Highway Wind Turbine Lighting

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Highway Wind

Turbine Lighting
Name: Raahul Kumar Singh
Student ID: J22038308
Supervisor: Soo Swee Yoong
• Renewable Energy Generation
Utilize wind energy generated from passing cars to produce clean,
renewable energy
• To study and compare various types of wind turbines
• To determine the ideal material for the wind turbine’s blades.
• Highway wind turbines is a small-scale wind turbine that will be
installed along highway to capture the wind generated from passing
• This is to generate renewable energy and utilize the wasted wind energy
generated from passing vehicles
Brief Literature Review
Highway wind turbines are small turbines placed along highways to capture wind
energy from passing vehicles, turning it into renewable power. They aim to use
the kinetic energy from traffic to power things like roadside lights and signs.
Though they produce less energy than large wind farms, they can still provide
localized electricity. Challenges include designing turbines to handle changing
wind speeds, ensuring safety, and making them cost-effective. Despite these
issues, advances in technology suggest that highway wind turbines could become
a useful additional source of renewable energy.
Why Wind Energy?
• The kinetic energy of the wind can be changed into other forms of
energy, either mechanical or electrical energy.
• Wind is a renewable energy, meaning it is naturally replenished and
How Does A Wind Turbine Work?
• All wind turbines essentially work the same way with some minor
modifications depending on the size and the configuration.
• The wind turns the blades to spin a shaft which is connected to a
generator which will produce electricity.
• Essentially the rotor harness kinetic energy of the wind propelling the
blades and converts it into electrical energy.

"Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application" by James F. Manwell, Jon G. McGowan, and
Anthony L. Rogers
Types Of Wind Turbine

Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Feature Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Wind Direction Requirements Need to face the wind Doesn’t need to orient towards wind

Efficiency Higher efficiency due to optional Lower efficiency due to turbulent

wind capture winds

Wind Speed Operation Performs well at higher wind speed Performs well at lower wind speed

Maintenance Higher maintenance due to Easier and safer to maintain,

complexity and height accessible at ground level

Cost higher initial cost and installation Generally lower initial cost and
expenses easier installation

Lifespan and Durability Long lifespan but more prone to Generally robust and less prone to
mechanical stress mechanical failure

Why Vertical Axis Wind Turbine is Ideal for
This Project
• Works at lower wind speed
• Able to receive wind from all direction
• Suitable in smaller space
Types of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Savonius Wind Turbines Darrieus Wind Turbine

Savonius Wind Turbine
• Consist two or more semi cylindrical
• Typically operates at low rotational
speed and high torque.
• Effective at low wind speeds.
• The simple design is easy to construct,
making it cost effective and this design
tend to be robust and durable.
"Wind Energy Handbook" by Tony Burton, Nick Jenkins, David Sharpe, and Ervin Bossanyi
Darrieus Wind Turbine

• Blade features a set of curved eggbeater

like-blades, that are connected at the top
and bottom to a rotating vertical shaft.
• Able to achieve higher rotational speed
and more efficient at converting energy.
• The complex design can lead to
significant mechanical stresses on the
blades and supporting structure.

"Wind Turbine Design: With Emphasis on Darrieus Concept" by Ion Paraschivoiu

Why Savonius Turbine is ideal?
• Effective at low wind speed, makes them ideal for capturing wind
generated by passing vehicles.
• Able to start at low wind speed without assistance of an external power
• the construction of this turbine is simple and robust which contributes
to its longevity and reduces the maintenance needs.
Types of Materials
Fiber Glass Blades
Advantages Disadvantages

High Strength to Weight Ratio Brittleness

Corrosion Resistance Weight Limitations

Cost Effective Environmental Concerns

Thermal Stability Fatigue Over Time

Polyvinyl Chloride Blades (PVC)
Advantages Disadvantages

Cost Effective Thermal Sensitivity

Recyclable Environmental Concerns

Flexibility UV Degradation

Ease of Manufacturing Lower Strength

Aluminum Blades
Advantages Disadvantage

High Strength to Weight Ratio Cost

Corrosion Resistance Galvanic Corrosion

Thermal conductivity Thermal Expansion

Malleability Ductility

Why Fiber Glass is an Ideal Material
Comparing to other materials:
• Fiber glass offers optimal combination of strength, durability, resistance
to environmental factors and overall cost efficiency over time.
• With its robust characteristics, it requires lesser maintenance compared
to the other material.
Number of Blades
Two Blades Three Blades
• Simplicity in design and • Smoother operation with reduced
vibration with better balance.
• Effective in low wind speed situation.
• Higher efficiency.
• Less smooth operation compared to
turbines with more blades, potential • Slightly more complex and more
for higher vibration. expensive to manufacture.
"Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application" by James F. Manwell, Jon G. McGowan, and
Anthony L. Rogers
Why Three Blades?
• Three blade design provides a better balance and stability, which is
crucial in turbulent wind conditions.
• Offer a good compromise between aerodynamic efficiency and
mechanical simplicity.
• Reduced vibration and smoother operation compared to two-bladed
design, leading to longer lifespan.
To calculate the wind generated from passing cars

• Vwind is the estimated wind speed at distance d.

• k is a proportionality constant depending on the car’ shape and size .
• d is the distance from the car in meters, (m).
Formula to calculate wind turbine capacity:

• P is the power output in watts (W)

• ρ is the air density, 1.225 kg/m³, in kilograms per cubic meter at 15°C.
• A is the swept area by a turbine’s blade in square meters (m²).
• v is the wind speed in meters per second (m/s).
• is the power coefficient (a measure of the turbine's efficiency), for a
Savonius turbine typically ranges between 0.15 to 0.3.
Estimated Cost Breakdown:
Blades = RM813.5 to RM2,256
Rotor Shaft and Bearings = RM200 TO RM500
Mounting and Frame = RM300 to RM1,000
Generator and Electrical Components = RM1,000 to RM2,000
Summary of Total Estimated Cost
Minimum cost: RM813.5 + RM200 + RM300 + RM1,000 = RM2,313.5

Maximum cost: RM2,256 + RM500 + RM1,000 + RM2,000 = RM 5,756

Challenges faced

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