
Unit 11 objectives

• Talk about fake goods

• Talk about untrue information

• Express belief and disbelief

• Write a persuasive essay

• Share tips on solutions


Do you think this picture is real or fake? Can you think of some examples of fake photos
you’ve seen? How easy or difficult is it to tell that the photos are fake?
Unit 10 | Lesson 5
Attracting talent
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Develop a plan to improve a company website

Thank you!

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