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Inequalities of Class,

Gender, and Ethnicity

• Usually used to describe level of economic wealth
– Although sometimes it is cultural (high class / low class)
• 2 ways of describing class:
• 1) Durkheimian
– Different levels of wealth along a continuum
– Inequalities were natural
• 2) Marxian
– Two distinct categories
– Class is ones relationship to the “means of production”
– Inequalities were based on exploitation and subjugation
• Proletariat (workers)
• Bourgeoisie (owners)
Economic/Class Inequality

• Exists between, within countries, and across countries

World Income Distribution
World Wealth Distribution

(World Economic Forum, 2017)

42 richest people in the world own half the wealth in the

world (Oxfam, 2018)
8 men own more than the poorest half of the worlds
population (Oxfam 2018)
82% of new wealth in 2017 went to richest 1%. Enough
to end extreme poverty seven times over (Oxfam, 2018)
Income Share of richest 10%:;FR;DE;CN;ZA;GB;WO/last/eu/k/p/ye
Comparative Economic Inequality Between

• Wealth:
– USA: Wealthiest 20% own 85% of the wealth – 2016
– World: Wealthiest 10% own 85% of the wealth - 2016
Inequality WITHIN Societies
• Gini Coefficient: ranked 0-1; 0 = perfect equality; 1 = perfect inequality

Trade-off between inequality and national income?

No. Lux is very equal; Mex is not; OECD countries
(wealthiest) are more equal than the poorest
Income and Wealth Inequality in Canada

• Canada: top 20% earn 43% of income

• Bottom 20% earn 5.2%
• In the last 30 years, the income share of the
wealthiest 1% increased by 75%
• The share of the poorest 20% fell by 20%
• WEALTH: top 20% hold 69% of net worth
• WEALTH: Bottom 60% own 11%
US Study on Wealth:
Intergenerational Income Elasticity
(The correlation between parents and children's’ income)
Increases with inequality
• In many ways class, gender, and race all represent arbitrary
categorizations along a continuum.
• E.g: marks are arbitrary categorizations:
• F=50 and below; D=50-60; C=60-70; B=70-80; A=80-90; A+ = 90-
• F= below 60; D=60-70; C=70-80; B=80-90; A=90-100
• Or why not have B=76.35768 – 82.777777?
• These are socially constructed categories
• Take first example. What if your mark is 79? Are you in the same
grade class as someone with 80%; 71%
• So are classes, races, ethnicities, even genders
Race / Ethnicity

• Race: based on physical difference

• Ethnicity: Based on cultural identity
• Both are socially constructed categories arbitrarily dividing humans
along a continuum

• Remember our example of grades: 79%=B; 80%=A;

71%=B; race is like that
• Some say races: All derived from Negroid (‘black’); Caucasoid (‘white’);
Mongoloid (‘yellow’)

• BUT: The Human Genome Project has shown only 15% of genetic
variation to occur between ‘races’ (85% within ‘races’)

• i.e. “There could be more genetic difference between two randomly

selected Cambodians than between a Cambodian and Norwegian” (p.

• But, belief = sociological significance

Race Continuum
Ethnic Inequality US
Ethnicity & Inequality Toronto
Racism / Ethnocentrism

• Racism: the belief that inherent different traits in human

racial groups justify discrimination

• Ethnic discrimination: discriminating due to ethnicity

• Ethnocentrism: making value judgments about another

culture from perspectives of one's own cultural system
Dichotomous Sex Categories
Male Female
Male Female
Sex a cultural categorization of diverse
human physiology
Dr. Anne Fausto-Sterling has proposed that we
replace our two-sex system with a five-sex
1. Males
2. Females,
3. Herms ("true" hermaphrodites)
4. Merms (male "pseudohermaphrodites")
5. Ferms (female "pseudohermaphrodites")
• Gender: A set of shared cultural understandings of how men,
women, girls, and boys should look and act.

• Gender roles: The patterns of behaviour that a society expects

of males and females and that all members of society learn, to a
greater or lesser extent, as part of the socialization process.

• Gender socialization: The process by which people learn their

culturally prescribed gender roles
Gender Biological Determinists
• Structural Functionalists

• Gender roles are natural and related to physical differences

• Men are naturally more aggressive, violent, and physically suited

to physical tasks – being the provider.

• Women, since they give birth, are more nurturing – the caregiver.

But …
Women and Violence:
• Women commit the majority of child homicides in the U.S.
• Women commit the majority of physical child abuse in the U.S.
• Women commit about 25% of the child sexual abuse in the U.S.
• Women are primarily responsible for infanticide.
• In Canada 7% of women have been abused by former partners;
Men: 6%

Gender Inequality
• Gender Income Gap – difference between male and female
full-time earnings:
– Expressed as a percentage of male earnings
• Canada: 21% (33rd in the world)
• USA: 23%
• World: 15.6%
• Africa: 23.2%
• Asia: 21.2%
• Oceana: 13%
• Mexico: 15.5%
• Europe: 14.5%
You Throw Like a Girl

• A culture of gender discrimination?

Ethnocentrism and Gender

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